竹内 渉 博士(工学),学術論文と研究発表 | Dr. Wataru Takeuchi, publication list

著書 | Books
  1. Md. Rahedul Islam, Hyujin Kim, Wataru Takeuchi, 2024. Physio-Climatic and Socio-Economic Suitability Assessment of Alternate Wetting and Drying (AWD) Irrigation Water Management in Bangladesh. In: Ahamed, T.d (eds) Remote Sensing Application II, A Climate Change Perspective in Agriculture, Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-97-1188-8. (Springerより購入する | Buy from Springer)
  2. Shashikant, V., Shariff, A.R.M., Wayayok, A., Kamal, M.R., Lee, Y.P., Takeuchi, W., 2023. Strategic Short Note: Comparing Soil Moisture Retrieval from Water Cloud Model and Neural Network Using PALSAR-2 for Oil Palm Estates. In: Ahamed, T. (eds) IoT and AI in Agriculture. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-8113-5_18. (Springerより購入する | Buy from Springer)
  3. 竹内渉 (分担),輿水 大和 (監修), 2023.環境計測・リモートセンシング. 図解即戦力 画像センシングのしくみと開発がこれ1冊でしっかりわかる教科書.ISBN 978-4-297-13557-7. (技術評論社より購入する)
  4. 竹内渉 (分担),日本リモートセンシング学会 編, 2022.泥炭火災. リモートセンシング事典. (丸善出版より購入する)
  5. Hironori Arai, Wataru Takeuchi, Kei Oyoshi, Lam Dao Nguyen, Tamon Fumoto, Kazuyuki Inubushi & Thuy Le Toan, 2022. Pixel-Based Evaluation of Rice Production and Related Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Mekong Delta Integrating SAR Data and Ground Observations. Remote Sensing of Agriculture and Land Cover/Land Use Changes in South and Southeast Asian Countries, Krishna Prasad Vadrevu, Thuy Le Toan, Shibendu Shankar Ray, Chris Justice (Eds.), Springer Verlag, New York; https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-92365-5. (Springerより購入する | Buy from Springer)
  6. 竹内渉 (分担),東京大学未来社会共創推進本部 (監修), 2021.人工衛星から地球の「健康状態」を調べる. 東大×SDGs: 先端知からみえてくる未来のカタチ. ISBN 978-4-634-15183-3. (山川出版社より購入する)
  7. Haemi Park, Wataru Takeuchi, 2021. Satellite-Based Estimation of Global CO2 Emissions from Biomass Burning. Biomass Burning in South and Southeast Asia, Impacts on the Biosphere, Volume Two, Krishna Prasad Vadrevu, Toshimasa Ohara, Christopher Justice (Eds.), CRC Press; https://doi.org/10.1201/9780429022036. (Amazonより購入する | Buy from Amazon)
  8. 竹内渉, 2020. 世界で絶えない大規模森林火災. ブリタニカ国際年鑑2020. (ブリタニカより購入する)
  9. Pegah Hashemvand and Wataru Takeuchi, 2020. Supporting Oil Palm Replanting Programs Using UAV and GIS in Malaysia. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle: Applications in Agriculture and Environment Editors: Avtar, Ram, Watanabe, Teiji (Eds.), Springer Verlag, New York; https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-27157-2. (Springerより購入する | Buy from Springer)
  10. Wataru Takeuchi, Takashi Hirano and Orbita Roswintiarti, 2016. Estimation of ground water table at forested peatland in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Tropical Peatland Ecosystems, M. Osaki and N. Tsuji (Eds), Springer Verlag, New York; https://doi.org/10.1007/978-4-431-55681-7. (Springerより購入する | Buy from Springer)
  11. 竹内渉 (分担), 秋山侃・冨久尾歩・平野聡・石塚直樹・小川茂男・岡本勝男・齋藤元也・ 内田諭・ 山本由紀代・吉迫宏・瑞慶村知佳 (編著), 2014.アジアの水田での農事歴作成と干ばつ監視システム. 農業リモートセンシングハンドブック, システム農学会. (佐藤印刷より購入する)
  12. 竹内渉 (分担),加藤正人 (編著), 2014. 森林火災 (東南アジア).森林リモートセンシング 第4版, 日本林業調査会(J-FIC). (Amazonより購入する)
  13. Mitsuru Osaki, Takashi Hirano, Gen Inoue, Toshihisa Honma, Hidenori Takahashi, Wataru Takeuchi, Noriyuki Kobayashi, Muhammad Evri, Takashi Kohyama and Akihiko Ito, Bambang Setiadi, Hozuma Sekine and Kazuyo Hirose, 2012. Sensing/Monitoring Networks on Carbon Balance and Biodiversity in Tropical Peatland. The biodiversity observation network in the Asia-Pacific region: toward further development of monitoring, ecological research monographs, Part 5, 349-374, Springer Verlag, Tokyo; https://doi.org/10.1007/978-4-431-54032-8. (Springerより購入する | Buy from Springer)
  14. Wataru Takeuchi, Tomoko Nakano and Yoshifumi Yasuoka, 2011. Estimation of methane emission from west Siberian lowland with sub-pixel land cover characterization between MODIS and ASTER. Land remote sensing and global environmental change: NASA's EOS and the science of ASTER and MODIS, B. Ramachandran, C. Justice and M. Abrams (Eds), Springer Verlag, New York; https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4419-6749-7. (Springerより購入する | Buy from Springer)
  15. 竹内渉 (分担),加藤正人 (編著), 2010. 森林火災 (東南アジア).森林リモートセンシング 第3版, 日本林業調査会(J-FIC). (日本林業調査会より購入する)
  16. Wataru Takeuchi and Yoshifumi Yasuoka, 2009. Sub-pixel mapping of rice paddy fields over Asia using MODIS time series. Remote Sensing of Global Croplands for Food Security (remote sensing applications), Thenkabail, P., Trral h., Biradar, C. and Lyon, J .G. (Eds.), CRC, ISBN-10 1420090097. (アマゾンより購入する | Buy from Amazon)
  17. 竹内渉 (分担), 秋山侃・石塚直樹・内田諭・岡本勝男・小川茂男・斎藤元也 (編著), 2007.MODISを用いたアジアの水田分布図の作成. 農業リモートセンシングハンドブック, システム農学会. (論文 0.8MB) (Amazonより購入する | Buy from Amazon)
査読付き論文 | Peer review papers
  1. Deepanshu Agarwal, Xuan Truong Trinh and Wataru Takeuchi, 2025. Assessing the Air Quality Impact of Train Operation at Tokyo Metro Shibuya Station from Portable Sensor Data, Remote Sensing 2025, 17(2), 235; https://doi.org/10.3390/rs17020235.
  2. D.A. Samitha Daranagama, and Wataru Takeuchi, 2024. Ganoderma disease detection in oil palm plantations using C and L band SAR backscatter time series. Earth Environ. Sci. 1412 012003, https://doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/1412/1/012003.
  3. Chihiro Naito, and Wataru Takeuchi, 2024. Development of automated UAV LiDAR based blueprint in oil palm replanting on terraces. Earth Environ. Sci. 1412 012018, https://doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/1412/1/012018.
  4. Chihiro Naito, and Wataru Takeuchi, 2024. Projections of oil palm area in Malaysia and Indonesia to assess the relationship between plant growth and water consumption. Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLVIII-3-2024, 365–370, https://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-archives-XLVIII-3-2024-365-2024.
  5. Yang Yu, and Wataru Takeuchi, 2024. Analysis of Scattering Mechanisms in SAR Image Simulations of Japanese Wooden Buildings Damaged by Earthquake, Buildings 2024, 14(11), 3585; https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings14113585.
  6. Kumiko Uchida, Hironori Kato, Jin Murakami, Wataru Takeuchi, 2024. Does new airport investment promote urban economic development?: Global evidence from nighttime light data. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 180; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tra.2023.103948.
  7. Dheeraj Joshi, Wataru Takeuchi, Nirmal Kumar, Ram Avtar, 2024. Multi-hazard risk assessment of rail infrastructure in India under local vulnerabilities towards adaptive pathways for disaster resilient infrastructure planning. Progress in Disaster Science; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pdisas.2023.100308.
  8. Tien Dat Pham, Nam Thang Ha, Neil Saintilan, Andrew Skidmore, Duong Cao Phan, Nga Nhu Le, Hung Luu Viet, Wataru Takeuchi, Daniel A. Friess, 2023. Advances in Earth observation and machine learning for quantifying blue carbon Author links open overlay panel. Earth Science Reviews; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2023.104501.
  9. Yuhan Zheng, Wataru Takeuchi, Qutu Jiang, 2023. Assessing mangrove conservation in China by integrating mangrove ecosystem into ecological footprint accounting. Ocean & Coastal Management, 242, 106728; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2023.106728.
  10. Shoki Shimada and Wataru Takeuchi, 2023. Revealing a Shift in Solar Photovoltaic Planning Sites in Vietnam from 2019 to 2022. Remote Sensing, 15(11), 2756; https://doi.org/10.3390/rs15112756.
  11. Xuan Truong Trinh and Wataru Takeuchi, 2023. National Scale Seagrass Mapping in Vietnam from 1985 to 2019 Using Landsat Images. Asian Journal of Geoinformatics, 23, 2211011, 1-32. (Paper 8.1MB)
  12. Eam Sovisoth, Vikas Singh Kuntal, Prakhar Misra, Wataru Takeuchi, Kohei Nagai, 2023. Estimation of Year of Construction of Bridges in Cambodia by Analyzing the Landsat Normalized Difference Water Index. Infrastructures, 8(4), 77; https://doi.org/10.3390/infrastructures8040077.
  13. Shuai Shao and Wataru Takeuchi, 2023. Bio-Geophysical Suitability Mapping for Chinese Cabbage of East Asia from 2001 to 2020. Remote Sensing 15(5), 1427; https://doi.org/10.3390/rs15051427.
  14. Xuan Truong Trinh, Lam Dao Nguyen, Wataru Takeuchi, 2023. Sentinel-2 mapping of a turbid intertidal seagrass meadow in Southern Vietnam. Geocarto International, 38(1); https://doi.org/10.1080/10106049.2023.2186490.
  15. Guanyu Yan and Wataru Takeuchi, 2022. Vegetation Growth Abnormality by NDVI’s Response to Precipitation in Mongolia and its Grassland, 2001 to 2020. Asian Journal of Geoinformatics, 22, 2208005, 1-27. (Paper 4.2MB)
  16. Yuta Izumi, Wataru Takeuchi, Joko Widodo, Albertus Sulaiman, Awaluddin Awaluddin, Arif Aditiya, Pakhrur Razi, Titi Anggono and Josaphat Tetuko Sri Sumantyo, 2022. Temporal Subset SBAS InSAR Approach for Tropical Peatland Surface Deformation Monitoring Using Sentinel-1 Data. Remote Sensing, 14(22), 5825; https://doi.org/10.3390/rs14225825. (Paper 7.3MB)
  17. Wataru Takeuchi and Yiwei Huang, 2022. Mapping and Tracking Nighttime Fishing Activities within Japan EEZ using VIIRS Boat Detection. Asian Journal of Geoinformatics, 22, 2209006, 1-9. (Paper 2.2MB)
  18. Takumi Fujiwara and Wataru Takeuchi, 2022. Modeling Shadow with Voxel-Based Trees for Sentinel-2 Reflectance Simulation in Tropical Rainforest. Remote Sensing, 14(16), 4088; https://doi.org/10.3390/rs14164088. (Paper 3.2MB)
  19. Hironori Arai, Thuy Le Toan, Wataru Takeuchi, Kei Oyoshi, Tamon Fumoto, Kazuyuki Inubushi, 2022. Evaluating irrigation status in the Mekong Delta through polarimetric L-band SAR data assimilation. Remote Sensing of Environment, 279, 113-139; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2022.113139. (Paper 20.1MB)
  20. 嶌田 将貴, 竹内 渉, 2022. 衛星データによるソーラーパネル(Photovoltaic cell)検出と浸水・土砂災害リスク評価. 日本リモートセンシング学会誌, 42(1), 51-62. (論文 9.6MB)
  21. Etsuko Nakazono, Wataru Takeuchi, Masao Moriyama, 2022. Duration time detection of forest fire by Advanced Himawari-u Imager (AHI) for Indonesian peat fires in 2015. Journal of the Japan society of photogrammetry and remote sensing, 61(2), 66-79. (Paper 0.5MB)
  22. Nuntikorn Kitratporn and Wataru Takeuchi, 2022. Human-elephant conflict risk assessment under coupled climatic and anthropogenic changes in Thailand. Science of The Total Environment, 834, 155174; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.155174. (Paper 3.3MB)
  23. Yuhan Zheng, Wataru Takeuchi, 2022. Estimating mangrove forest gross primary production by quantifying environmental stressors in the coastal area. Scientific Reports, 12, 2238; https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-06231-6. (Paper 4.3MB)
  24. Anjar Dimara Sakti, Adam Irwansyah Fauzi, Wataru Takeuchi, Biswajeet Pradhan, Masaru Yarime, Cristina Vega-Garcia, Elprida Agustina, Dionisius Wibisono, Tania Septi Anggraini, Megawati Oktaviani Theodora, Desi Ramadhanti, Miqdad Fadhil Muhammad, Muhammad Aufaristama, Agung Mahadi Putra Perdana and Ketut Wikantika, 2022. Spatial Prioritization for Wildfire Mitigation by Integrating Heterogeneous Spatial Data: A New Multi-Dimensional Approach for Tropical Rainforests. Remote Sensing, 14(3), 543; https://doi.org/10.3390/rs14030543. (Paper 15.4MB)
  25. Veena Shashikant, Abdul Rashid Mohamed Shariff, Aimrun Wayayok, Md Rowshon Kamal, Yang Ping Lee and Wataru Takeuchi, 2021. Vegetation Effects on Soil Moisture Retrieval from Water Cloud Model Using PALSAR-2 for Oil Palm Trees. Remote Sensing, 13(20), 4023; https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13204023. (Paper 1.9MB)
  26. 中園 悦子, 竹内 渉, 2021. リモートセンシングによるインフラヘルスモニタリングの実装について. 生産研究, 73(5), 309-313; https://doi.org/10.11188/seisankenkyu.73.309. (Paper 0.6MB)
  27. 青山美和,竹内 渉, 2021. インドにおけるレンガセクターからの大気汚染削減策に関する分析. 生産研究, 73(3), 151-156. (論文 0.7MB)
  28. Veena Shashikant, Abdul Rashid Mohamed Shariff, Aimrun Wayayok, Mohd Rowshon Kamal, Lee Yang Ping, Wataru Takeuchi, 2021. Utilizing TVDI and NDWI to Classify Severity of Agricultural Drought in Chuping, Malaysia. Agronomy, 11(6), 1243; https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy11061243. (Paper 4.2MB)
  29. Takumi Fujiwara, Wataru Takeuchi, 2021. Estimation of optimal crown coverage and canopy shape for shadow estimation on tropical moist broadleaf forest. ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 2021, 5(3), 211–217; https://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-annals-V-3-2021-211-2021. (Paper 4.6MB)
  30. Akira S. Mori, Laura E. Dee, Andrew Gonzalez, Haruka Ohashi, Jane Cowles, Alexandra J. Wright, Michel Loreau, Yann Hautier, Tim Newbold, Peter B. Reich, Tetsuya Matsui, Wataru Takeuchi, Kei-ichi Okada, Rupert Seidl & Forest Isbell, 2021. Biodiversity–productivity relationships are key to nature-based climate solutions. Nature climate change, 11, 543-550; https://doi.org/10.1038/s41558-021-01062-1. (Paper 6.3MB)
  31. Prakhar Misra, Masayuki Takigawa, Pradeep Khatri, Surendra K. Dhaka, A. P. Dimri, Kazuyo Yamaji, Mizuo Kajino, Wataru Takeuchi, Ryoichi Imasu, Kaho Nitta, Prabir K. Patra & Sachiko Hayashida, 2021. Nitrogen oxides concentration and emission change detection during COVID‐19 restrictions in North India. Scientific Reports, 11, 9800; https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-87673-2. (Paper 2.8MB)
  32. Md. Mustafizur Rahman, Ram Avtar, Sohail Ahmed, Luis Inostroza, Prakhar Misra, Pankaj Kumar, Wataru Takeuchi, Akhilesh Surjan and Osamu Saito, 2021. Does Building Development in Dhaka Comply Land Use Zoning? Analysis Using Nighttime Light and Digital Building Heights. Sustainability Science; https://doi.org/10.1007/s11625-021-00923-0. (Paper 2.9MB)
  33. Trang Thi Quynh Nguyen, Wataru Takeuchi, Prakhar Misra, Sachiko Hayashida, 2021. Emission mapping of key sectors in Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam using satellite derived urban land-use data. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21, 2795–2818; https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-21-2795-2021. (Paper 2.2MB)
  34. R Shofiyati, W Takeuchi, S M Pasaribu and Y R Irawan, 2021. Space-based drought analysis to support agricultural insurance facing climate change. Earth Environ. Sci. 648 012130. (Paper 1.7MB)
  35. Hiroo Konno, Hironori Kato and Wataru Takeuchi, 2021. Global Evidence on Productivity Effects of Road Infrastructure Incorporating Spatial Spillover Effects. Transportation policy, 103, 167-182; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tranpol.2021.02.007. (Paper 8.2MB)
  36. A. P. Arbad, W. Takeuchi, and Y. Aoki, 2020. TimeFun-InSAR Algorithm to Investigate Physical Changes at Bromo Volcano by Using ALOS/PALSAR Data Sets. Geoplanning: Journal of Geomatics and Planning, 7(1), 17-24; https://doi.org/10.14710/geoplanning.7.1.17-24. (Paper 0.6MB)
  37. Tien Dat Pham, Naoto Yokoya, Thi Thu Trang Nguyen, Nga Nhu Le, Nam Thang Ha, Junshi Xia, Wataru Takeuchi and Tien Duc Pham, 2020. Improvement of Mangrove Soil Carbon Stocks Estimation in North Vietnam Using Sentinel-2 Data and Machine Learning Approach. GIScience & Remote Sensing; https://doi.org/10.1080/15481603.2020.1857623. (Paper 6.2MB)
  38. Takumi Fujiwara and Wataru Takeuchi, 2020. Simulation of Sentinel-2 Bottom of Atmosphere Reflectance Using Shadow Parameters on a Deciduous Forest in Thailand. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2020, 9(10), 582; https://doi.org/10.3390/ijgi9100582. (Paper 8.9MB)
  39. Prakhar Misra, Ryoichi Imasu, Sachiko Hayashida, Ardhi Adhary Arbain, Ram Avtar and Wataru Takeuchi, 2020. Brick Kilns to Support Environmental Impact Studies around Delhi Using Sentinel-2. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2020, 9(9), 544; https://doi.org/10.3390/ijgi9090544. (Paper 13.1MB)
  40. Pegah Hashemvand Khiabani and Wataru Takeuchi, 2020. Assessment of oil palm yield and biophysical suitability in Indonesia and Malaysia, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 41(22), 8520-8546; https://doi.org/10.1080/01431161.2020.1782503. (Paper 5.1MB)
  41. Yuhan Zheng and Wataru Takeuchi, 2020. Quantitative Assessment and Driving Force Analysis of Mangrove Forest Changes in China from 1985 to 2018 by Integrating Optical and Radar Imagery. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2020, 9(9), 513; https://doi.org/10.3390/ijgi9090513. (Paper 4.1MB)
  42. 中園 悦子, 竹内 渉, 2020. Sentinel1を用いた北朝鮮の水田の面積推定手法の検討. 生産研究, 72(4), 315-318; https://doi.org/10.11188/seisankenkyu.72.315. (Paper 4.1MB)
  43. Hasi Bagan, Andrew Millington, Wataru Takeuchi and Yoshiki Yamagata, 2020. Spatio‐temporal analysis of deforestation in the Chapare region of Bolivia using Landsat images. Land Degradation and Development; https://doi.org/10.1002/ldr.3692. (Paper 9.9MB)
  44. Tien Dat Pham, Naoto Yokoya ,Junshi Xia, Nam Thang Ha, Nga Nhu Le, Thi Thu Trang Nguyen, Thi Huong Dao, Thuy Thi Phuong Vu, Tien Duc Pham and Wataru Takeuchi, 2020. Comparison of Machine Learning Methods for Estimating Mangrove Above-Ground Biomass Using Multiple Source Remote Sensing Data in the Red River Delta Biosphere Reserve, Vietnam. Remote Sens. 2020, 12(8), 1334; https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12081334. (Paper 3.8MB)
  45. Anjar Dimara Sakti and Wataru Takeuchi, 2020. Estimation of 1-km Global Cropping Intensity and Sowing Month Based on Integration of MODIS NDVI and AMSR-E/2 LSWC from 2001 to 2015. Sustainability 2020, 12(8), 3227; https://doi.org/10.3390/su12083227. (Paper 5.5MB)
  46. Md. Mustafizur Rahman, Ram Avtar, Ali P. Yunus, Jie Dou, Prakhar Misra, Wataru Takeuchi, Netrananda Sahu, Pankaj Kumar, Brian Alan Johnson, Rajarshi Dasgupta, Ali Kharrazi, Shamik Chakraborty and Tonni Agustiono Kurniawan, 2020. Monitoring effect of spatial growth on land surface temperature in Dhaka. Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 1191; https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12071191. (Paper 8.9MB)
  47. Seemanta Sharma Bhagabati, Akiyuki Kawasaki, Wataru Takeuchi and Win Win Zin, 2020. Improving river bathymetry and topography representation of a low-lying flat river basin by integrating multiple sourced datasets. Journal of Disaster Research, 15(3), 335-343, doi: 10.20965/jdr.2020.p0335. (Paper 5.4MB)
  48. Hein Thura Aung, Kazuki Inoue, Sao Hone Pha and Wateru Takeuchi, 2020. Condition monitoring of Yangon circular railway and Yangon-Mandalay railway based on car-body acceleration response using a portable device. Journal of Disaster Research, 15(3), 353-359, doi: 10.20965/jdr.2020.p0353. (Paper 5.6MB)
  49. Hein Thura Aung, Sao Hone Pha and Wataru Takeuchi, 2020. Building footprint extraction in Yangon city from monocular optical satellite image using deep learning. Geocarto International, DOI: 10.1080/10106049.2020.1740949. (Paper 3.5MB)
  50. Tien Dat Pham, Nga Nhu Le, Nam Thang Ha, Luong Viet Nguyen, Junshi Xia, Naoto Yokoya, Tu Trong To, Hong Xuan Trinh, Lap Quoc Kieu and Wataru Takeuchi, 2020. Estimating Mangrove Above-Ground Biomass Using Extreme Gradient Boosting Decision Trees Algorithm with Fused Sentinel-2 and ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 Data in Can Gio Biosphere Reserve, Vietnam. Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 777; https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12050777. (Paper 1.9MB)
  51. Misra, P. and Takeuchi, W., 2020. Assessing population sensitivity to urban air pollution using Google trends and remote sensing datasets. Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLII-3/W11, 93–100, https://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-archives-XLII-3-W11-93-2020. (Paper 2.7MB)
  52. Haemi Park, Wataru Takeuchi and Kazuhito Ichii, 2020. Satellite-Based Estimation of Carbon Dioxide Budget in Tropical Peatland Ecosystems. Remote Sens. 2020, 12(2), 250; https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12020250. (Paper 1.7MB)
  53. Nuntikorn Kitratporn and Wataru Takeuchi, 2020. Spatiotemporal Distribution of Human–Elephant Conflict in Eastern Thailand: A Model-Based Assessment using News Reports and Remotely Sensed Data. Remote Sens. 2020, 12(1), 90; https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12010090. (Paper 5.9MB)
  54. Soni Darmawan, Dewi K. Sari, Wataru Takeuchi, Ketut Wikantika, Rika Hernawati, 2019. Development of aboveground mangrove forests biomass dataset for Southeast Asia based on ALOS-PALSAR 25-m mosaic. J. Appl. Remote Sens. 13(4), 044519 (2019), doi: 10.1117/1.JRS.13.044519. (Paper 2.6MB)
  55. Jeark Principe and Wataru Takeuchi, 2019. Supply and Demand Assessment of Solar PV as Off-Grid Option in Asia Pacific Region with Remotely Sensed Data. Remote Sens. 2019, 11(19), 2255; https://doi.org/10.3390/rs11192255. (Paper 3.7MB)
  56. Prakhar Misra, Ryoichi Imasu and Wataru Takeuchi, 2019. Impact of Urban Growth on Air Quality in Indian Cities Using Hierarchical Bayesian Approach. Atmosphere 2019, 10(9), 517; https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos10090517. (Paper 4.6MB)
  57. Jeark Principe, Wataru Takeuchi, 2019. Assessment of solar PV power potential in the Asia Pacific region with remote sensing considering the effects of high temperature, dust and snow. Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLII-4/W19, 339–346, https://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-archives-XLII-4-W19-339-2019. (Paper 1.7MB)
  58. Tien Dat Pham, Junshi Xia, Nam Thang Ha, Dieu Tien Bui, Nga Nhu Le and Wataru Tekeuchi, 2019. A Review of Remote Sensing Approaches for Monitoring Blue Carbon Ecosystems: Mangroves, Seagrassesand Salt Marshes during 2010–2018. Sensors 2019, 19, 1933. (Paper 33.6MB)
  59. Jeark Principe and Wataru Takeuchi, 2019. Assessment of solar PV power potential over Asia Pacific region with remote sensing considering meteorological factors. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 11, 013502; https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5059335 (Paper 6.6MB)
  60. Prakhar Misra, Ram Avtar and Wataru Takeuchi, 2018. Comparison of Digital Building Height Models Extracted from AW3D, TanDEM-X, ASTER, and SRTM Digital Surface Models over Yangon City. Remote Sens. 2018, 10(12), 2008; https://doi.org/10.3390/rs101220082. (Paper 17.9MB)
  61. Ko Ko Lwin, Yoshihide Sekimoto and Wataru Takeuchi, 2018. Estimation of Hourly Link Population and Flow Directions from Mobile CDR. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2018, 7(11), 449; https://doi.org/10.3390/ijgi7110449. (Paper 6.8MB)
  62. Hironori Arai, Wataru Takeuchi, Kei Oyoshi, Lam Dao Nguyen and Kazuyuki Inubushi, 2018. Estimation of Methane Emissions from Rice Paddies in the Mekong Delta Based on Land Surface Dynamics Characterization with Remote Sensing. Remote Sensing, 10(9), 1438; https://doi.org/10.3390/rs10091438. (Paper 6.7MB)
  63. Koji Matsumoto, Carlos Arturo Linan Panting, Nuntikorn Kitratporn, Wataru Takeuchi, Kohei Nagai and Eiji Iwasaki, 2018. Performance Assessment of Damaged Suspension Bridge by Structural Analysis and Spatial Measurement. Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE, 23(10), 05018008; https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)BE.1943-5592.0001293. (Paper 4.4MB)
  64. Ko Ko Lwin, Yoshihede Sekimoto and Wataru Takeuchi. Development of GIS integrated Big Data research toolbox (BigGIS-RTX) for mobile CDR data processing in disaster management. Journal of Disaster Research, 13(1), 380-386; https://doi.org/10.20965/jdr.2018.p0380. (Paper 11.6MB)
  65. Osamu Murao, Takuma Usuda, Hideomi Gokon, Kimiro Meguro, Wataru Takeuchi, Kazuya Sugiyasu, and Khin Than Yu, 2018. Understanding Regional Building Characteristics in Yangon Based on Digital Building Model. Journal of Disaster Research, 13(1), 125-137, https://doi.org/10.20965/jdr.2018.p0125. (Paper 9.8MB)
  66. Tanakorn Sritarapipat and Wataru Takeuchi, 2018. Land Cover Change Simulations in Yangon Under Several Scenarios of Flood and Earthquake Vulnerabilities with Master Plan. Journal of Disaster Research, 13(1), 50-61; https://doi.org/10.20965/jdr.2018.p0050. (Paper 1.5MB)
  67. Nuntikorn Kitratporn, Wataru Takeuchi, Koji Matsumoto, and Kohei Nagai, 2018. Structure Deformation Measurement with Terrestrial Laser Scanner at Pathein Bridge in Myanmar. Journal of Disaster Research, 13(1), 40-49; https://doi.org/10.20965/jdr.2018.p0040. (Paper 4.2MB)
  68. Win Win Zin, Akiyuki Kawasaki, Wataru Takeuchi, Zin Mar Lar Tin San, Kyaw Zaya Htun, Thet Hnin Aye, and Shelly Win, 2018. Flood Hazard Assessment of Bago River Basin, Myanmar. Journal of Disaster Research, 13(1), 14-21, https://doi.org/10.20965/jdr.2018.p0014. (Paper 3.4MB)
  69. Hasi Bagan, Huilong Li, Wataru Takeuchi and Yonghui Yang, 2018. Sensitivity of the subspace method for land cover classification. The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Sciences, 21(3), 383-389; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejrs.2017.12.003. (Paper 1.6MB)
  70. Tetsuya MATSUI, Satoshi SAITO, Koji TAMAI, Akiko HIRATA, Takashi KAMIJO, Daiki MOTOE, Takuto SHITARA, Undarmaa JAMSRAN, Sumya OYUNSUVD, Yuji KOMINAMI, Etsuko NAKAZONO and Wataru TAKEUCHI, 2018. Comparison of forest biomass before- and after- wild forest fires in the conifer forest in northern Mongolia. Kanto Journal of Forest Research, 69, 59-62. (Paper 0.8MB)
  71. Sao Hone Pha and Wataru Takeuchi, 2017. Effect of GCPs in distribution and location on geometric correction of corona satellite image. Coordinate Magzine, Volume XIII, 07, 14-19. (Paper 1.0MB)
  72. Arif Aditiya, Wataru Takeuchi and Yosuke Aoki, 2017. Land Subsidence Monitoring by InSAR Time Series Technique Derived From ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 over Surabaya City, Indonesia. Earth and Environmental Science, 98(1), 012010. doi :10.1088/1755-1315/98/1/012010. (Paper 1.4MB)
  73. 水谷 真隆,竹内 渉,森山雅雄, 2017. ひまわり8号を用いたブリヤート共和国における森林火災検知に関する研究.写真測量とリモートセンシング, 56(5), 244-247; https://doi.org/10.4287/jsprs.56.244. (論文 0.6MB)
  74. Anjar Sakti, Wataru Takeuchi, and Ketut Wikantika, 2017. Development of Global Cropland Agreement Level Analysis by Integrating Pixel Similarity of Recent Global Land Cover Datasets. Journal of Environmental Protection, 8, 1509-1529; https://doi.org/10.4236/jep.2017.812093. (Paper 2.1MB)
  75. Prakhar Misra, Aya Fujikawa and Wataru Takeuchi, 2017. Novel decomposition scheme for characterizing urban aerosols observed from MODIS. Remote Sens. 2017, 9(8), 812; https://doi.org/10.3390/rs9080812. (Paper 9.5MB)
  76. Akiko Hirata, Katsunori Nakamura, Katsuhiro Nakao, Yuji Kominami, Nobuyuki Tanaka, Haruka Ohashi, Kohei Takenaka Takano, Wataru Takeuchi and Tetsuya Matsui, 2017. Potential distributions of pine wilt disease under future climate change scenarios. PLoS ONE 12(8): e0182837. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0182837. (Paper 12.6MB)
  77. Tanakorn Sritarapipat and Wataru Takeuchi, 2017. Urban growth modeling based on the multi-centers of the urban areas and land cover change in Yangon, Myanmar. Journal of Remote Sensing Society of Japan, 37(3), 248-260. (Paper 9.2MB)
  78. Minaco Adachi, Akihiko Ito, Seiichiro Yonemura and Wataru Takeuchi, 2017. Estimation of global soil respiration by accounting for land-use changes derived from remote sensing data. Journal of Environmental Management, 200, 97-104; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2017.05.076. (Paper 3.4MB)
  79. Tanakorn Sritarapipat and Wataru Takeuchi, 2017. Building Classification in Yangon City, Myanmar using Stereo GeoEye Images, Landsat Image and Night-time Light Data. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 6, 46-51; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rsase.2017.04.001. (Paper 1.3MB)
  80. 米原 慎,川崎 昭如,竹内 渉, 2017.将来の土地利用変化が洪水氾濫域に及ぼす影響の評価: ミャンマー・バゴー川流域におけるケーススタディ.GIS-理論と応用, 25(1), 23-32; https://doi.org/10.5638/thagis.25.23. (Paper 3.0MB)
  81. Satomi Kakuta, Wataru Takeuchi and Anchana Prathep, 2016. Seaweed and seagrass mapping in Thailand measured by using Landsat 8 optical and texture properties, Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 24(6), 1155-1160, doi: 10.6119/JMST-016-1026-4. (Paper 0.7MB)
  82. Arliandy P. Arbad, W. Takeuchi, Achmad Ardy and Ridwan A. Ashari, 2016. Observing Deformation at Mt. Raung East Java Based on PALSAR-2 Imagery by Using Interferometric SAR. Earth Environ. Sci. 47 012021 doi: 10.1088/1755-1315/47/1/012021. (Paper 1.5MB)
  83. 竹内渉, 2016. マレーシアのアブラヤシ管理におけるリモートセンシングの活用.水土の知 農業農村工学会誌,84(9), 41-44. (論文 4.1MB)
  84. Noryusdiana Mohamad Yusoff, Farrah Melissa Muharam, Wataru Takeuchi, Soni Darmawan and Muhamad Hafiz Abd Razak, 2016. Phenology and classification of abandoned agricultural land based on ALOS-1 and 2 PALSAR multi-temporal measurements. International Journal of Digital Earth, doi: 10.1080/17538947.2016.1216615. (Paper 5.1MB)
  85. Wataru Takeuchi, 2016. Assessment of geometric errors of Advanced Himawari- 8 Imager (AHI) over one year operation. Earth Environ. Sci. 37 012004 doi: 10.1088/1755-1315/37/1/012004. (Paper 1.1MB)
  86. Li Xi and Wataru Takeuchi, 2016. Land surface water coverage estimation with PALSAR and AMSR-E for large scale flooding detection, Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 27(4), 473-480. (Paper 2.6MB)
  87. Prakhar Misra and Wataru Takeuchi, 2016. Air quality analysis using nighttime light for Indian urban regions. Malaysian Journal of Remote Sensing, 5(2), 119-126. (Paper 1.3 MB)
  88. Soni Darmawan, Wataru Takeuchi, Haryati Abidin, M. Najib Rasid & M. Na'aim Samat, 2016. An investigation of age and yield of fresh fruit bunches of oil palm based on ALOS PALSAR 2. Malaysian Journal of Remote Sensing, 5(2), 57-65. (Paper 1.2 MB)
  89. Seina Uchida, Wataru Takeuchi, Kiichiro Hatoyama and Yuri Mazurov, 2016. Socio-economic impact of Trans-Siberian railway after the collapse of Soviet Union by integrated spatial data analysis. Earth Environ. Sci. 37 012057 doi: 10.1088/1755-1315/37/1/012057. (Paper 1.1MB)
  90. Tanakorn Sritarapipat and Wataru Takeuchi, 2016. Modeling urban expansion in Yangon, Myanmar using Landsat time-series and stereo GeoEye Images. Earth Environ. Sci. 37 012057 doi: 10.1088/1755-1315/37/1/012056. (Paper 2.9MB)
  91. Soni Darmawan, Wataru Takeuchi, Yenni Vetrita, Ketut Wikantika and Dewi Kaniasari, 2015. Impact of topography and tidal height on ALOS PALSAR polarimetric measurements to estimate above ground biomass of mangrove forest in Indonesia. Journal of sensors; https://doi.org/10.1155/2015/641798. (Paper 3.6MB)
  92. Rizatus Shofiyati, Wataru Takeuchi, Soni Darmawan and Parwati Sofan, 2014. An effective information sytem of drought impact on rice production based on remote sensing. International Journal of Remote Sensing and Earth Sciences (IJReSES), 11(2), 153-162. (Paper 1.6MB)
  93. A Shaharuddin, MH Noorazuan, W Takeuchi and A Noraziah, 2014. The effects of urban heat islands on human comfort: a case of Klang Valley Malaysia. Glob. J. Adv. Pure Appl. Sci, 2, 1-8.
  94. Dien Vu Tien, Wataru Takeuchi and An Ngoc Van, 2014. Carbon stock calculating and forest change assessment toward REDD+ activities for the mangrove forest in Vietnam. The ISTS special issue of Transactions of JSASS (The Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences), Vol. 12 (2014), 23-31. (Paper 2.5MB)
  95. Kei Oyoshi, Shin Akatsuka, Wataru Takeuchi and Shinichi Sobue, 2014. Hourly LST Monitoring with the Japanese Geostationary Satellite MTSAT-1R over the Asia-Pacific Region. Asian Journal of Geoinformatics, 14(3), 1-13. (Paper 6.2MB)
  96. Noriko Okamura, Wataru Takeuchi, Shin Akatsuka and Kei Oyoshi, 2014. Evaluating thermal comfort in city life and its relation to socio-economic activities. Asian Journal of Geoinformatics, 14(2), 24-30. (Paper 0.8MB)
  97. Ayako Sekiyama, Wataru Takeuchi and Sawahiko Shimaba, 2014. Detection of Grassland Degradation Using MODIS Data in Mongolia. Journal of Arid Land Studies, 24(1), 173-176. (Paper 1.7MB)
  98. Ko Hamamoto, Toru Fukuda, Yoshimitsu Tajima, Wataru Takeuchi, Shinichi Sobue and Tomoyuki Nukui, 2014. OverView of Space Applications for Environment (SAFE) initiative. Earth Environ. Sci. 20 012046 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/20/1/012046. (Paper 3.2MB)
  99. S Darmawan, W Takeuchi, R Shofiyati, D K Sari and K Wikantika, 2014. Seasonal analysis of precipitation, drought and Vegetation index in Indonesian paddy field based on remote sensing data. Earth Environ. Sci. 20 012049 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/20/1/012049. (Paper 1.7MB)
  100. Ajith Gunawardena, Tamasha Fernando, Wataru Takeuchi, Chathura H Wickramasinghe and Lal Samarakoon, 2014. Identification, evaluation and change detection of highly sensitive wetlands in South-Eastern Sri Lanka using ALOS (AVNIR2, PALSAR) and Landsat ETM+ data. Earth Environ. Sci. 20 012050 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/20/1/012050. (Paper 1.3MB)
  101. S Darmawan, W Takeuchi, Y Vetrita, G Winarso, K Wikantika and D K Sari, 2014. Characterization of mangrove forest types based on ALOS-PALSAR in overall Indonesian archipelago. Earth Environ. Sci. 20 012051 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/20/1/012051. (Paper 3.9MB)
  102. Rizatus Shofiyati, Wataru Takeuchi, Parwati Sofan, Soni Darmawan, Awaluddin and Wahyu Supriatna, 2014. Indonesian drought monitoring from space. A report of SAFE activity: assessment of drought impact on rice production in Indonesia using satellite remote sensing and dissemination with web-GIS. Malaysian Journal of Remote Sensing and GIS (MJRSGIS), 3(2), 112-120. (Paper 1.7MB)
  103. Jinwei Dong, Xiangming Xiao, Sage Sheldon, Chandrashekhar Biradar, Geli Zhang, Nguyen Dinh Duong, Manzul Hazarika, Ketut Wikantika, Wataru Takeuchi and Berrien Moore III, 2014. A 50-m Forest Cover Map in Southeast Asia from ALOS/ PALSAR and Its Application on Forest Fragmentation Assessment. PLoS ONE 9(1): e85801. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0085801. (Paper 3.7MB)
  104. Ram Avtar, Suzuki R., Takeuchi W. and Sawada H., 2013. PALSAR 50 m Mosaic Data Based National Level Biomass Estimation in Cambodia for Implementation of REDD+ Mechanism. PLoS ONE 8(10): e74807. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0074807. (Paper 11.9MB)
  105. Sachiko Hayashida, Akiko Ono, S., S. Yoshizaki, C. Frankenberg, W. Takeuchi and X. Yan, 2013. Methane concentrations over Monsoon Asia as observed by SCIAMACHY: Signals of methane emission from rice vultivation. Remote Sensing of Environment, 139, 246-256. (Paper 2.0MB)
  106. Ram Avtar, Wataru Takeuchi and Haruo Sawada, 2013. Monitoring of biophysical parameters of cashew plants in Cambodia using ALOS/PALSAR data. Environ. Monit. Assess. 183:2023-2037 DOI 10.1007/s10661-012-2685-y. (Paper 2.0MB)
  107. 赤塚慎,大吉慶,竹内渉, 2013. 運輸多目的衛星MTSATによる地表面温度推定に最適な水蒸気プロダクトの作成. 日本リモートセンシング学会誌, 33(3), 173-184. (論文 2.0MB)
  108. An Ngoc Van, Kyaw Sann Oo and Wataru Takeuchi, 2012. Development of an advanced Global Field Survey System (GFSS) for terrestrial monitoring and mapping with a demonstration for agricultural cropland mapping in Asia. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing (PE&RS), 78(8), 875-884. (Paper 3.0MB)
  109. Preesan Rakwatin, Nicolas Longepe, Osamu Isoguchi, Masanobu Shimada, Yumiko Uryu and Wataru Takeuchi, 2012. Mapping tropical forest using ALOS PALSAR 50m resolution data with multiscale texture analysis. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 33(24), DOI:10.1080/01431161.2012.701349. (Paper 2.5MB)
  110. Wataru Takeuchi, Kei Oyoshi and Shin Akatsuka, 2012. Super-resolution of MTSAT land surface temperature by blending MODIS and AVNIR2 Asian Journal of Geoinformatics, 12(2). (Paper 1.2MB)
  111. Faisal Mueen Qamer and Wataru Takeuchi, 2011. Improving knowledge of cropping systems to support food security - a case study from Nepal. ICIMOD Periodical (No. 60 Autumn 2011) “Earth Observation and Climate Change”. (Paper 0.1MB)
  112. 赤塚慎,大吉慶,竹内渉, 2011. 運輸多目的衛星MTSAT観測による可降水量推定手法の開発. 日本リモートセンシング学会誌, 31(5), 481-489. (論文 1.3MB)
  113. 大吉慶,赤塚慎,竹内渉,田村正行, 2011. MTSATデータによるアジアメガシティの準実時間地表面温度監視システムの構築. 写真測量とリモートセンシング,50(3), 139-144. (論文 0.8MB)
  114. Ram Avtar, Haruo Sawada, Wataru Takeuchi, G. Singh, 2011. Characterization of Forests and Deforestation in Cambodia Using ALOS/PALSAR Observation. Geocarto International. DOI:10.1080/10106049.2011.626081. (Paper 3.0MB)
  115. Ram Avtar, Wataru Takeuchi, Haruo Sawada, 2011. Full Polarimetric PALSAR based Land Cover Monitoring in Cambodia for Implementation of REDD Policies. International Journal of Digital Earth. DOI:10.1080/17538947.2011.620639. (Paper 3.0MB)
  116. Wataru Takeuchi, 2011. Development of cloud and shadow free MODIS compositing technique with atmospheric radiative simulation, Asian Journal of Geoinformatics, 11(3). (Paper 1.6MB)
  117. Hasi Bagan, Wataru Takeuchi, Tsuguki Kinoshita, Yuhai Bao, and Yoshiki Yamagata, 2010. Land Cover Classification and Change Analysis in the Horqin Sandy Land From 1975 to 2007. IEEE J. selected topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sens., 3(2). (Paper 2.3MB)
  118. Yoshiki Yamagata, Wataru Takeuchi, Hasi Bagan, Akihiko Ito and Minako Adachi, 2010. Forest carbon mapping using remote sensed disturbance history in Borneo. IEEE Earthzine, Sep. 21, 2010. (Paper 1.2MB, online article link)
  119. 大吉慶,竹内渉,田村正行, 2010.運輸多目的衛星MTSATデータによる地表面温度推定手法の評価.写真測量とリモートセンシング, 49(4), 251-259. (論文 0.5MB)
  120. Wataru Takeuchi, 2010. Investigation of cloud coverage over Asia with NOAA AVHRR time series. Asian Journal of Geoinformatics, 10(4), 47-52. (Paper 7.8MB)
  121. Wataru Takeuchi, Toshihiro Nemoto, Takayuki Kaneko and Yoshifumi Yasuoka, 2010. Development of MTSAT data processing, distribution and visualization system on WWW. Asian Journal of Geoinformatics, 10(3), 29-33. (Paper 2.7MB)
  122. 神野有生,鯉渕幸生,竹内渉,磯部雅彦, 2009. 光学理論モデルのセミパラメトリック表現に基づく浅水域の汎用水深分布予測法.日本リモートセンシング学会誌, 29(3), 459-470. (論文 2.2MB)
  123. 赤塚慎,竹内渉,永野嗣人, Lal Samarakoon, 2009. 衛星リモートセンシングデータ処理トレーニングパッケージの開発 - MODISデータの処理について -応用測量論文集,20, 153-157. (論文 0.8MB)
  124. Hasi Bagan, Wataru Takeuchi, Yoshiki Yamagata, Xiaohui Wang and Yoshifumi Yasuoka, 2009. Extended averaged learning subspace method for hyperspectral data classification. Sensors, (9), 4247-4271. (Paper 0.8MB)
  125. 竹内渉.2008. 宇宙からの森林火災の監視.計測と制御,47(12), 1037-1040. (論文 0.6MB)
  126. Wataru Takeuchi and Yusuke Matsumura, 2008. Evaluation of wildfire duration time over Asia using MTSAT and MODIS. Asian Journal of Geoinformatics, 8(3), 13-17. (Paper 1.1MB)
  127. 大吉慶,竹内渉,安岡善文, 2008.NOAA AVHRR を用いた北東アジア落葉樹林におけるフェノロジー観測手法の提案.写真測量とリモートセンシング,47(5), 53-62. (論文 4.0MB)
  128. 赤塚慎,大吉慶,竹内渉,沢田治雄,安岡善文, 2008.NOAA AVHRRを用いた日本付近の陸域可降水量分布図の作成.写真測量とリモートセンシング,47(4), 29-41. (論文 3.1MB)
  129. Preesan Rakwatin, Wataru Takeuchi and Yoshifumi Yasuoka, 2008. Restoration of the Aqua MODIS Band 6 using Histogram-matching and Local Least-squares Fitting. IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing, 47(2), 613-627. (Paper 3.3MB)
  130. 大吉慶,竹内渉,安岡善文, 2008.植物フェノロジー観測における時系列NDVIデータの雑音除去手法.写真測量とリモートセンシング,47(1), 4-16. (論文 3.6MB)
  131. 神野有生,鯉渕幸生,寺田一美,竹内渉,磯部雅彦, 2008.底質の不均一性を考慮した衛星画像による汎用水深分布予測法.水工学論文集, 52. (論文 0.5MB)
  132. 竹内渉,根本利弘,金子隆之,安岡善文, 2007.WWWを利用したMTSATデータ処理・可視化・配信システムの構築.写真測量とリモートセンシング,46(6), 42-48. (論文 6.1MB)
  133. Preesan Rakwatin, Wataru Takeuchi and Yoshifumi Yasuoka, 2007. Stripe noise reduction in MODIS data by combining histogram-matching and facet filter.IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing, 45(6-2), 1844-1856. (Paper 1.2MB)
  134. 竹内渉,中野智子,越智士郎,安岡善文, 2007.サブピクセル土地被覆特性解析による西シベリア湿地性森林の火災地回復観測.日本リモートセンシング学会誌, 27(1), 13-23. (論文 8.3MB)
  135. 竹内渉,安岡善文, 2006. Aqua/Terra MODISデータを利用したアジア森林火災の準実時間観測.写真測量とリモートセンシング, 45(5), 59-63. (論文 1.0MB)
  136. 竹内渉,安岡善文, 2006. MODIS 250mデータを用いた中国の水田面積比率分布図の作成.日本リモートセンシング学会誌, 26(3), 213-223.(論文 1.9MB)
  137. 竹内渉,安岡善文, 2006. 水田面積比率分布図作成手法の時空間的安定性の評価.日本リモートセンシング学会誌, 26(2), 146-153.(論文 2.7MB)
  138. Tomoko Nakano, Wataru Takeuchi, Gen Inoue, Masami Fukuda and Yoshifumi Yasuoka, 2006. Temporal variations in soil-atmosphere methane exchange after fire in a peat swamp forest in West Siberia. Soil science and plant nutrition, 52, 29-40. (Paper 0.3MB)
  139. 竹内渉,安岡善文, 2005. 衛星リモートセンシングによるアジアの被雲率分布特性の解析.写真測量とリモートセンシング, 44(4), 16-26. (論文 4.4MB)
  140. 竹内渉,根本利弘, P. J. Baruah, 安岡善文, 2005. アジア環境災害観測のための衛星データオンライン配信システムの構築.写真測量とリモートセンシング, 44(2), 68-72. (論文 2.2MB)
  141. 竹内渉,安岡善文, 2005. 衛星リモートセンシングデータを用いた正規化植生,土壌,水指数の開発.写真測量とリモートセンシング, 43(6), 7-19. (論文 2.1MB)
  142. 竹内渉,安岡善文, 2005. MODISデータを用いた東アジアの水田面積比率分布図の作成.写真測量とリモートセンシング, 43(6), 20-33. (論文 2.6MB)
  143. 竹内渉,安岡善文, 2004. MODISデータを用いた合成画像作成手法の開発. 写真測量とリモートセンシング, 43(5), 36-48. (論文 6.8MB)
  144. 竹内渉,安岡善文, 2004. ADEOS-II GLIのシステム幾何補正に対する幾何的精度検証. 写真測量とリモートセンシング, 43(4), 29-34. (論文 0.8MB)
  145. 竹内渉,安岡善文, 2004. WWWを用いたASTERデータ管理システムの構築. 写真測量とリモートセンシング, 43(4), 35-40. (論文 1.6MB)
  146. 竹内渉,越智士郎,安岡善文, 2003. MODISとASTERのスペクトル分解による地表面温度分布図の作成. 写真測量とリモートセンシング, 42(5), 27-39. (論文 3.8MB)
  147. 竹内渉,越智士郎,安岡善文, 2003. Terra ASTERのシステム幾何補正と精度検証. 写真測量とリモートセンシング, 42(2), 38-41. (論文 0.7MB)
  148. 竹内渉,根本利弘,P.J.Baruah,越智士郎,安岡善文, 2003. WWWを利用したTerra MODISデータ前処理システムの構築. 写真測量とリモートセンシング, 42(2), 21-27. (論文 0.4MB)
  149. Wataru Takeuchi, Masayuki Tamura and Yoshifumi Yasuoka, 2003. Estimation of methane emission from West Siberian wetland by scaling technique between NOAA AVHRR and SPOT HRV. Remote Sensing of Environment, 85(4), 21-29. (Paper 1.0MB)
  150. Shiro Ochi, Daisuke Uchihama, Wataru Takeuchi and Yoshifumi Yasuoka, 2002. Monitoring urban heat environment in East Asia. GIS development, 6(10), 18-20. (Paper 6.2MB)
  151. 竹内渉,根本利弘,越智士郎,安岡善文, 2002. WWWを利用したAVHRRデータ処理システムの構築. 写真測量とリモートセンシング, 41(3), 23-27. (論文 0.3MB)
解説および総説 | Review paper
  1. 竹内渉, 2021. 宇宙からの環境変動の計測とワンヘルス・ワンワールド. O plus E, 43(6), 2021年11・12月号. (原稿 1.4MB)
  2. 竹内渉, 2021. アジアにおけるリモートセンシング学会の連携について. 日本リモートセンシング学会誌, 41(2), 326-327. (原稿 0.2MB)
  3. 竹内渉, 2018. リモートセンシング技術の原理と活用例~今、リモートセンシング技術により何がどこまでわかるのか~. 特技懇誌, 289号. (原稿 2.6MB)
  4. 竹内渉, 2018. 衛星搭載合成開口レーダーSARによるインフラヘルスモニタリング. 地質と調査, 2018年1月号, 37-40. (原稿 2.3MB)
  5. 竹内渉, Preesan Rakwatin, 2012. 2011年タイ王国チャオプラヤ川大氾濫の衛星解析. O plus E, 34(12), 2012年12月号. (原稿 1.6MB)
  6. 竹内渉, 2011. 民間との協働支援に向けた大学の役割. 月刊測量, 3-8, 2011年3月号. (原稿 2.8MB)
  7. 竹内渉, 2010. 海外における環境・災害リモートセンシングの動向. 月刊測量, 3-8, 2010年3月号. (原稿 2.8MB)
  8. 竹内渉, 2006. 働くUNIX - 新計算機環境のセットアップ.UNIX MAGAZINE, 106-110, 2006年1月号. (原稿 0.5MB)
  9. 竹内渉, 2005. 働くUNIX - 新たな計算機環境を作る. UNIX MAGAZINE, 111-116, 2005年12月号. (原稿 0.5MB)
  10. 竹内渉, 2005. 働くUNIX - 知識と経験. UNIX MAGAZINE, 131-135, 2005年11月号. (原稿 0.4MB)
  11. 竹内渉, 2005. 働くUNIX - 衛星リモートセンシングの研究現場から. UNIX MAGAZINE, 125-130, 2005年10月号. (原稿 0.5MB)
学位論文 | Dissertation
  1. 竹内渉 (主査:安岡善文 教授,副査:小池俊雄 教授,柴崎亮介 教授,清水英範 教授,沖 大幹 助教授), 2004. 衛星リモートセンシングによるアジアの湿原と水田分布図の作成に関する研究. 東京大学大学院 工学系研究科 社会基盤工学専攻 博士論文. (論文 42.3MB | 発表資料 42.7MB)
  2. 竹内渉 (主査:安岡善文 教授,副査:沖 大幹 助教授), 2001. 衛星リモートセンシングによる土地被覆特性解析に基づいた湿地域からのメタン発生量の推定. 東京大学大学院 工学系研究科 社会基盤工学専攻 修士論文. (論文 4.9MB | 発表資料 2.5MB)
  3. 竹内渉 (指導教官:堀井秀之 教授), 1999. 高レベル廃棄物処分空洞の超長期的安定性評価方法の提案. 東京大学 工学部 土木工学科 卒業論文. (論文 3.7MB)
一般向けの講演 | Special lecture
  1. 竹内渉, 2010. 空から地球の健康状態を診断する. 国際理解講座, 三鷹国際交流協会, (東京都三鷹市), 2010/10/24. (発表資料 31.5MB)
  2. 竹内渉, 2010. 衛星からの大気汚染モニタリング (招待講演). G空間EXPO: パシフィコ横浜 (神奈川県横浜市). (発表資料 9.3MB)
  3. 竹内渉, 2008. 空から地球の健康状態を診断する. 高校生のための金曜特別講座, 東京大学教養学部, (東京都目黒区), 2008/04/08. (発表資料 31.5MB)
  4. 竹内渉, 2006. MODIS/AVHRRデータ受信局のデータ品質管理および配布について. 日本リモートセンシング学会 評価標準化研究会, 東京大学生産技術研究所, (東京都目黒区). (発表資料 16.4MB)
  5. 竹内渉, 2005. 地球環境観測研究における高性能計算機の利用 (招待講演). 平成17年度 情報教育対応教員研修全国セミナー: 青山スパイラル (東京都港区). (発表資料 28.3MB)
  6. 竹内渉, 2004. 東京大学生産技術研究所の衛星データアーカイブシステム. 日本リモートセンシング研究会 (JARS) : 東京大学生産技術研究所, (東京都目黒区). (発表資料 34.6MB)
研究発表 | Conference papers
  1. Arliandy P. Arbad, Wataru Takeuchi, 2024. Monitoring health infrastructure by using InSAR. The 1st Joint Student Seminar between Univ. of Hokkaido and the Univ. of Tokyo, Sapporo, 2024/03/13.
  2. Chaehyung Kim, Wataru Takeuchi, 2024. Analysing present and future effects of habitat fragmentation on the conservation of tapirs using remote sensing. The 1st Joint Student Seminar between Univ. of Hokkaido and the Univ. of Tokyo, Sapporo, 2024/03/13.
  3. Chihiro Naito, Wataru Takeuchi, 2024. Water cycle and productivity in oil palm in Malaysia. The 1st Joint Student Seminar between Univ. of Hokkaido and the Univ. of Tokyo, Sapporo, 2024/03/13.
  4. Khin Myat Kyaw, Wataru Takeuchi, 2024. Infrastructure health monitoring with remote sensing. (Invited talk) The 1st Joint Student Seminar between Univ. of Hokkaido and the Univ. of Tokyo, Sapporo, 2024/03/13.
  5. Delgorge Didier Kai, Wataru Takeuchi, 2024. Assessment of human-bear interactions in Akita using remote sensing. The 1st Joint Student Seminar between Univ. of Hokkaido and the Univ. of Tokyo, Sapporo, 2024/03/13.
  6. Feifan Huang, Wataru Takeuchi, 2024. Impact of human activity pattern changes on air pollution variation in China. The 1st Joint Student Seminar between Univ. of Hokkaido and the Univ. of Tokyo, Sapporo, 2024/03/13.
  7. Samitha Daranagama, Wataru Takeuchi, 2024. Ganoderma disease detection in oil palm plantations using SAR measurements and visualization. The 1st Joint Student Seminar between Univ. of Hokkaido and the Univ. of Tokyo, Sapporo, 2024/03/13.
  8. Shoki Shimada, Wataru Takeuchi, 2023. Solar PV mapping and installation date estimate in Asia-pacific countries by Google Earth Engine. The 1st Joint Student Seminar between Univ. of Hokkaido and the Univ. of Tokyo, Sapporo, 2024/03/13.
  9. So Fumiyama, Wataru Takeuchi, 2024. Development of Imputation and Correction Methods for Satellite Nighttime Light Imagery Focusing on Angular Effects. The 1st Joint Student Seminar between Univ. of Hokkaido and the Univ. of Tokyo, Sapporo, 2024/03/13.
  10. Tomoaki Ito, Wataru Takeuchi, 2024. Classification of air pollution problems in Southeast and South Asia using time-series data on environment, society, and policy. The 1st Joint Student Seminar between Univ. of Hokkaido and the Univ. of Tokyo, Sapporo, 2024/03/13.
  11. Yang Yu, Wataru Takeuchi, 2024. Building damage assessment of Noto 2024 earthquake with PALSAR2. The 1st Joint Student Seminar between Univ. of Hokkaido and the Univ. of Tokyo, Sapporo, 2024/03/13.
  12. Xuan Truong Trinh, Khin Myat Kyaw, Md. Isram Rahedul, Wataru Takeuchi, 2024. Ground water table measurement with low cost device for CH4 emission mitigation. (Invited talk) The 1st Joint Student Seminar between Univ. of Hokkaido and the Univ. of Tokyo, Sapporo, 2024/03/13.
  13. Chihiro Naito, Wataru Takeuchi, 2023. Trend analysis of climate and water use efficiency in palm oil area in Malaysia with remote sensing. The 2nd International Symposium on One Health, One World, Dhaka, Thailand, 2023/12/6.
  14. Khin Myat Kyaw, Wataru Takeuchi, 2023. Instability Mapping of Dhaka-Kasiani-Gopalganj Railway Line in Bangladesh with InSAR Time-series Analysis. (Best paper award) The 2nd International Symposium on One Health, One World, Dhaka, Thailand, 2023/12/6.
  15. Samitha Daranagama, Wataru Takeuchi, 2023. Ganoderma disease detection in oil palm plantations using time series of PALSAR-2 measurements. The 2nd International Symposium on One Health, One World, Dhaka, Thailand, 2023/12/6.
  16. Shoki Shimada, Wataru Takeuchi, 2023. Sentinel-2 based solar PV mapping and applications for land-cover change assessment and hazard-risk evaluation in Japan. The 2nd International Symposium on One Health, One World, Dhaka, Thailand, 2023/12/6.
  17. So Fumiyama, Wataru Takeuchi, 2023. Investigating angular effects of nighttime light and urban typology in Tokyo with remote sensing. The 2nd International Symposium on One Health, One World, Dhaka, Thailand, 2023/12/6.
  18. Tomoaki Ito, Wataru Takeuchi, 2023. Remote sensing of PM2.5 exposure and change in air pollution-related awareness measured by Google Trends in Asian megacities. The 2nd International Symposium on One Health, One World, Dhaka, Thailand, 2023/12/6.
  19. Yan Guanyu, Wataru Takeuchi, 2023. Evaluating Urban Expansion in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia: A Study Based on SDG 11.3.1 Indicators, 1990-2020. The 2nd International Symposium on One Health, One World, Dhaka, Thailand, 2023/12/6.
  20. Yang Yu, Wataru Takeuchi, 2023. Four-component decomposition of Pi-SAR2 airborne measurements to assess urban damage of the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake. The 2nd International Symposium on One Health, One World, Dhaka, Thailand, 2023/12/6.
  21. Xuan Truong Trinh, Wataru Takeuchi, 2023. Sentinel-1-based SAR Approach to Identifying Offshore Aquaculture Facilities in Vietnam. The 2nd International Symposium on One Health, One World, Dhaka, Thailand, 2023/12/6.
  22. 嶌田将貴, 水落裕樹, 竹内渉, 2023. HISUIハイパースペクトルセンサを用いた太陽光パネルの分光反射特性分析.日本リモートセンシング学会 第75回学術講演会:フォレスト仙台(宮城県仙台市), 2023年11月21日.
  23. 竹内渉, 2023. 国際交流のメリット. 日本写真測量学会 令和5年度秋季学術講演会:岩手教育会館 (岩手県盛岡市), 2023年11月16日.
  24. Wataru Takeuchi, 2023. Introduction of one health one world. (Invited talk) 2nd International Joint Student Seminar on OHOW, Thailand, 2023/06/28.
  25. Xuan Truong Trinh, Wataru Takeuchi, 2023. Investigation of seagrass changes in Vietnam over the last 30 years. (Invited talk) 2nd International Joint Student Seminar on OHOW, Thailand, 2023/06/28.
  26. Khin Myat Kyaw, Wataru Takeuchi, 2023. Applicability of Satellite-based Remote Sensing Technique in Structural Health Monitoring (Case Study of Road Network). (Invited talk) 2nd International Joint Student Seminar on OHOW, Thailand, 2023/06/28.
  27. Zhou Han, Bambang H. Trisasongko, Abdul Rashid Bin Mohamed Shariff, Wataru Takeuchi, 2023. Mangrove Forest Monitoring in Larut-Matang Reserve, Perak, Malaysia. The Joint PI Meeting of JAXA Earth Observation Missions FY2023, Tokyo, 2023/11/08.
  28. 竹内渉, 2023. 国際学会に関するアンケート調査結果. 日本写真測量学会 令和5年度年次学術講演会:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2023年5月19日.
  29. 中園悦子,竹内渉, 2023. Stanford 大学外邦図のGIS化の自動処理について. 日本写真測量学会 令和5年度年次学術講演会:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2023年5月19日.
  30. Samitha Daranagama, Wataru Takeuchi, 2023. Smartphone-based data collection and visualization for basal stem rot disease in oil palm. International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2023 (ISRS), Jeju, Korea, 2023/04/20.
  31. So Fumiyama, Wataru Takeuchi, 2023. Investigation of angular effects on nighttime lights over urbanization in Asian megacities. International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2023 (ISRS), Jeju, Korea, 2023/04/20.
  32. Muhammad Haidar, Wataru Takeuchi, 2023. Bias correction of satellite-based precipitation for modelling groundwater table in tropical peatlands. International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2023 (ISRS), Jeju, Korea, 2023/04/20.
  33. Yang Yu, Wataru Takeuchi, 2023. Multi-scattering analysis of a two-story residential wooden building synthetic aperture radar image simulation using simulation technology for inverse estimation. International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2023 (ISRS), Jeju, Korea, 2023/04/20.
  34. Shoki Shimada, Wataru Takeuchi, 2023. Remote sensing based estimation of national-scale solar power generation in Japan. International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2023 (ISRS), Jeju, Korea, 2023/04/20.
  35. Shuai Shao, Wataru Takeuchi, 2023. 3D Growth Modeling of Chinese Cabbage with Smartphone-Based Close-Range Photogrammetry. (Best paper award) International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2023 (ISRS), Jeju, Korea, 2023/04/20.
  36. Etsuko Nakazono, Wataru Takeuchi, 2023. Semi-automated generation of 3D bridge pier models from point cloud dataset by LiDAR. 31st IIS forum "Earth observation, disaster monitoring and risk assessment from space", Komaba, Tokyo, 2023/03/06.
  37. So Fumiyama, Wataru Takeuchi, 2023. Estimation of nighttime light distribution for urban environmental assessment. 31st IIS forum "Earth observation, disaster monitoring and risk assessment from space", Komaba, Tokyo, 2023/03/06.
  38. Muhammad Haidar, Wataru Takeuchi, 2023. Geospatial information framework for disaster risk reduction management in Indonesia. 31st IIS forum "Earth observation, disaster monitoring and risk assessment from space", Komaba, Tokyo, 2023/03/06.
  39. Yang Yu, Wataru Takeuchi, 2023. Multiple scattering analysis of synthetic aperture radar image simulation using a two-story wooden building based on RAYSAR for invere estimation. 31st IIS forum "Earth observation, disaster monitoring and risk assessment from space", Komaba, Tokyo, 2023/03/06.
  40. Yan Guanyu, Wataru Takeuchi, 2023. Urban expansion in Ulaanbaatar city of Mongolia in total and Ger district from 1990 to 2020. 31st IIS forum "Earth observation, disaster monitoring and risk assessment from space", Komaba, Tokyo, 2023/03/06.
  41. Xuan Truong Trinh, Wataru Takeuchi, 2023. Mapping Seagrass in Turbid Waters Using a Multitemporal Composite Approach. 31st IIS forum "Earth observation, disaster monitoring and risk assessment from space", Komaba, Tokyo, 2023/03/06.
  42. Nguonly Ung, Wataru Takeuchi, 2023. Risk Assessment on Logistics and Business Continuity Planning (BCP) along the Southern Economic Corridor (SEC). 31st IIS forum "Earth observation, disaster monitoring and risk assessment from space", Komaba, Tokyo, 2023/03/06.
  43. Shoki Shimada, Wataru Takeuchi, 2023. Solar photovoltaic detection in aerial imagery using an ensemble deep semantic segmentation model. 31st IIS forum "Earth observation, disaster monitoring and risk assessment from space", Komaba, Tokyo, 2023/03/06.
  44. Shoki Shimada and Wataru Takeuchi, 2023. Land Cover Classification using Google Earth Engine. NASA South/Southeast Asia Research Initiative (SARI) workshop: Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 2023/02/10.
  45. Muhammad Haidar, Wataru Takeuchi, 2022. Tropical peatlands canal segmentation from high resolution optical image using u-net architecture. (Best paper award) The 1st International Symposium on One Health, One World, Patthaya, Thailand, 2022/12/8.
  46. Shamima Ferdousi Sifa, Md. Shakhawat Hossain, Md. Zillur Rahman, A.S.M Maksud Kamal, Wataru Takeuchi, 2022. Assessment of brick-kiln induced air pollution in Bangladesh and impacts on public health. The 1st International Symposium on One Health, One World, Patthaya, Thailand, 2022/12/8.
  47. Shoki Shimada, Wataru Takeuchi, 2022. A large scale solar based microgrid applicability assessment for the future disaster resilient community in Japan. The 1st International Symposium on One Health, One World, Patthaya, Thailand, 2022/12/8.
  48. Nguonly Ung, Wataru Takeuchi, 2022. Risk Assessment on Logistics and BCP Along the Southern Economic Corridor (SEC). The 1st International Symposium on One Health, One World, Patthaya, Thailand, 2022/12/8.
  49. Shuai Shao, Takumi Fujiwara, Wataru Takeuchi, 2022. Reflectance Simulations of Voxel-Based Virtual Chinese Cabbage Farms. The 1st International Symposium on One Health, One World, Patthaya, Thailand, 2022/12/8.
  50. Yu Yang, Wataru Takeuchi, 2022. Synthetic Aperture Radar Image Simulation of Collapsed Building Related To Multiple Signal. 43rd Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS), online, 2022/10/3.
  51. Shoki Shimada, Wataru Takeuchi, 2022. A new spectral index to characterize solar photovoltaic panels for Sentinel-2 data. 43rd Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS), online, 2022/10/3.
  52. Xuan Truong Trinh, Wataru Takeuchi, 2022. Continuous Seagrass Density Estimation Using Sentinel-2 Imagery On An Intertidal Flat. 43rd Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS), online, 2022/10/3.
  53. Yan Guanyu, Wataru Takeuchi, 2022. Distribution of Vegetation Growth Abnormality by NDVI’s Responses to Precipitation in Mongolia, 2001 to 2020. 43rd Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS), online, 2022/10/3.
  54. Wataru Takeuchi, Md Rahedul Islam, 2022. Physio-climatic and Socio-economic Suitability Assessment of Alternative Wetting and Drying (AWD) in Bangladesh (Invited talk). Asia-Oceania Group on Earth Observations (AOGEO) symposium: online, 2022/9/12.
  55. Shoki Shimada and Wataru Takeuchi, 2022. Solar PV Mapping With Remotely Sensed Data and Prospects for the Future Solar Energy Use Planning. NASA South/Southeast Asia Research Initiative (SARI) workshop: Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 2022/08/10.
  56. Wataru Takeuchi, 2022. Agricultural Rice and Drought Monitoring using Remote Sensing data. (Invited talk) NASA South/Southeast Asia Research Initiative (SARI) workshop: Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 2022/08/10.
  57. Hironori Arai, Thuy Le Toan, Mehrez Zribi, Wataru Takeuchi, Kei Oyoshi, Lam Dao Nguyen, Tamon Fumoto, Shinich Sobue, 2022. Pixel-based evaluation of rice production and related greenhouse gas emissions in the Mekong delta via a digital-twin system with a simultaneous data assimilation scheme of SAR data and ground observations. NASA South/Southeast Asia Research Initiative (SARI) workshop: Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 2022/08/10.
  58. So Fumiyama and Wataru Takeuchi, 2022. Estimation of nighttime light distribution in an urban area for urban environmental assessment. 1st joint student seminar between Univ. of Tokyo and Univ. of Dhaka, online, 2022/08/04.
  59. Feifan Huang and Wataru Takeuchi, 2022. Spatio-temporal changes of ambient NO2 during COVID-19 lockdowns in China. 1st joint student seminar between Univ. of Tokyo and Univ. of Dhaka, online, 2022/08/04.
  60. Yuta Izumi, Wataru Takeuchi, Joko Widodo, Albertus Sulaiman, Awaluddin, Arif Aditiya, Pakhrur Razi, Titi Anggono, Josaphat Tetuko Sri Sumantyo, 2021. A 3-year tropical peatland subsidence time-series derived by sentinel-1: a case study of the Kalimantan, Indonesia. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2022/07/21.
  61. Yu Yang and Wataru Takeuchi, 2022. Analysis of SAR backscatter intensity characteristics for inverse estimation of earthquake-damaged buildings. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2022/07/21.
  62. Shoki Shimada and Wataru Takeuchi, 2022. A machine-learning based scheme for solar PV detection using medium-resolution satellite images in Vietnam. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2022/07/21.
  63. Ira Karrel San Jose and Wataru Takeuchi, 2022. Semi-automated landslide detection using object-based image analysis after the 2018 typhoon Prapiroon in eastern Hiroshima, Japan. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2022/07/21.
  64. Shoki Shimada and Wataru Takeuchi, 2022. Analysis of the relationship between land-use-land-cover change and the installation of solar photovoltaic power in Southern Vietnam using remotely sensed data from 2019 to 2021. (Best paper award) International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2022 (ISRS), Online, 2022/05/17.
  65. Shuai Shao and Wataru Takeuchi, 2022. Reflectance simulation of virtual Chinese cabbage farm using voxel model. (Best paper award) International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2022 (ISRS), Online, 2022/05/17.
  66. Ira Karrel San Jose and Wataru Takeuchi, 2022. Semi-automated landslide detection using object-based image analysis after the 2018 typhoon Prapiroon in Eastern Hiroshima, Japan. International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2022 (ISRS), Online, 2022/05/17.
  67. Xuan Truong Trinh and Wataru Takeuchi, 2022. Seagrass mapping on an intertidal flat at different tide levels using UAV and Sentinel-2. International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2022 (ISRS), Online, 2022/05/17.
  68. Takumi Fujiwara, Yoshiaki Honda and Wataru Takeuchi, 2022. BRDF simulation considering shadows of trees in Japanese larch forest at Mt. Yatsugatake. International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2022 (ISRS), Online, 2022/05/17.
  69. Yang Yu and Wataru Takeuchi, 2022. Synthetic aperture radar image simulation of Tokyo skytree related to multiple signal reflections. International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2022 (ISRS), Online, 2022/05/17.
  70. Guanyu Yan and Wataru Takeuchi, 2022. 20 years of migration to the capital: impacts analysis concerning people's welfare and sustainable development in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2022 (ISRS), Online, 2022/05/17.
  71. Dheeraj Joshi, Ram Avtar, Wataru Takeuchi, 2022. Multi-hazard risk assessment of rail infrastructure in India under local vulnerabilities towards business continuity planning. 30th IIS forum "Earth observation, disaster monitoring and risk assessment from space", online, 2022/03/03.
  72. Xuan Truong Trinh, Wataru Takeuchi, 2022. Seagrass mapping on an intertidal flat at different tide levels using UAV and Sentinel-2. 30th IIS forum "Earth observation, disaster monitoring and risk assessment from space", online, 2022/03/03.
  73. Yiwei Huang, Wataru Takeuchi, 2022. Mapping and tracking nighttime fishing activities within Japan EEZ using VIIRS boat detection. 30th IIS forum "Earth observation, disaster monitoring and risk assessment from space", online, 2022/03/03.
  74. Shoki Shimada, Wataru Takeuchi, 2022. Analysis of the relationship between land-use-land-cover change and the installation of solar photovoltaic power in southern Vietnam. 30th IIS forum "Earth observation, disaster monitoring and risk assessment from space", online, 2022/03/03.
  75. Yang Yu, Wataru Takeuchi, 2022. Analysis of SAR backscatter intensity characteristics for inverse estimation of earthquake-damaged buildings. 30th IIS forum "Earth observation, disaster monitoring and risk assessment from space", online, 2022/03/03.
  76. Takumi Fujiwara, Wataru Takeuchi, 2022. BRDF simulation considering shadows of trees in Japanese Larch Forest at Mt. Yatsugatake. 30th IIS forum "Earth observation, disaster monitoring and risk assessment from space", online, 2022/03/03.
  77. Etsuko Nakazono, Wataru Takeuchi, 2022. Assessment of damaged areas by Sentinel-1. 30th IIS forum "Earth observation, disaster monitoring and risk assessment from space", online, 2022/03/03.
  78. Ira Karrel San Jose, Wataru Takeuchi, 2022. Semi-automated landslide detection using object-based image analysis after the 2018 typhoon Prapiroon in Easter Hiroshima, Japan. 30th IIS forum "Earth observation, disaster monitoring and risk assessment from space", online, 2022/03/03.
  79. Shuai Shao, Wataru Takeuchi, 2022. Reflectance simulation of virtual Chinese cabbage farm using voxel model. 30th IIS forum "Earth observation, disaster monitoring and risk assessment from space", online, 2022/03/03.
  80. Yuta Izumi, Joko Widodo, Albertus Sulaiman, Awaluddin, Pakhrur Razi, Titi Anggono, Wataru Takeuchi, 2022. Tropical Peatland Subsidence Monitoring by Time-Series InSAR for Evaluation of Peat Degradation in Indonesia. (Invited talk) The 4th International Electronic Conference on Remote Sensing (ECRS), Online, Jan. 2022.
  81. Yiwei Huang, Wataru Takeuchi, 2021. Prediction of potential nighttime fishing area using nighttime light and species distribution model in exclusive economic zone of Japan. 1st International joint student online seminar on One Health, One World, online (Bangkok, Thailand), 2021/12/09.
  82. Shoki Shimada, Wataru Takeuchi, 2021. Detection and disaster risk evaluation of solar photovoltaic cells by satellite remote sensing data and a machine learning method. 1st International joint student online seminar on One Health, One World, online (Bangkok, Thailand), 2021/12/09.
  83. Shuai Shao, Wataru Takeuchi, 2021. Biophisical suitability assessment for Chinese cabbage of East Asia from 2001 to 2020. 1st International joint student online seminar on One Health, One World, online (Bangkok, Thailand), 2021/12/09.
  84. Ira San Jose, Wataru Takeuchi, 2021. Semi-automated delineation of landslides triggered by the 2018 typhoon Prapiroon in Eastern Hiroshima, Japan. 1st International joint student online seminar on One Health, One World, online (Bangkok, Thailand), 2021/12/09.
  85. 竹内 渉, 2021. 衛星観測による災害痕跡の読解 (基調講演)土木学会 地震工学委員会 地盤と地形に刻まれた 地震・災害痕跡データの公開促進小委員会:オンライン, 2021年10月13日.
  86. 藤原匠,竹内渉, 2021. 樹木の影を考慮した樹冠上端の光合成有効放射量推定. 日本写真測量学会 令和3年度秋季学術講演会:とかちプラザ (北海道帯広市), 2021年10月21日.
  87. Yuta Izumi, Wataru Takeuchi, Joko Widodo, Albertus Sulaiman, Awaluddin, Arif Aditiya, Pakhrur Razi, Titi Anggono, Josaphat Tetuko Sri Sumantyo, 2021. A 3-YEAR TROPICAL PEATLAND SUBSIDENCE TIME-SERIES DERIVED BY SENTINEL-1: A CASE STUDY OF THE KALIMANTAN, INDONESIA. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Online, 2021/07/21.
  88. Dheeraj Joshi and Wataru Takeuchi, 2021. Risk analysis of rail infrastructure in india under multi-hazard and consequential emergency cases scenario. International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2021 (ISRS), Online, 2021/05/27.
  89. Yan Guanyu and Wataru Takeuchi, 2021. Mongolia Grassland Sustainability Evaluation Through Its Responsiveness to Precipitation From 2001 to 2019. International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2021 (ISRS), Online, 2021/05/27.
  90. Shuai Shao and Wataru Takeuchi, 2021. Assessment of meteorological suitability mapping for chinese cabbage in autumn season of east asia from 2001 to 2020. International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2021 (ISRS), Online, 2021/05/27.
  91. Takumi Fujiwara and Wataru Takeuchi, 2021. Computer simulation of boreal forest spectra with asymmetric canopy shape in far eastern russia. International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2021 (ISRS), Online, 2021/05/27.
  92. Yuhan Zheng and Wataru Takeuchi, 2021. Satellite-based modeling of net ecosystem exchange in mangrove ecosystems considering the effect of sea surface temperature, salinity and solar irradiation (Best paper award). International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2021 (ISRS), Online, 2021/05/27.
  93. Xuan Truong Trinh and Wataru Takeuchi, 2021. Integration of Sentinel-2 and uav images to estimate the influence of tidal stages on seagrass photosynthesis. International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2021 (ISRS), Online, 2021/05/27.
  94. 竹内 渉, 清水 大暉, 朴慧美, 2021. インドネシア熱帯泥炭湿地林での環境修復による炭素放出量削減効果の評価.日本リモートセンシング学会 第70回学術講演会:オンライン, 2021/05/17.
  95. Wataru Takeuchi, Rizatus Shofiyati, Khiem Mai Van, Kei Oyoshi, Tanita Suepa, 2021. Himawari-8 based near-real time meteorological drought monitoring and early warning system in Asia (Invited talk). Japan Geoscience Union Meeting (JpGU), Chiba, Japan. 2021/06/03.
  96. Wataru Takeuchi. Infrastructure health monitoring with SAR technologies (Invited talk). 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (APSAR 2021), online, 2021/04/08.
  97. Hironori Arai, Thuy Le Toan, Wataru Takeuchi, Kei Oyoshi, Hoa Phan, Lam Dao Nguyen, Tamon Fumoto, and Kazuyuki Inubushi, 2021. Detecting rice inundation status for water saving and methane emission mitigation measures using Sentinel-1 & ALOS-2/PALSAR-2 Data. EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 2021/04/28.
  98. Haemi Park, Takeo Tadono and Wataru Takeuchi, 2021. Maps of drainage canal in tropical peatlands of Indonesia. 29th IIS forum "Earth observation, disaster monitoring and risk assessment from space", online, 2021/03/11.
  99. Kyaw Sann Oo and Wataru Takeuchi, 2021. Land Cover Zoning. 29th IIS forum "Earth observation, disaster monitoring and risk assessment from space", online, 2021/03/11.
  100. Prakhar Misra and Wataru Takeuchi, 2021. How well does KBDI compare with soil moisture for crops? A cal/val study in Thailand. 29th IIS forum "Earth observation, disaster monitoring and risk assessment from space", online, 2021/03/11.
  101. Etsuko Nakazono and Wataru Takeuchi, 2021. Damage Assessment of the Beirut Explosion Site in August 2020 by Sentinel1. 29th IIS forum "Earth observation, disaster monitoring and risk assessment from space", online, 2021/03/11.
  102. Sachiko Hayashida, Prakhar Misra, Kaho Nitta and Wataru Takeuchi, 2021. Detection of air pollution reduction due to a change of anthropogenic activities after COVID-19 pandemic over south Asia. 29th IIS forum "Earth observation, disaster monitoring and risk assessment from space", online, 2021/03/11.
  103. Prakhar Misra, Masayuki Takigawa, Pradeep Khatri, S.K. Dhaka, A.P. Dimri, Kazuoyo Yamaji, Mizuo Kajino, Wataru Takeuchi, Ryoichi imasu, Kano Nitta, Prabir K. Patra and Sachiko Hayashida, 2021. COVID-19 lockdown impacts on NOx emission: top-down estimation over North India. 29th IIS forum "Earth observation, disaster monitoring and risk assessment from space", online, 2021/03/11.
  104. Zheng Yuhan and Wataru Takeuchi, 2021. Satellite-based modeling of gross primary production and net ecosystem exchange in mangrove ecosystems. 29th IIS forum "Earth observation, disaster monitoring and risk assessment from space", online, 2021/03/11.
  105. Dheeraj Joshi and Wataru Takeuchi, 2021. Risk assessment of rail infrastructure in India to support business continuity plan. 29th IIS forum "Earth observation, disaster monitoring and risk assessment from space", online, 2021/03/11.
  106. Takumi Fujiwara and Wataru Takeuchi, 2021. Estimation of optimal crown coverage and canopy shape for shadow estimation on tropical broadleaf forest. 29th IIS forum "Earth observation, disaster monitoring and risk assessment from space", online, 2021/03/11.
  107. Nuntikorn Kitratporn and Wataru Takeuchi, 2021. Country-wide human-elephant conflict risk assessment under future climate-induced changes in Thailand. 29th IIS forum "Earth observation, disaster monitoring and risk assessment from space", online, 2021/03/11.
  108. Guanyu Yan and Wataru Takeuchi, 2021. Correlation Analysis Between NDVI and Precipitation in Mongolia From 2001 to 2019. 29th IIS forum "Earth observation, disaster monitoring and risk assessment from space", online, 2021/03/11.
  109. Xuan Truong Trinh and Wataru Takeuchi, 2021. Seagrass mapping on an intertidal flat at different tide levels using UAV and Sentinel-2. 29th IIS forum "Earth observation, disaster monitoring and risk assessment from space", online, 2021/03/11.
  110. Prakhar Misra, Masayuki Takigawa, Pradeep Khatri, S K Dhaka, A P Dimri, Kazuyo Yamaji, Mizuo Kajino, Wataru Takeuchi, Ryoichi Imasu, Prabir Kumar Patr, Sachiko Hayashida, 2020. Detection of significant change in nitrogen oxides concentration and emission during COVID-19 lockdown in North India. AGU Fall meeting 2020, online, 2020/12/15.
  111. Sachiko Hayashida, Prakhar Misra, Kaho Nitta, Thuy Huong Nguyen, Prabir Kumar Patra, Masayuki Takigawa, Pradeep Khatri, S K Dhaka, A P Dimri, Kazuyo Yamaji, Mizuo Kajino, Wataru Takeuchi, 2020. Reduction of air pollutants over North-West India observed from space during the Covid-19 lockdown period. AGU Fall meeting 2020, online, 2020/12/15.
  112. Wataru Takeuchi, 2020. Geospatial technologies towards one world, one health and one earth (Keynote speech). 9th International Joint Student Seminar on Civil Infrastructures, online (Bangkok, Thailand), 2020/12/10.
  113. Wataru Takeuchi, 2020. Geospatial technologies towards one world, one health and one earth (Keynote speech). IEEE Asia-Pacific Geosciences, Electronics and Remote Sensing (AGERS), online, (Jakarta, Indonesia), 2020/12/8.
  114. Prakhar Misra, Ryoichi Imasu, Sachiko Hayashida, Ardhi Adhary Arbain, Ram Avtar, Wataru Takeuchi, 2020. Spatial Distribution of Brick Kilns revealed by Remote Sensing: Transfer Learning based Detection around Delhi. 11th ISAJ Annual Symposium, online, 2020/12/4.
  115. Ramona Pelich, Marco Chini, Wataru Takeuchi, Young-Joo Kwak, and Vitaliy Yurchenko, 2020. Tutorials session: Natural Disasters and Hazards Monitoring using Earth Observation Data. 2020 IEEE International India Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (InIGARSS), online, 2020/12/1.
  116. 中園 悦子, 竹内 渉, 2020. Sentinel1による北朝鮮の水田の季節変化. 日本写真測量学会 令和2年度秋季学術講演会 : 郡山中央公民館・勤労青少年ホーム (福島県郡山市), 2020/11/6.
  117. Wataru Takeuchi, 2020. Geospatial technologies towards one world, one health and one earth (Keynote speech). 10th International Conference and Exhibition on Geospetial & RemoteSensing (IGRSM), online (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia). 2020/10/20.
  118. Ramona Pelich, Marco Chini, Wataru Takeuchi, Young-Joo Kwak, and Vitaliy Yurchenko, 2020. Tutorials session, FD-6: Natural Disasters and Hazards Monitoring using Earth Observation Data. 2020 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), online. 2020/9/26.
  119. R Shofiyati, W Takeuchi, S M Pasaribu and Y R Irawan, 2020. Space-based drought analysis to support agricultural insurance facing climate change. 1st International Conference on Sustainable Tropical Land, online (Bogor, Indonesia), 2020/09/18.
  120. Hironori Arai, Wataru Takeuchi, Kei Oyoshi, Koji Terasaki, Takemasa Miyoshi, Hisashi Yashiro, Hoa Phan, Lam Dao Nguyen, Tamon Fumoto, Kazuyuki Inubushi and Thuy Le Toan, 2020. Approach toward global methane emission using GOSAT data and a bottom-up method based on SAR data in tropical rice cropping wetlands. The 16th international workshop on greenhouse gas measurements from space (IWGGMS), online (Sydney, Australia), 2020/6/3.
  121. 藤原匠,竹内渉, 2020. Leaf and wood classification of a point cloud data base on flatness using a voxel model. 日本写真測量学会 令和2年度年次学術講演会, 2020/5/20.
  122. 竹内渉, 2020. グローバルな林野火災による炭素放出量の推計. 日本写真測量学会 令和2年度年次学術講演会, 2020/5/20.
  123. 清水大暉,竹内渉,朴慧美, 2020. PALSAR衛星画像を用いたインドネシアの泥炭地における排水路の抽出. 日本写真測量学会 令和2年度年次学術講演会, 2020/5/20.
  124. 中園悦子,竹内渉, 2020. Sentinel1を用いた北朝鮮の水田の面積推定手法の検討. 日本写真測量学会 令和2年度年次学術講演会, 2020/5/20.
  125. Zheng Yuhan and Wataru Takeuchi, 2020. Mangrove forests changes detection and biocapacity estimation in China. 22nd CeRES symposium, Chiba University, 2020/2/20.
  126. Haemi Park and Wataru Takeuchi, 2020. Relationship between surface dry conditions,snow cover,and carbon dioxide emission from forest fire in Far East Russia. 22nd CeRES symposium, Chiba University, 2020/2/20.
  127. Lilangi Varunika Wijesinghe and Wataru Takeuchi, 2020. Effect of Land Use and Cover Change on Air Quality. 22nd CeRES symposium, Chiba University, 2020/2/20.
  128. 中園悦子,竹内渉, 2020. Sentinel1の時系列データを用いた水田面積の推定. 22nd CeRES symposium, Chiba University, 2020/2/20.
  129. Nuntikorn Kitratporn and Wataru Takeuchi, 2020. Land Cover Dynamics of Forest-Agriculture Mosaics and Human-Elephant Conflict Hotspots in Eastern Thailand. 22nd CeRES symposium, Chiba University, 2020/2/20.
  130. Prakhar Misra and Wataru Takeuchi, 2020. Public interest in air quality and its impacts vary with baseline exposure:analysis using Google Trends and remote sensing datasets. 22nd CeRES symposium, Chiba University, 2020/2/20.
  131. Md Rahedul Islam and Wataru Takeuchi, 2020. Irrigated Rice Area Mapping Using Sentinel-1 Time Series Over Bangladesh. 22nd CeRES symposium, Chiba University, 2020/2/20.
  132. Nguyen Thi Quynh Trang and Wataru Takeuchi, 2020. Emission inventories for key sectors in Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam. 22nd CeRES symposium, Chiba University, 2020/2/20.
  133. Xuan Truong Trinh and Wataru Takeuchi, 2020. Phenology-based classification of seagrass pixels with Sentinel-2 images. 22nd CeRES symposium, Chiba University, 2020/2/20.
  134. Yan Guanyu and Wataru Takeuchi, 2020. Desertification change in the Hexi corridor, Gansu Province at a finer time scale. 22nd CeRES symposium, Chiba University, 2020/2/20.
  135. Yaru and Wataru Takeuchi, 2020. Analysis of Water Storage Changes in Xilingol, China Using GRACE Observations. 22nd CeRES symposium, Chiba University, 2020/2/20.
  136. 藤原 匠, 竹内 渉, 2019.レイトレーシングを用いた森林の3次元構造が与える植生指数への影響の把握. 日本写真測量学会 令和元年度秋季学術講演会 : JMSアステールプラザ(広島県広島市),2019/11/7.
  137. 中園 悦子, 竹内 渉, 2019.定点観測写真上の被写体の移動経路を地図上に示す手法の検討. 日本写真測量学会 令和元年度秋季学術講演会 : JMSアステールプラザ(広島県広島市),2019/11/7.
  138. Haemi Park, and Wataru Takeuchi, 2019. Session 5: Forest Monitoring. ISPRS SC Summer School 2019, Seoul, Korea. 2019/10/22.
  139. Takumi Fujiwara and Wataru Takeuchi, 2019. Assessment of Shadow Index Using Ray Tracing Based on a Voxel Model on Various Forest Structures. 40th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS), Daejeon, Korea. 2019/10/14.
  140. Haemi Park and Wataru Takeuchi, 2019. Impact assessment of surface dryness and snow cover on wildfires in Far East Russia. 40th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS), Daejeon, Korea. 2019/10/14.
  141. Etsuko Nakazono and Wataru Takeuchi, 2019. Assessment of Drought Impact on Rice Paddy Field in North Korea. 40th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS), Daejeon, Korea. 2019/10/14.
  142. Daiki Shimizu, Wataru Takeuchi and Heami Park, 2019. Drainage canal map detection of tropical peatlands over Indonesia by PALSAR-2 image. 40th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS), Daejeon, Korea, 2019/10/16.
  143. Miwa Aoyama and Wataru Takeuchi, 2019. Mapping rice paddy cropping patterns and drought impacts in Uganda using multi-temporal MODIS images from 2001 to 2018. 40th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS), Daejeon, Korea, 2019/10/14.
  144. Deepanshu Agarwal and Wataru Takeuchi, 2019. Assessment of air quality using portable sensors in Tokyo metro stations and underground mall. 40th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS), Daejeon, Korea. 2019/10/14.
  145. Nuntikorn Kitratporn and Wataru Takeuchi, 2019. Modeling Inter-annual and Seasonal Distribution of Crop Depredation by Wild Asian Elephants in Eastern Thailand during 2009 to 2017. 40th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS), Daejeon, Korea, 2019/10/14.
  146. Xuan Truong Trinh, Wataru Takeuchi, 2019. 30 Years National Scale Seagrass Mapping in Vietnam with Landsat and Sentinel Imagery on Google Earth Engine (Best paper award). 40th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS), Daejeon, Korea. 2019/10/14.
  147. Prakhar Misra, Wataru Takeuchi, Ryoichi Imasu 2019. Brick Kiln Detection In North India With PALSAR and Sentinel Imagery Using Deep Learning Of Small Datasets. 40th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS), Daejeon, Korea. 2019/10/15.
  148. Yaru Muschin and Wataru Takeuchi, 2019. Estimation of Groundwater Level in the Hunshandake Sandy Land, China Based on KBDI and In Situ Measurements. 40th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS), Daejeon, Korea. 2019/10/15.
  149. Islam Md Rahedul and Wataru Takeuchi, 2019.Physio-climatic Classification of Bangladesh’s Rice Paddy Field for Alternate Wetting and drying (AWD). The 40th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS), Daejeon, Korea. 2019/10/15.
  150. Lilangi Wijesinghe and Wataru Takeuchi, 2019. Impact Assessment of Urbanization on Air Quality in Colombo, Sri Lanka. 40th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS), Daejeon, Korea. 2019/10/15.
  151. Yuhan Zheng and Wataru Takeuchi, 2019. Mapping and detecting changes of mangrove over China from 1996 to 2018 with JERS-1, PALSAR AND PALSAR2. 40th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS), Daejeon, Korea. 2019/10/15.
  152. Takashi Misumi and Wataru Takeuchi, 2019. High Resolution Air Pollution Assessment for Road Transport in Yangon, Myanmar. 40th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS), Daejeon, Korea. 2019/10/18.
  153. Prakhar Misra and Wataru Takeuchi, 2019. Assessing population sensitivity to urban air pollution using Google Trends and remote sensing datasets. Pecora21/ISRSE38 Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. 2019/10/07.
  154. Haemi Park, Wataru Takeuchi, and Kazuhito Ichii, 2019. Relationship between surface dry conditions and carbon dioxide emission of forest fire in Far East Russia. 20th AsiaFlux Workshop, Takayama, Japan. 2019/10/2.
  155. Haemi Park, and Wataru Takeuchi, 2019. グローバル火災エミッションを考慮した泥炭地からの二酸化炭素収支推定. リモセン虎の穴セミナー, Ibaraki, Japan. 2019/9/24
  156. Prakhar Misra and Wataru Takeuchi, 2019. Cloud based satellite image processing: Introduction to GEE. International Conferences of Indonesian Society for Remote Sensing (ICOIRS), Bandung, Indonesia. 2019/09/17 (workshop)
  157. Takumi Fujiwara and Wataru Takeuchi, 2019. Assessment of Shadow Index Using Ray Tracing based on a Voxel Model on Various Structures. 8th International Joint Student Seminar on Civil Infrastructures, Pathum Thani, Thai. 2019/09/12 (workshop)
  158. Nuntikorn and Wataru Takeuchi, 2019. Modeling Inter-annual and Seasonal Distribution of Human-Elephant Conflict in Eastern Thailand during 2009 to 2017. 8th International Joint Student Seminar on Civil Infrastructures, Pathum Thani, Thai. 2019/09/12 (workshop)
  159. Haemi Park, and Wataru Takeuchi, 2019. Satellite-based terrestrial carbon cycle modeling (衛星データを用いた陸域炭素循環モデリング). データ活用社会創成シンポジウム (U-Tokyo FSI Symposium 2019), Tokyo, Japan. 2019/9/2.
  160. Sovisoth E, Thakur VB, Nagai K Prakhar Misra and Wataru Takeuchi, 2019. Estimation of the bridge construction year in Cambodia by the analysis of LANDSAT satellite data. 3rd ACF Symposium, Sapporo, Japan. 2019/09/10.
  161. Young-Joo Kwak and Jonggeol Park and Wataru Takeuchi, 2019. Flood Extent Forecasting Using Synchronized Floodwater Index Coupling with in-Situ Data. 2019 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Yokohama, Japan. 2019/7/30.
  162. Haemi Park, Wataru Takeuchi, and Kazuhito Ichii, 2019. Estimation of carbon dioxide budget from peatland in Indonesia with site-level validation. 2019 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Yokohama, Japan. 2019/7/30.
  163. Ramona Pelich, Marco Chini, Wataru Takeuchi, Haemi Park, Young-Joo Kwak, and Vitaliy Yurchenko, 2019. Tutorials session, FD-6: Natural Disasters and Hazards Monitoring using Earth Observation Data. 2019 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Yokohama, Japan. 2019/7/28.
  164. Yun Du, Hasi Bagan and Wataru Takeuchi, 2019. Land-Use/Land-Cover Change And Drivers Of Land Degradation In The Horqin Sandy Land, China. 2019 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Yokohama, Japan. 2019/7/28.
  165. Prakhar Misra and Wataru Takeuchi, 2019. Brick kiln detection around New Delhi using Sentinel 2 with Deep Learning: Distribution and Drivers. NASA LCLUC SARI International Regional Science Meeting, Johor Bahru, Malaysia. 2019/07/24 (presentation)
  166. Haemi Park and Wataru Takeuchi, 2019. Effects of surface dryness to fire occurrences and the CO2 emission considering land cover types. 2019 Land Use/Cover Changes, Environment and Emissions in South/Southeast Asia – An International Regional Science Meeting (SARI), Johor Bahru, Malaysia. 2019/7/22 (Poster)
  167. Haemi Park, and Wataru Takeuchi, 2019. Destroyed tropical peatland environment in Indonesia and the impact to the CO2 emissions. 193th Network for Education and Research on Asia, Tokyo, Japan. 2019/7/11.
  168. Haemi Park and Wataru Takeuchi, 2019. Effects of dry condition and land cover types to the wildfire in Far East Russia. 66th Spring Conference of Remote Sensing Society of Japan (RSSJ), Saitama, Japan.
  169. 竹内渉, 朴慧美, 2019. 衛星観測を用いたインドネシアの泥炭地における林野火災と地下水位の推定. 日本リモートセンシング学会 第66回学術講演会:東京電機大学(埼玉県鳩山市), 2019/06/04.
  170. Prakhar Misra and Wataru Takeuchi, 2019. Comparison of Remote Sensing derived KBDI with Soil-moisture in Thailand. JAXA-GISTDA mini workshop on drought monitoring, Bangkok Thailand. 2019/05/17 (presentation)
  171. Prakhar Misra and Wataru Takeuchi, 2019. Air quality monitoring and mapping with portable devices. Suranaree University of Technology, Nakhon Ratchaseema, Thailand. 2019/05/15 (workshop)
  172. Ardhi Arbain, Ryoichi Imasu, Prakhar Misra and Wataru Takeuchi, 2019. Estimating PM2.5 Emission from Brick Kiln Industry over Northern India with Numerical Model and Remote Sensing Observation. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria. 2019/04/11.
  173. Wataru Takeuchi, Ram Avtar and Prakhar Misra, 2019. Hands-on-training session on evaluating three-dimensional urban expansion in mega cities in Asia. 4th Open Science Meeting, Global Land Program, Bern, Switzerland. 2019/04/27 (workshop)
  174. Prakhar Misra and Wataru Takeuchi, 2019. Remote Sensing Applications using Google Earth Engine. International Symposium on Remote Sensing - ISPRS TC-W/8 Tutorial, Taipei, Taiwan. 2019/04/18 (workshop)
  175. Jeark Principe and Wataru Takeuchi, 2019. Supply and demand analysis of solar PV as off-grid option in the Asia Pacific region with remote sensing and GIS (Best paper award). The International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2019, Taipei, Taiwan. 2019/04/16
  176. Xuan Truong Trinh and Wataru Takeuchi, 2019. Seagrass distribution monitoring at the national scale for Vietnam during 1980s-2010s with Google Earth Engine. The International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2019, Taipei, Taiwan. 2019/04/16
  177. Nguyen Thi Quynh Trang and Wataru Takeuchi, 2019. Assessment of biomass burning impact on air quality in Southern Vietnam with WRF-Chem Model and MODIS observations (Best paper award). The International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2019, Taipei, Taiwan. 2019/04/16
  178. Yuhan Zheng, Wataru Takeuchi and Jiaping Wu, 2019. Remote sensing analysis of the mangrove ecosystem in Zhejiang Province, China. International Symposium on Remote Sensing-2019 (ISRS-2019), Taipei, Taiwan. 2019/4/17.
  179. Prakhar Misra and Wataru Takeuchi, 2019. Use of Google Trends for Assessing Sensitivity of Population to Urban Air Pollution.The International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2019, Taipei, Taiwan. 2019/04/18
  180. Haemi Park and Wataru Takeuchi, 2019. Assessment of carbon sink response to temperature and precipitation with ENSO events in Indonesia. 2019 International Symposium on Remote Sensing, Taipei, Taiwan. 2019/4/19.
  181. Islam Md Rahedul and Wataru Takeuchi, 2019. Irrigated-Rainfed Rice Area Mapping With Climatic Parameters over Bangladesh. International Symposium on Remote Sensing-2019 (ISRS-2019), Taipei, Taiwan. 2019/4/19.
  182. Nuntikorn Kitratporn and Wataru Takeuchi, 2019. Assessing Vegetation Dynamic and Drought Impact on Elephant Crop-raiding Outside of Eastern Protected Areas in Thailand. 2019 International Symposium on Remote Sensing, Taipei, Taiwan. 2019/4/19
  183. Nuntikorn Kitratporn and Wataru Takeuchi, 2019. Assessing Vegetation Dynamic and Drought Impact on Elephant Crop-raiding Outside of Eastern Forest Complex, Thailand. 第27回 生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2019/3/6, Poster
  184. Prakhar Misra and Wataru Takeuchi, 2019. Analyzing perception of urban air pollution using Google Trends and satellite datasets. 第27回 生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2019/3/6, oral
  185. Haemi Park and Wataru Takeuchi, 2019. Analysis of meteorological and hydrological change response to the carbon budget in tropical peatlands. 第27回 生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2019/3/6, poster
  186. Jeark Principe and Wataru Takeuchi, 2019. Supply and Demand Analysis of Solar PV as Off-Grid Option in the Asia Pacific Region with Remote Sensing and GIS. 第27回 生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2019/3/6, poster
  187. Pegah Hashemvand and Wataru Takeuchi, 2019. Assessing Oil Palm Yield Gap at The Location of Malaysian and Indonesian exciting Plantations from Perspective of Bio-Physical Suitability .第27回 生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2019/3/6, poster
  188. Islam Md Rahedul and Wataru Takeuchi, 2019. IRRIGATED-RAINFED RICE AREA MAPPING WITH CLIMATIC PARAMETERS OVER BANGLADESH. 第27回 生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2019/3/6, poster
  189. Yuhan Zheng, Wataru Takeuchi, Jiaping Wu, 2019. Remote sensing analysis of the mangrove ecosystem at Zhejiang province in China. 第27回 生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2019/3/6, poster
  190. Deepanshu Agarwal and Wataru Takeuchi, 2019. Flood Hazard Map of Varanasi, India using SPOT and SRTM data. 第27回 生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2019/3/6
  191. Hironori Arai, Wataru Takeuchi, Kei Oyoshi, Lam Dao Nguyen, Towa Tachibana, Uozumi Ryuta, Terasaki Koji, Miyoshi Takemasa, Yashiro Hisashi, and Kazuyuki Inubushi, 2019. Low cost and transparent MRV system of GHG emissions based on satellite remote sensing data -case study on CH4 emission from the Mekong delta-. 第27回 生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2019/3/6.
  192. 吉川 猛,古関潤一,清田 隆,竹内 渉・横田聖哉,柳浦良行,野口ゆい, 2018. SARを利用した軟弱地盤地域における高速道路路面沈下量の把握, 第53回地盤工学研究発表会, pp.1111~1112, 2018/11/10.
  193. 野口ゆい,古関潤一,清田 隆,竹内 渉,横田聖哉,柳浦良行,吉川 猛, 2018. SARを利用した地すべり土塊および道路変状の推定, 第53回地盤工学研究発表会, pp.1113~1114, 2018/11/10.
  194. Hein Thura Aung, Sao Hone Pha and Wataru Takeuchi, 2018. Performance Evaluation of Building Footprint Delineation in Yangon City Using Deep Learning with Different Training Datasets. 9th International Conference on Science and Engineering (ICSE), Yangon, Myanmar, Dec. 8, 2018.
  195. Wataru Takeuchi, 2018. Advanced remote sensing technology for the better quality of life (QoL) (Keynote speech). National seminar at ITENAS, Bandung, Indonesia, 2018/12/4.
  196. 郭栄珠, 朴鍾杰, 竹内渉, 2018. MODIS時系列データによる広域洪水マッピングの長期的分析. 日本写真測量学会平成30年秋季学術講演会,アオーレ長岡,新潟県長岡市, 2018/11/9.
  197. Wataru Takeuchi, 2018. Near-real time satellite-based drought monitoring and early warning system in Asia (Invited talk). 25th Asia Pacific Region Space Agency forum (APRSAF), Singapore, 2018/11/4.
  198. Satomi Kakuta, Wataru Takeuchi and Anchana Prathep, 2018. Inter-Annual and Seasonal Dynamics of Seagrass and Seaweed Distribution in Phuket, Thailand by Landsat-8 Measurements. 39th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS), Kuala Lumpu, Malaysia. 2018/10/15.
  199. Md Rahedul Islam and Wataru Takeuchi, 2018. Irrigated Area Mapping to Assess AWD Potential Over Bangladesh with MODIS Time Series from 2001 to 2017. 39th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS), Kuala Lumpu, Malaysia. 2018/10/15.
  200. Prakhar Misra and Wataru Takeuchi, 2018. Estimating Land-Use Change Impacts on Urban Air Quality in India Using Hierarchical Bayesian Approach. 39th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS), Kuala Lumpu, Malaysia. 2018/10/15.
  201. Jeark Principe and Wataru Takeuchi, 2018. Dust Analysis and Its Effects on Solar PV Power Potential in the Asia Pacific Using MODIS Time Series from 2001 to 2017. 39th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS), Kuala Lumpu, Malaysia. 2018/10/15.
  202. Pegah Hashemvand Khiabani and Wataru Takeuchi, 2018. Mapping Oil Palm Expansion from 2000 to 2017 in Indonesia and Malaysia. 39th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS), Kuala Lumpu, Malaysia. 2018/10/15.
  203. Nuntikorn Kitratporn and Wataru Takeuchi, 2018. Time-Series Analysis of Asian Elephant Habitat Change and Impact on Its Population Dynamic at Regional Scale. 39th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS), Kuala Lumpu, Malaysia. 2018/10/15.
  204. Nguyen Thi Quynh Trang and Wataru Takeuchi, 2018. Application of WRF-Chem Model to Simulate Air Pollution Over Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. 39th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS), Kuala Lumpu, Malaysia. 2018/10/15.
  205. Sotaro Tashiro and Wataru Takeuchi, 2018. 100-Years of Land Use Change Analysis with Old Topographic Map Using Deep Learning. 39th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS), Kuala Lumpu, Malaysia. 2018/10/15.
  206. Hein Thura Aung, Sao Hone Pha and Wataru Takeuchi, 2018. Automatic Building Footprints Extraction of Yangon City from GEOEYE Monocular Optical Satellite Image by Using Deep Learning. 39th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS), Kuala Lumpu, Malaysia. 2018/10/15.
  207. Guanyu Yan and Wataru Takeuchi, 2018. Infrared Camera Assisted Optical Pattern Recognition Optimization Algorithm - Using Human Detection as an Example. 39th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS), Kuala Lumpu, Malaysia. 2018/10/15.
  208. Takashi Misumi and Wataru Takeuchi, 2018. High Resolution Air Pollution Assessment for Road Transport in Yangon, Myanmar. 39th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS), Kuala Lumpu, Malaysia. 2018/10/15.
  209. Shiro Ochi, Wataru Takeuchi and Misra Prakhar, 2018. Spatiotemporal Distribution of Wildfire in Southeast Asia Using Remote Sensing Data. 39th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS), Kuala Lumpu, Malaysia. 2018/10/15.
  210. Wataru Takeuchi, 2018. Advanced remote sensing technology for the better quality of life (QoL) (Keynote speech). Opening celemory and seminar at remote sensing center, Yangon Technological Univerersity (YTU), Yangon, Myanmar, 2018/10/4.
  211. Wataru Takeuchi, 2018. Principle and application of remote sensing for flood mapping (Invited talk). 3rd BWDB-ICHARM workshop on flood risk management, Dhaka, Bangladesh 2018/9/4.
  212. Wataru Takeuchi and Kwak Yongjoo, 2018. Blending MODIS and AMSR2 to predict daily global inundation map in 1km resolution (Invited talk). IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 2018 (IGARSS): Valencia, Spain. 2018/7/25.
  213. Kwak Yongjoo, Ramona Pelich, Jonggeol Park and Wataru Takeuchi, 2018. Multiple satellite-based algorith coupled with in-situ data for global flood mapping. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 2018 (IGARSS): Valencia, Spain. 2018/7/25.
  214. 赤塚慎, 竹内渉, 2018. ひまわり8号Full Diskデータ雲マスクの精度検証. 日本写真測量学会平成30年年次学術講演会,東京大学生産技術研究所,東京都目黒区, 2018/5/25.
  215. Nguyen Thi Quynh Trang and Wataru Takeuchi, 2018. Dynamic air pollution mapping for Ho Chi Minh city using portable sensors. International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2018 (ISRS), Pyeongchang, Korea Rep., 2018/5/9.
  216. Arliandy P. Arbad, Wataru Takeuchi and Yosuke Aoki. Ground deformation patter at Krakatoa volcano from InSAR and local seismic tomography analysis. International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2018 (ISRS), Pyeongchang, Korea Rep., 2018/5/9.
  217. Anjar Dimara Sakti and Wataru Takeuchi. Estimation of global crop calendar and intensity using the MODIS NDVI time series from 2001 to 2015. International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2018 (ISRS), Pyeongchang, Korea Rep., 2018/5/9.
  218. Md Rahedul Islam and Wataru Takeuchi. Crop calendar mapping for AWD assessment over Bangladesh with MODIS time series from 2001 to 2016. International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2018 (ISRS), Pyeongchang, Korea Rep., 2018/5/9.
  219. Jeark Principe and Wataru Takeuchi. Assessment of solar PV power potential over Asia Pacific region with AHI-8. International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2018 (ISRS), Pyeongchang, Korea Rep., 2018/5/9.
  220. Xuan Truong Trinh and Wataru Takeuchi. Seagrass mapping in Khan Hoa province, Vietanam using satellite imagery and UAV. International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2018 (ISRS), Pyeongchang, Korea Rep., 2018/5/9.
  221. Pegah Hashemvand Khiabani and Wataru Takeuchi, 2018. Oil palm Individual Tree detection on High- Resolution UAV image based on Convolutional Neural Network. 9th International Conference and Exhibition on Geospetial & RemoteSensing (IGRSM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 2018/04/18.
  222. Anjar Dimara Sakti, Wataru Takeuchi, 2018. Development of Long-term Global Crop Water Requirement by Integrating Multi-source Earth Observation Data Products. 第26回 生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区). 2018/3/6.
  223. Arif Aditiya, Yosuke Aoki, Ranie Dwi Anugrah, Wataru Takeuchi, 2018. Post Volcano Eruption Deformation Measured using Time Series PALSAR-2 and Prone Area Analysis. 第26回 生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区). 2018/3/6.
  224. Hironori Arai, Wataru Takeuchi, Kei Oyoshi, Lam Dao Nguyen, Towa Tachibana, and Kazuyuki Inubushi, 2018. Establishment of methane spatio-temporal distribution from rice cropping with ground flux & satellite datasets. 第26回 生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2018/3/6.
  225. Jeark Principe and Wataru Takeuchi, 2018. Assessment of Solar PV Power Potential over Asia Pacific Region with AHI8 . 第26回 生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2018/3/6.
  226. Nguyen Thi Quynh Trang and Wataru Takeuchi, 2018. Dynamic PM2.5 mapping with portable sensor devices in Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam. 第26回 生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区). 2018/3/6.
  227. Md Rahedul Islam and Wataru Takeuchi, 2018. AWD irrigiation techniques in rice paddy irrigation: A great opportunity for Bangladesh. 第26回 生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区). 2018/3/6.
  228. Pegah Hashemvand khiabani and Wataru Takeuchi, 2018. Impact of el Nino-southern oscillation(ENSO) on Oil palm bio-physical Suitability in Indonesia and Malaysia. 第26回 生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2018/3/6.
  229. Prakhar Misra and Wataru Takeuchi, 2018. Hierarchical Bayesian approach to estimate land-use change impacts on urban air quality in India. 第26回 生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2018/3/6.
  230. Etsuko Nakazono, Wataru Takeuchi, Tetsuya Matsui, Akiko, Hirata, Satoshi Saito, Kouji Tamai, Takashi Kamijo, Sumya Oyunsuvd, Undarmaa Jamsran, 2018. Tracing of the veteation recovery using MODIS and HIMAWARI8 after the forest fire in Northern Mongolia. 第26回 生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」:東京大学生産技術研究所(東京都目黒区), 2018/3/6.
  231. Hironori Arai, Wataru Takeuchi, Kei Oyoshi, Lam Dao Nguyen, Towa Tachibana, and Kazuyuki Inubushi, 2018. Establishment of methane spatio-temporal distribution from rice cropping with ground flux & satellite datasets. Japanflux 10 years anniversary. Tsukuba, Japan. 2018/2/2.
  232. 角田 里美,竹内 渉, Kitsanai Charoenjit, Anchana Prathep, 2018. ドローン画像を用いたタイ国沿岸域の海草藻場のテクスチャ情報の把握.第26回 生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2018/3/6.
  233. 赤塚 慎,竹内 渉,高木 方隆, 2018. Himawari-8/AHI Full Diskデータの雲マスク作成.第26回 生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2018/3/6.
  234. Young-Joo Kwak, Jonggeol Park and Wataru Takeuchi, 2018. Long-term flood detection mapping using multi-satellite data for international river basin. 第26回 生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2018/3/6.
  235. Prakhar Misra and Wataru Takeuchi, 2017. Land-use urban morphology identification using digital surface model over Indian cities. 8th Indian Scientists Association in Japan Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, 2017/12/6.
  236. Kazuki Inoue, Wataru Takeuchi, 2017. Condition Monitoring of Railway Track Based on Car-Body Acceleration Response Using Portalbe Device. 8th International Conference on Science and Engineering, 2017 (8th ICSE 2017) in conference USB, Yangon, Myanmar, Dec. 5, 2017
  237. 赤塚 慎,竹内 渉,高木 方隆, 2017.ひまわり8号全球データ雲マスクの作成. 日本写真測量学会 平成29年度秋季学術講演会:宇部市民会館 (山口県宇部市), 2017/11/10.
  238. Etsuko Nakazono, Wataru Takeuchi, Tetsuya Matsui, Akiko Hirata,Satoshi Saito, Kouji Tamai, Takeshi Kamijo, Sumya Oyunsuvd, Undarmaa Jamsran, 2017. Tracing of the vegetation recovery by MODIS and HIMAWARI8 after the forest fire in Northern Mongolia. 38th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS), New Delhi, India 2017/10/26
  239. Arif Aditiya, Wataru Takeuchi and Yosuke Aoki, 2017. Surface Deformation Monitoring observed by Time Series InSAR-SBAS Analysis. 38th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS), New Delhi, India. 2017/10/23.
  240. Guanyu Yan, Wataru Takeuchi, 2017. Portable, UAV Friendly Infrared Camera System Based On Raspberry Pi. 38th Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): New Delhi, India, 2017/10/23.
  241. Hironori Arai, Wataru Takeuchi, Kei Oyoshi, Lam Dao Nguyen, Towa Tachibana, and Kazuyuki Inubushi, 2017. An interdisciplinary approach to evaluating regional methane emission from rice production in the Mekong Delta. The 38th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing special session: GEOGLAM. New Delhi, India. 2017/10/23.
  242. Nguyen Thi Quynh Trang, Wataru Takeuchi, 2017. PM2.5 mapping with portable sensor devices and location mapping. 38th Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS), New Dehli, India. 2017/10/23.
  243. Kazuki Inoue and Wataru Takeuchi, 2017. Condition Monitoring of Railway Track Based on InSAR Analysis and Using Portable Device for Yangon Circular Railway. 38th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS), New Delhi, India. 2017/10/23.
  244. Seina Uchida and Wataru Takeuchi, 2017. Discovering relation of railway route and national economy using statistical and remotely sensed dataset. 38th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS), New Delhi, India. 2017/10/23.
  245. Xuan Truong Trinh, Wataru Takeuchi, 2017. Effects of damming on seagrass distribution in con dao islands, vietnam from 1970’s to 2010’s. 38th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS), New Delhi, India. 2017/10/23.
  246. Wataru Takeuchi, 2017. Linking Space Technology, Industry and Government in Japan (Keynote speech). The 5th Geoinformation Science Symposium, Jyogjakarta, Indonesia, 2017/9/28.
  247. Wataru Takeuchi, 2017. Quantifying GHG Budgets in Southeast Asia by Remote Sensing and Models (Invited talk). GEOSS AP workshop: Hanoi, Vietnam, 2017/9/17.
  248. Wataru Takeuchi, 2017. Wild fire mapping in Asia pacific region by advanced Himawari-I imager. The third world congress on GIS & Remote sensing (Keynote speech). Charlotte, USA, 2017/9/20.
  249. Pegah Hashemvand khiabani, Wataru Takeuchi, 2017. Automated oil palm crown detection using unmanned aerial vehicle imagery in Malaysia,38th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing: Delhi, India. 2017/08/24.
  250. Hironori Arai, Wataru Takeuchi, Kei Oyoshi, Lam Dao Nguyen, Towa Tachibana, and Kazuyuki Inubushi, 2017. Regional evaluation of methane emission from rice production in the Mekong Delta. Join conference of AsiaFlux2017 and the 15th Anniversary of ChinaFlux. Beijing, China. 2017/8/17.
  251. Hironori Arai, Wataru Takeuchi, Kei Oyoshi, Lam Dao Nguyen, Towa Tachibana, and Kazuyuki Inubushi, 2017. A multidisciplinary approach of the global warming potential evaluation on the Mekong Delta. LCLUC NASA-SARI International Meeting. Chiang Mai, Thailand. 2017/7/17.
  252. Prakhar Misra and Wataru Takeuchi, 2017. Impacts Assessment of Socio-Economic Development on Urban Air Quality in Indian Mega-Cities. LCLUC NASA-SARI International Meeting. Chiang Mai, Thailand. 2017/7/17.
  253. Arliandy P. Arbad and Wataru Takeuchi, 2017. Comparison SBAS-InSAR and TimeFun-InSAR Algorithm to Investigate Time-Series Land Deformation at Mt. Bromo Indonesia. International Symposium on Remote Sensing (ISRS): Nagoya, Japan, May 17, 2017.
  254. N.Kitratporn and Wataru Takeuchi, 2017. Comparison of Close-range Structure-from-Motion Model from Digital SLR and Lightweight Wearable Camera for Bridge Inspection in Myanmar. International Symposium on Remote Sensing (ISRS): Nagoya, Japan, May 17, 2017.
  255. Arliandy P. Arbad and Wataru Takeuchi, 2017. Vulnerability assessment in the unrest volcano based on time-series land surface deformation and GIS approach (case study at Mt. Bromo-East Java). International Symposium on Remote Sensing (ISRS): Nagoya, Japan, May 17, 2017.
  256. Tanakorn Sritarapipat and Wataru Takeuchi, 2017. Estimation of Land Price in Yangon, Myanmar based on The Empirical Model using Remotely Sensed data. International Symposium on Remote Sensing (ISRS): Nagoya, Japan, May 17, 2017.
  257. Prakhar Misra and Wataru Takeuchi, 2017. Digital Surface Model (DSM) datasets for built-height estimation over Indian cities. 24th International Symposium on Remote Sensing, Nagoya, Japan, 2017/5/17.
  258. Etsuko Nakazono, Wataru Takeuchi, Tetsuya Matsui, Akiko Hirata, Satoshi Saito, Kouji tamai, Takeshi Kamijo, Sumya Oyusuvd, Undarmaa Jamsran, 2017. Tracing of the vegetation recovery by MODIS after the forest fire in northern Mongolia. 日本写真測量学会平成29年次学術講演会、東京大学生産技術研究所, 2017/5/25
  259. 中園 悦子, 竹内 渉, 森山 雅雄, 2017. ひまわり8号による2015年のインドネシア泥炭地火災. 第25回 生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2017/03/02
  260. Xi LI, Wataru TAKEUCHI, Youngjoo KWAK,Investigation of angular effect for inundation area extraction from PALSAR2 in Bangladesh. 第25回 生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2017/03/02
  261. Arliandy P. Arbad, Wataru Takeuchi, Yosuke Aoki, 2017. Time-Series InSAR Analysis of the Small Baseline Subset to Estimate Surface Deformation at Mt. Bromo Indonesia. 第25回 生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2017/03/02
  262. 水谷 真隆, 竹内 渉, 森山 雅雄, 2017. ひまわり8号を用いたブリヤート共和国における林野火災検知に関する研究. 第25回 生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2017/03/02
  263. Anjar Dimara Sakti, Wataru Takeuchi, 2017. Integrating pixel similarity of recent global land cover datasets for global cropland area mapping. 第25回 生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2017/03/02
  264. Tanakorn Sritarapipat, Wataru Takeuchi, 2017. Assessment of Flood Vulnerability in Yangon, Myanmar based on The Empirical Model using Remotely Sensed data. 第25回 生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2017/03/02
  265. Prakhar Misra, Wataru Takeuchi, 2017. Comparison of ASTER and AW3D derived Digital Surface Model Datasets for built structure height estimation over Yangon city, Myanmar. 第25回 生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2017/03/02
  266. 井上 和樹, 竹内 渉, 2017. 干渉SAR分析を用いたヤンゴン環状鉄道の保線整備に関する研究. 第25回 生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2017/03/02
  267. 内田 聖菜, 竹内 渉, Jago Dodson, 2017. Impacts of regional railways to the transition of population, urbna area, and income in Australian cities. 第25回 生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2017/03/02
  268. Nuntikorn Kitratporn, Wataru Takeuchi, Koji Matsumoto, Kohei Nagai, 2017. Comparison of Structure-from-Motion Reconstructed Model and Terrestrial Laser Scan Point Cloud for Twantay Bridge Tower Inclination Assessment. 第25回 生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2017/03/02
  269. Xuan Truong Trinh , Nuntikorn Kitratporn , Wataru Takeuchi, 2017. Application of commercial camera for indoor mapping. 第25回 生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2017/03/02
  270. 米原 慎, 川崎 昭如, 竹内 渉, 2017. 開発途上国における土地利用変化が洪水氾濫域に及ぼす影響. 第25回 生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2017/03/02
  271. 増間 智昭, 小高 暁, 竹内 渉, 2017. 神武直彦,プランテーション作業効率向上のためのRTK-GNSS高精度測位を利用した植樹支援システムの設計と評価. 第25回 生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2017/03/02
  272. Soni Darmawan, Wataru Takeuchi, E nakazono, V T Dien, K S Oo, K Wikantika D K Sari, 2017. Spatial distribution of aboveground biomass of mangrove forest types. 第25回 生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2017/03/02
  273. Wataru Takeuchi, Shin Akatsuka, Masao Moriyama, Kei Oyoshi, Tetsuya Matsui and Toshihiro Nemoto, 2016. Applicaton of Himawari-8 (AHI) for wild fire monitoring in Asia Pacific region. (Keynote speech). Emerging Sensing Technologies Summit 2016 (ESTS'16): Melbourne, Australia, 2016/12/6.
  274. Nunitkorn Kitratporn, Wataru Takeuchi, Koji Matsumoto, and Kohei Nagai, 2016. 3D Structure-From-Motion Data Acquisition and Processing for Twantay Bridge Inclination Assessment. 8th international conference on science and engineering (ICSE): Yangon, Myanmar, 2016/12/10.
  275. Ko Ko Lwin, Toshikazu Seto, Wataru Takeuchi, Yoshihide Sekimoto, 2016. Development of geospatial platform (G-Space) for disaster resilience system in Myanmar. 8th international conference on science and engineering (ICSE): Yangon, Myanmar, 2016/12/10.
  276. Arliandy P. Arbad, Wataru Takeuchi and Y. Aoki, 2016. Time Series InSAR for Interpretating 5 years Cycle of Mt. Bromo Eruptions in Indonesia by Using PALSAR and PALSAR-2 to Assess Damages Assessment (Best paper award). The 7th Indonesia Japan Joint Scientific Symposium (IJJSS 2016): Chiba, Japan, 2016/11/22.
  277. 竹内渉, 2016. ひまわり8号AHI画像の幾何補正精度の年間変動. 日本写真測量学会 平成28年度秋季学術講演会:都久志会館 (福岡県福岡市), 2016/11/10.
  278. 赤塚慎,松岡真如,大吉慶,竹内渉,森山雅雄, 2016. ひまわり8号冬季データの雲マスク作成. 日本写真測量学会 平成28年度秋季学術講演会:都久志会館 (福岡県福岡市), 2016/11/10.
  279. Shin Akatsuka, Masayuki Matsuoka, Kei Oyoshi, Wataru Takeuchi, Masataka Takagi, 2016. Development Of Cloud Mask Product Using Himawari-8/Ahi. 37th Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS), Colombo, Sri Lanka. 2016/10/20.
  280. Sao Hone Pha, Wataru Takeuchi, 2016. Effect Of Ground Control Points In Terms Of Distribution And Location On Geometric Correction Of Corona Satellite Image. 37th Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS), Colombo, Sri Lanka. 2016/10/19.
  281. Arliandy P. Arbad, Wataru Takeuchi, 2016. Investigation of Ground Deformation Caused by Volcanic Eruptions in 2010 and 2015 at Mt. Bromo-Indonesia Observed by PALSAR and PALSAR-2. 37th Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS), Colombo, Sri Lanka. 2016/10/20.
  282. Masataka Mizutani, Wataru Takeuchi, Masao Moriyama, 2016. Comparative Performance Of Wildfire Detection In Siberia By Advanced Himawari-8 Imager (AHI). 37th Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS), Colombo, Sri Lanka. 2016/10/20.
  283. Kazuki INOUE, Wataru TAKEUCHI, 2016. Damage Assessment Of Infrastructures In Yangon, Myanmar Based On InSAR Analysis. 37th Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS), Colombo, Sri Lanka. 2016/10/20.
  284. Nuntikorn Kitratporn, Takeuchi Wataru, 2016. 3d Point Cloud Based On Structural-From-Motion Photogrammetry For Bridge Inclination Assessment In Myanmar. 37th Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS), Colombo, Sri Lanka. 2016/10/20.
  285. Tanakorn Sritarapipat, Wataru Takeuchi, 2016. Modeling Urban Expansion With Regard To Disaster Vulnerability In Yangon, Myanmar. 37th Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS), Colombo, Sri Lanka. 2016/10/20.
  286. Etsuko Nakazono, Wataru Takeuchi, 2016. Detection of 2015 Indonesian peat fires by Advanced Himawari-8 Imager (AHI). 37th Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS), Colombo, Sri Lanka. 2016/10/18.
  287. Prakhar Misra, Wataru Takeuchi, 2016. Assessing Impact Of Economic Activities On Urban Air Quality In India By Nightlight And Atmospheric Measurement Datasets. 37th Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS), Colombo, Sri Lanka. 2016/10/20.
  288. Wataru Takeuchi, 2016. Near-real time meteorological drought monitoring and its impact to crop yield and carbon emission in Asia (Keynote speech). 2nd Internatinal Conference on Indonesian Society for Remote Sensing (ICOIRS): Jogjakarta, Indonesia, 2016/10/19.
  289. Arliandy P. Arbad, W. Takeuchi, Achmad Ardy and Ridwan A. Ashari, 2016. Observing Deformation at Mt. Raung East Java Based on PALSAR-2 Imagery by Using Interferometric SAR (Best poster award). 2nd Internatinal Conference on Indonesian Society for Remote Sensing (ICOIRS): Jogjakarta, Indonesia, 2016/10/19.
  290. Masaya Izuhara, Takehiro Hidemori, Masahiro Kawasaki, Tomoki Nakayama, Yutaka Matsumi, HiroshiSasago, Yukio Terao, Shohei Nomura, Toshinobu Machida, Wataru Takeuchi, Minaco Adachi, Ryoichi Imasu, Surendra Kumar Dhaka, Jagmohan Singh, Kenshi Takahashi. Development of a low-cost in-situ methane observation system and results of field observation at a paddy field in India. Japan Geoscience Union Meeting (JpGU), Chiba, Japan. 2016/5/24.
  291. Wataru Takeuchi, Soni Darmawan and Ryoichi Imasu, 2016. Estimation of global CO2 emission by biomass burning from 2001 to 2015. Japan Geoscience Union Meeting (JpGU), Chiba, Japan. 2016/5/24.
  292. Wataru Takeuchi, 2016. Assessment of geometric errors with Advanced Himawari-8 Imager (AHI) from 2015 January to December. International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2016 (ISRS), Jeju, Korea. 2016/04/22.
  293. Seina Uchida, Wataru Takeuchi, Kiichiro Hatoyama, Yuri Mazurov, 2016. Socio-Economic Impact of Trans-Siberian Railway After the Collapse of Soviet Union by Integrated Spatial Data Analysis. International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2016 (ISRS), Jeju, Korea. 2016/04/22.
  294. LI Xi, Wataru Takeuchi, 2016. Analysis of Land Cover Change and Rainfall on the Global Land Surface Water Coverage Database During 1987-2015. International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2016 (ISRS), Jeju, Korea. 2016/04/22.
  295. Wataru Takeuchi, 2016. Assessment of geometric errors of Advanced Himawari-8 Imager (AHI) over one year operation. 8th International Conference and Exhibition on Geospetial & RemoteSensing (IGRSM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 2016/04/13.
  296. Etsuko Nakazono, Nobuyuki Tanaka, Masatsugu Yasuda, Hiromu Daimaru, Wataru Takeuchi, 2016. Evergreen Broadleaf Forest Transition Zone Changes in Japan from 1961 to 2008 Identified by Aerial Ortho-Photographs. 8th International Conference and Exhibition on Geospetial & RemoteSensing (IGRSM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 2016/04/13.
  297. Li Xi, Wataru Takeuchi, 2016. Analysis of Land Cover Change and Rainfall on the Global Land Surface Water Coverage Database During 1987-2015. 8th International Conference and Exhibition on Geospetial & RemoteSensing (IGRSM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 2016/04/13.
  298. Tanakorn Sritarapipat, Wataru Takeuchi, 2016. Modeling Urban Expansion in Yangon, Myanmar Using Landsat Time-Series and Stereo Geoeye Images. 8th International Conference and Exhibition on Geospetial & RemoteSensing (IGRSM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 2016/04/13.
  299. Soni Darmawan, W Takeuchi, E Nakazono, E Parwati, V T Dien, K S Oo, K Wikantika, D K Sari, 2016. An Investigation of Age and Yield of Fresh Fruit Bunches of Oil Palm Based on ALOS PALSAR 2. 8th International Conference and Exhibition on Geospetial & RemoteSensing (IGRSM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 2016/04/13.
  300. Prakhar Misra, Wataru Takeuchi, 2016. Air Quality Analysis Using Nighttime Light for Indian Urban Regions. 8th International Conference and Exhibition on Geospetial & RemoteSensing (IGRSM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 2016/04/13.
  301. Soni Darmawan, W. Takeuchi, A. Haryati, R. Najib A M, M Na'aim, 2016. An investigation of age and yield of fresh fruit bunches of oil palm based on ALOS PALSAR 2. 8th International Conference and Exhibition on Geospetial & RemoteSensing (IGRSM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 2016/04/13.
  302. Prakhar Misra, Wataru Takeuchi, 2016. Air Quality Analysis Using Nighttime Light for Indian Urban Regions. 第24回 生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2016/03/17.
  303. Tanakorn Sritarapipat, Wataru Takeuchi, 2016. Modeling Urban Expansion in Yangon, Myanmar Using Landsat Time-Series and Stereo Geoeye. 第24回 生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2016/03/17.
  304. 内田聖菜, 竹内渉, 鳩山紀一郎, Yuri Mazurov, 2016. 衛星画像解析を用いたソ連崩壊後のシベリア鉄道が社会経済に果たした影響の分析. 第24回 生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2016/03/17.
  305. 安立美奈子、伊藤昭彦、米原正一郎、竹内渉, 2016. 衛星データを使った全球規模の土地利用変化が土壌子給料と炭素収支に与える影響評価. 第24回 生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2016/03/17.
  306. Li Xi, Wataru Takeuchi, 2016. Analysis of Land Cover Change and Rainfall on the Global Land Surface Water coverage Database During 1987-2015. 第24回 生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2016/03/17.
  307. 角田翔、竹内渉, 2016. 時系列干渉SARを用いた熱帯泥炭地における長期的地盤沈下の推定. 第24回 生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2016/03/17.
  308. 堅山直樹、竹内渉, 2016. 社会経済指標の推計に向けた夜間光衛星観測データの時空間解析. 第24回 生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2016/03/17.
  309. 中園悦子、田中信行、安田正次、大丸裕武、竹内渉, 2016. 空中写真による冷温帯ー暖温帯境界域の常緑広葉樹の分布変化検出. 第24回 生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2016/03/17.
  310. Soni Darmawan, Wataru Takeuchi, 2016. Spatial cistribution of mangrove forest vased on ALOS-PALSAR mosaic 25m resolution in Southeast Asia. 第24回 生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2016/03/17.
  311. 小野朗子, 竹内渉, 林田佐智子, 2016. カゲ指数を用いた樹高の見積もり. 第24回 生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2016/03/17.
  312. 竹内渉, 大吉慶, 赤塚慎, 2016. 2015年3月から2016年2月のひまわり8号AHI画像の幾何補正精度評価. 第24回 生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2016/03/17.
  313. Ram Avtar, Wataru Takeuchi, Pankaj Kumar, Ridhika Aggarwal, Ankita Gupta, S. Herth, Masumi Yamamoto, 2016. Evaluation of land subsidence using high resolution TerraSAR-X time series data in Negishi area. 第24回 生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2016/03/18.
  314. Wataru Takeuchi, Soni Darmawan, Etsuko Nakazono, Yenni Vetrita, Gathot Winarso, Vu Tien Dien, Kyaw San Oo, Ketut Wikantika and Dewi Kania Sari, 2016. Carbon stock calculation and forest change assessment toward REDD+ activities for the mangrove forests in Southeast Asia (Invited talk). NASA South/Southeast Asia Research Initiative (SARI) workshop: Yangon, Myanmar, 2016/01/15.
  315. Key Oyoshi, Wataru Takeuchi, Shinichi Sobue, Thuy Le Toan and Toshichika Iizumi, 2015. Rice crop monitoring by fusing microwave and optical satellite data (Invited talk). American geophysical union fall meeting 2015 (AGU): San francisco, USA, 2015/12/17.
  316. Wataru Takeuchi, Tanakorn Sritarapipat, Kyaw San Oo, Win Win Zin and Sao Hone Pha, 2015. Estimation of land use change and building heights from 1966 to 2013 in Yangon by Corona, Landsat and Geoeye images (Keynote speech). 7th international conference on science and engineering (ICSE): Yangon, Myanmar, 2015/12/12.
  317. Wataru Takeuchi, Soni Darmawan, Rizatus Shofiyati, Mai Van Khiem, Kyaw San Oo, Uday Pimple and Suthy Heng, 2015. Near-real time meteorological drought monitoring and early warning system for croplands in Asia. (Keynote speech)International Symposium on Geoinformatics 2015 (IsYG): Malang, Indonesia, 2015/12/3.
  318. Wataru Takeuchi, Shin Akatsuka, Masao Moriyama, Kei Oyoshi, Tetsuya Matsui and Toshihiro Nemoto, 2015. Initial development of land application products with AHI8 (GMS_suites) (Invited talk). 22nd Asia Pacific Region Space Agency forum (APRSAF), Bali, Indonesia, 2015/12/1.
  319. 赤塚慎, 松岡真如, 大吉慶, 竹内渉, 高木方隆, 2015. ひまわり8号「日本域」データの雲マスク作成. 日本リモートセンシング学会 第59回学術講演会:長崎大学 (長崎県長崎市), 2015/11/26.
  320. 角田里美, 竹内渉, Anchana Prathep, 2015. Landsat-8データを用いた海藻草類のスペクトル的分類性能の把握. 日本リモートセンシング学会 第59回学術講演会:長崎大学 (長崎県長崎市), 2015/11/26.
  321. 竹内渉, 朴慧美, 2015. 統合的な衛星観測を用いたインドネシア泥炭地の地下水位推定. 日本リモートセンシング学会 第59回学術講演会:長崎大学 (長崎県長崎市), 2015/11/26.
  322. Wataru TAKEUCHI, 2015. Overview of an application of remote sensing for agriculture and drought monitoring (Invited talk). Committee on Space Research (COSPAR): Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Nov. 3, 2015.
  323. Shin AKATSUKA, Kei OYOSHI, Wataru TAKEUCHI and Masataka TAKAGI, 2015. Improvement of WBGT estimation method from MTSAT by combining bio-geophysical parameters. 36th Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Manilla, Phillippines, Oct. 20, 2015.
  324. Satomi Kakuta, Wataru TAKEUCHI and Anchana Prathep, 2015. Spectral un-mixing of seagrass and seaweed in Phuket, Southern Thailand. 36th Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Manilla, Phillippines, Oct. 20, 2015.
  325. Naoki Katayama and Wataru TAKEUCHI, 2015. Investigating short-term trend of socio-economic data by NPP-VIIRS DNB. 36th Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Manilla, Phillippines, Oct. 20, 2015.
  326. Li Xi and Wataru TAKEUCHI, 2015. Global flood detection and spatio-temporal analysis from 2002-2015 by AMSR-E, Windsat and AMSR2. 36th Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Manilla, Phillippines, Oct. 20, 2015.
  327. Masataka Mizutani, Wataru TAKEUCHI, Masao Moriyama and Koji Nakau, 2015. Comparative performance of forest fire detection in Korea D.P.R. by AHI, MODIS, CIRC and TIRS. 36th Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Manilla, Phillippines, Oct. 20, 2015.
  328. Akiko Ono, Wataru TAKEUCHI and Sachiko Hayashida, 2015. Estimation of forest canopy height using MODIS shadow index (SI). 36th Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Manilla, Phillippines, Oct. 20, 2015.
  329. Kyaw San Oo and Wataru TAKEUCHI, 2015. Remotely Sensed Data for Ground Water Monitoring. 36th Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Manilla, Phillippines, Oct. 20, 2015.
  330. Prakhar Misra and Wataru TAKEUCHI, 2015. Analysis of air quality in Indian cities using remote sensing and economic growth parameters. 36th Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Manilla, Phillippines, Oct. 20, 2015.
  331. Soni Darmawan, Wataru Takeuchi, Etsuko Nakazono, Yenni Vetrita, Gathot Winarso, Vu Tien Dien, Kyaw San Oo, Ketut Wikantika and Dewi Kania Sari, 2015. Characterization of mangrove forest types based on ALOS-PALSAR mosaic for estimating above ground biomass in Southeast Asia. 36th Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Manilla, Phillippines, Oct. 20, 2015.
  332. Wataru Takeuchi, Soni Darmawan, Rizatus Shofiyati, Mai Van Khiem, Kyaw San Oo, Uday Pimple and Suthy Heng, 2015. Near-real time meteorological drought monitoring and early warning system for croplands in Asia. 36th Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Manilla, Phillippines, Oct. 20, 2015.
  333. Tanakorn Sritarapipat and Wataru Takeuchi, 2015. Estimating Land Value and Disaster Risk in Urban Area in Yangon, Myanmar using Stereo High-resolution Images and Multi-temporal Landsat Images. 36th Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Manilla, Phillippines, Oct. 20, 2015.
  334. Sho Tsunoda and Wataru Takeuchi, 2015. 2.5-dimensional analysis on peatland subsidence and its relation to groundwater table in Janbi, Indonesia. 36th Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Manilla, Phillippines, Oct. 20, 2015.
  335. Seina Uchida, Wataru Takeuchi, Kiichiro Hatoyama and Yuri Mazurov, 2015. Investigation of urban development and its socio-economic aspects of Trans-Siberian Railway (TSR). 36th Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Manilla, Phillippines, Oct. 20, 2015.
  336. Tanakorn Sritarapipat and Wataru Takeuchi, 2015. Building Classification in Urban Area in Yangon, Myanmar using Stereo High Resolution Images and Night Time Light Data (Best paper award). 7th joint student seminar at Chulalongkorn University: Bangkok, Thailand, 2015 Aug. 22.
  337. Wataru Takeuchi, Soni Darmawan, Rizatus Shofiyati, Mai Van Khiem, Kyaw San Oo, Uday Pimple and Suthy Heng, 2015. Near-real time meteorological drought monitoring and early warning system for croplands in Asia (Invited talk). 7th joint student seminar at Chulalongkorn University: Bangkok, Thailand, 2015 Aug. 22.
  338. Li Xi and Wataru Takeuchi, 2015. Estimation of land surface water coverage with PALSAR and AMSR-E for flood detection on global scale. 日本写真測量学会 平成27年度年次学術講演会:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2015/05/20.
  339. 角田翔,竹内渉, 2015. 干渉合成開口レーダーを用いたインドネシアの泥炭沈降検出. 日本写真測量学会 平成27年度年次術講演会:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2015/05/20.
  340. 竹内渉, 大吉慶, 赤塚慎, 2015. ひまわり8号の精密幾何補正. 日本写真測量学会 平成27年度年次学術講演会:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2015/05/20.
  341. Wataru Takeuchi, Minaco Adachi and Ryoichi Imasu, 2015. Estimation of global carbon emissions from wild fires with remote sensing and bio-geophysical modeling (Keynote speech). International Symposium on Remote Sensing (ISRS): Tainan, Taiwan, April 22, 2015.
  342. Rizatus Shofiyati, Kei Ohyoshi, Haris Syahbuddin, M. Rokhis Komarudin, Wataru Takeuchi and Dedi Nursyamsi, 2015. Remote sensing based information system of crop monitoring to support agricultural planning in Indonesia. International Symposium on Remote Sensing (ISRS): Tainan, Taiwan, April 22, 2015.
  343. Satomi Kakuta, Wataru Takeuchi and Anchana Prathep, 2015. Seaweed and seagrass mapping in Thailand measured by using Landsat 8 optical and texture properties. International Symposium on Remote Sensing (ISRS): Tainan, Taiwan, April 22, 2015.
  344. Sudesuriguge, Wataru Takeuchi and Sachiko Hayashida, 2015. CH4 emissions comparison from biophysical model estimation, satellite measurement and inventory data in Siberian natural wetland. International Symposium on Remote Sensing (ISRS): Tainan, Taiwan, April 22, 2015.
  345. Etsuko Nakazono, Wataru Takeuchi and Haruo Sawada, 2015. Renewal of Cambodian forest cover map using land cover classification map of MODIS PALSAR mosaic data. International Symposium on Remote Sensing (ISRS): Tainan, Taiwan, April 22, 2015.
  346. Sho Tsunoda and Wataru Takeuchi, 2015. Estimation of land subsidence inferred from petaland devastation in Jambi, Indonesia with InSAR (Student paper award). International Symposium on Remote Sensing (ISRS): Tainan, Taiwan, April 22, 2015.
  347. Minaco Adachi, Seiichiro Yonemura, Akihiko Ito and Wataru Takeuchi, 2015. Estimation of global soil respiration changes due to land use change between 2001 and 2009 using MODIS products. International Symposium on Remote Sensing (ISRS): Tainan, Taiwan, April 22, 2015.
  348. Li Xi and Wataru Takeuchi, 2015. Estimation of land surface water coverage with PALSAR and AMSR-E for flood detection on global scale. International Symposium on Remote Sensing (ISRS): Tainan, Taiwan, April 22, 2015.
  349. Wataru Takeuchi, Key Oyoshi and Shin Akatsuka, 2015. Assessment of geometric accuracy with advanced Himawari-8 imager (AHI). International Symposium on Remote Sensing (ISRS): Tainan, Taiwan, April 22, 2015.
  350. Naoki Katayama and Wataru Takeuchi, 2015. Estimation of socioeconomic indicators based on the VIRRS nighttime light data. International Symposium on Remote Sensing (ISRS): Tainan, Taiwan, April 22, 2015.
  351. Soni Darmawan, Wataru Takeuchi, Farrah Melissa Muharam, Muhamad Hafiz Abd Razak, 2015. Investigation of scattering mechanisms on agricultural land abandonment based on decomposition of ALOS PALSAR data. International Symposium on Remote Sensing (ISRS): Tainan, Taiwan, April 22, 2015.
  352. 安立美奈子, 竹内渉, 2015. 衛星データを使った全球規模の土地利用変化が土壌呼吸量に与える影響評価. 第23回 生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2015/03/03.
  353. 竹内渉, 大吉慶,赤塚慎, 2015. ひまわり8号の精密幾何補正. 第23回 生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2015/03/03.
  354. Soni Darmawan, Wataru Takeuchi and Farrah Melissa Muharam, 2015. Investigation of scattering mechanisms on land abandonment based on decomposition of ALOS PALSAR data. 第23回 生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2015/03/03.
  355. 中園悦子,沢田治雄,竹内渉, 2015. カンボジアの森林伐採面積とプランテーションの推定. 第23回 生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2015/03/03.
  356. Li Xi and Wataru Takeuchi, 2015. Estimation of land surface water coverage with PALSAR and AMSR-E for flood detection on global scale. 第23回 生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2015/03/03.
  357. Haemi Park and Wataru Takeuchi, 2015. Estimation of carbon budget from peat land in Indonesia by using empirical bio-geophysical model. 第23回 生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2015/03/03.
  358. Tanakorn Sritarapipat and Wataru Takeuchi, 2015. Assessment of Disaster Risk and Value Areas in Yangon, Myanmar. 第23回 生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2015/03/03.
  359. 吉田奈津妃,沖大幹,金炯俊,竹内渉, 2015. 地表面情報の不確実性が全球陸面モデルによる水収支推定に及ぼす影響. (学生論文賞) 第23回 生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2015/03/03.
  360. 城内宏海,竹内渉, 2015. セルラーオートマトンを用いたホームガーデンの推移と予測に関する研究. (学生論文賞) 第23回 生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2015/03/03.
  361. 角田翔,竹内渉, 2015. 干渉合成開口レーダーを用いたインドネシアの泥炭沈降検出. 第23回 生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2015/03/03.
  362. 堅山直樹,竹内渉, 2015. VIIRS day-night bandを用いた夜間光と社会経済指標の比較. 第23回 生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2015/03/03.
  363. 角田里美,竹内渉, Anchana Prathep, 2015. Landsat 8の光学的及びテクスチャ特性を用いたタイの海草藻類マッピング. 第23回 生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2015/03/03.
  364. 赤塚慎,大吉慶,竹内渉, 2015. MTSATデータを用いたWBGTの推定. 第23回 生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2015/03/03.
  365. 秀森丈寛,川崎昌博,中山智喜,松見豊,笹子宏史,寺尾有希夫,野村渉平,町田敏暢,竹内渉,安立美奈子,今須良一,Surendra K. Dhaka,Jagmohan Singh,高橋けんし, 2015. インド水田地帯におけるレーザーメタン計による大気メタン連続観測 -人工衛星データの検証を目指して-. 第23回 生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2015/03/03.
  366. Wataru Takeuchi, Soni Darmawan and Kei Oyoshi, 2014. Drought monitoring and warning system of rice paddy field in Asia by MTSAT and GSMaP. (Invited talk) American geophysical union fall meeting 2014 (AGU): San francisco, USA, 2014 Dec. 18.
  367. Soni Darmawan, Wataru Takeuchi, Yenni Vetrita, Ketut Wikantika and Dewi Kania Sari, 2014. Remote Sensing Technology on L-band for Monitoring and Estimating Biomass of Mangrove Forest in Banyuasin South Sumatera Indonesia. International seminar on land reclamation technology for sustainable land use (IS-LRT4LU): Jambi, Indonesia, Nov. 6, 2014.
  368. Sho Tsunoda and Wataru Takeuchi, 2014. Assessment of peatland subsidence in Jambi, Indonesia by using InSAR with ALOS/PALSAR. International seminar on land reclamation technology for sustainable land use (IS-LRT4LU): Jambi, Indonesia, Nov. 6, 2014.
  369. An Ngoc Van and Wataru Takeuchi, 2014. Introduction of IIS field survey application for iPhone and GPS photos database. 35th Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Nay Phi Taw, Myanmar, Oct. 27, 2014.
  370. S. Darmawan, W. Takeuchi, Y. Vetrita, K. Wikantika and D. K. Sari, 2014. Integrating drought, precipitation and vegetation index for assessment of rice production. 35th Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Nay Phi Taw, Myanmar, Oct. 27, 2014.
  371. Harmi Park, W. Takeuchi and Soni Darmawan, 2014. Assessment of fire vulnerability through human activity by using road distribution in peat land of Indonesia. 35th Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Nay Phi Taw, Myanmar, Oct. 27, 2014.
  372. Li Xi and W. Takeuchi, 2014. Flood Analysis and Forecasting by Spatio-Temporal Data Mining based on historical satellite image database (Student paper award). 35th Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Nay Phi Taw, Myanmar, Oct. 27, 2014.
  373. Sudesuriguge, Wataru Takeuchi, Sachiko Hayashida and Ryoichi Imasu, 2014. Comparison analysis of CH4 estimations from biophysical modeling, satellite measurement and inventory data in Siberian natural wetland. 35th Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Nay Phi Taw, Myanmar, Oct. 27, 2014.
  374. Minaco Adachi, Akihiko Ito, Ayako Sekiyama, Wataru Takeuchi, 2014. Estimation of global CO2 emission from soil using MODIS products. 35th Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Nay Phi Taw, Myanmar, Oct. 27, 2014.
  375. Naoki Katayama and Wataru Takeuchi, 2014. Static and dynamic monitoring of human activities in urban areas using VIIRS day-night band. 35th Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Nay Phi Taw, Myanmar, Oct. 27, 2014.
  376. Sho Tsunoda and Wataru Takeuchi, 2014. Detection and Calculation of Peatland Subsidence in Indonesia by using Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR). 35th Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Nay Phi Taw, Myanmar, Oct. 27, 2014.
  377. Hiromi Jonai, Wataru Takeuchi, H. M. Badra, S. Hearath and Lal Samarakoon, 2014. Agent-based Model Analysis of Landowner's Motivation in Land Use Change from Home Garden at Kandy City in Sri Lanka. 35th Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Nay Phi Taw, Myanmar, Oct. 27, 2014.
  378. S. Darmawan, W. Takeuchi, Y. Vetrita, K. Wikantika and D. K. Sari, 2014. Impact of tidal height on characteristics of ALOS PALSAR measurements to estimate above ground biomass. 35th Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Nay Phi Taw, Myanmar, Oct. 27, 2014.
  379. Farrah Melissa Muharam, Wataru Takeuchi, Soni Darmawan, and Muhamad Hafiz Abd Razak, 2014. Characterization of agricultural land abandonment based on Landsat and ALOS PALSAR multitemporal measurements. International Conference on Space, Aeronautical and Navigational Electronics 2014 (ICSANE 2014), Melaka, Malaysia, Oct. 22-24, 2014.
  380. Soni Darmawan, Wataru Takeuchi, Yenny Vetrita, Ketut Wikantika and Dewi Kani Sari, 2014. Impact of tidal height on characteristics of ALOS PALSAR measurements to estimate above ground biomass of mangrove forest in Indonesia. International Conference on Space, Aeronautical and Navigational Electronics 2014 (ICSANE 2014), Melaka, Malaysia, Oct. 22-24, 2014.
  381. Haemi Park and Wataru Takeuchi, 2014. CO2 budget estimation with considering human effects of tropical peat lands in Indonesia. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 2014 (IGARSS): Quebec, Canada, July 21, 2014.
  382. Hiromi Jonai and Wataru Takeuchi, 2014. Comparison between global rice paddy field mapping and methane flux data from GOSAT. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 2014 (IGARSS): Quebec, Canada, July 21, 2014.
  383. Sudesuriguge and Wataru Takeuchi, 2014. Comparative Analysis between CH4 Emission measured by SCIAMACHY, GOSAT and MODIS from west Siberian lowland (Student paper award). International Symposium on Remote Sensing (ISRS): Busan, Korea Rep., April 16, 2014.
  384. Haemi Park and Wataru Takeuchi, 2014. Drainage canal detection on peat lands in Indonesia by ALOS PALSAR mosaic dataset. International Symposium on Remote Sensing (ISRS): Busan, Korea Rep., April 16, 2014.
  385. Li Xi and Wataru Takeuchi, 2014. Flood event detection by AMSR-E and PALSAR in the global scale. International Symposium on Remote Sensing (ISRS): Busan, Korea Rep., April 16, 2014.
  386. S. Darmawan, W. Takeuchi, R. Shofiyati, D. K. Sari and K. Wikantika, 2014. Investigation of relationships among precipitation, drought and vegetation index in Indonesian paddy field based on remote sensing. International Symposium on Remote Sensing (ISRS): Busan, Korea Rep., April 16, 2014.
  387. S. Darmawan, W. Takeuchi, Y. Vetrita, K. Wikantika and D. K. Sari, 2014. Mapping of mangrove forest on overall Indonesian archipelago by ALOS-PALSAR mosaic and elevation data. International Symposium on Remote Sensing (ISRS): Busan, Korea Rep., April 16, 2014.
  388. 竹内渉,大吉慶,村木祐介, 2013. アジアの水田での干ばつの検知と米の収量に与える影響の分析. 日本リモートセンシング学会 第55回学術講演会:日本大学 (福島県郡山市), 2013/11/22.
  389. N. Lakmal Deshapriya, 竹内渉, 2013. インド・ウッタル・プラデーシュ州におけるMODIS-NDVIを用いたイネの収量予測. 日本リモートセンシング学会 第55回学術講演会:日本大学 (福島県郡山市), 2013/11/22.
  390. N. V. Thang, M. V. Khiem, W. Takeuchi and A. N. Van, 2013. Potential climatic drought monitoring using Keetch-Byram drought index in Vietnam. 日本リモートセンシング学会 第55回学術講演会:日本大学 (福島県郡山市), 2013/11/22.
  391. 城内宏海,竹内渉, 2013. MODISとAMSR-Eのミクセル分解による地表面冠水指標の開発. 日本リモートセンシング学会 第55回学術講演会:日本大学 (福島県郡山市), 2013/11/22.
  392. 朴慧美,竹内渉, 2013. 熱帯泥炭地におけるMODIS GPP プロダクトの補正と二酸化炭素収支の推定. 日本リモートセンシング学会 第55回学術講演会:日本大学 (福島県郡山市), 2013/11/22.
  393. Wataru Takeuchi, Shin Akatsuka, An Ngoc Van, Kyaw San Oo and Soni Darmawan, 2013. Capacity building - The case study from experiences of SAFE Initiatives on the Lao PDR and Vietnam. 34th Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Bali, Indonesia, Nov. 11, 2013.
  394. Sudesugiguge and Wataru Takeuchi, 2013. Estimation of CH4 emission from Siberian natural wetland by land surface dynamics characterization with remote sensing. 34th Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Bali, Indonesia, Nov. 11, 2013.
  395. Ayako Sekiyama and Wataru Takeuchi, 2013. Monitoring of grassland degradation using remote sensing data in Mongolia. 34th Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Bali, Indonesia, Nov. 11, 2013.
  396. Haemi Park, Wataru Takeuchi and Kazuhito Ichii, 2013. Improvement of CO2 emission model by modification of soil respiration from tropical peatlands in Indonesia. 34th Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Bali, Indonesia, Nov. 11, 2013.
  397. Chandima N. Subasinghe and Wataru Takeuchi, 2013. Mapping landslide induced by drought preceding rainfall using remote sensing data. 34th Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Bali, Indonesia, Nov. 11, 2013.
  398. Aya Fujikawa and Wataru Takeuchi, 2013. Characterization of air quality in global mega-cities by remote sensing and inventory data. 34th Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Bali, Indonesia, Nov. 11, 2013.
  399. Soni Darmawan, Wataru Takeuchi and Rizatus Shofiyati, 2013. Estimation of rice production and forecasting of agricultural drought in Indonesia based on MODIS data. 34th Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Bali, Indonesia, Nov. 11, 2013.
  400. Noriko Okamura, Wataru Takeuchi, Shin Akatsuka and Kei Oyoshi, 2013. Evaluating thermal comfort in city life and its relation to socio-economic activities (Best paper award). 34th Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Bali, Indonesia, Nov. 11, 2013.
  401. Naoki Katayama and Wataru Takeuchi, 2013. Visualization and analysis of global habitability by remote sensing. 34th Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Bali, Indonesia, Nov. 11, 2013.
  402. Hiromi Jonai and Wataru Takeuchi, 2013. Development of new water index with MODIS and AMSR-E for global rice paddy field mapping. 34th Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Bali, Indonesia, Nov. 11, 2013.
  403. Wataru Takeuchi and Hiromi Jonai, 2013. Rice cropping practice changes and its impacts for methane emissions in Sichuan, China by integrated remote sensing measurements. MARCO Symposium 2013: Evaluation and mitigation of environmental impacts in agricultural ecosystems for sustainable management: Tsukuba, Japan, Oct. 16-17, 2013.
  404. Kei Oyoshi, Wataru Takeuchi and Shinichi Sobue. Development of complicated rice crop calendar in Southeast Asia with time-series MODIS data. Agro-Geoinformatics conference: Fairfax, Virginia USA, August 16, 2013.
  405. Wataru Takeuchi, Ayako Sekiyama and Ryoichi Imasu, Estimation of global carbon emissions from wild fires in forests and croplands. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 2013 (IGARSS): Melbourne, Australia, Jul 25, 2013.
  406. Haemi Park and Wataru Takeuchi, Estimation of CO2 budgest on peatlands in Indonesia by using satellite based data. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 2013 (IGARSS): Melbourne, Australia, Jul 25, 2013.
  407. Sudesuriguge and Wataru Takeuchi, Estimation of CH4 emission from natural wetland in Siberia. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 2013 (IGARSS): Melbourne, Australia, Jul 25, 2013.
  408. Wataru Takeuchi, Haemi Park, Sudesuriguge and Ayako Sekiyama, 2013. Estimation of global CO2 and CH4 emissions with land cover characterization by remote sensing. International workshop on inventory, modeling and climate impacts of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG's) and aerosols in the Asian region: Tsukuba, Japan, June 27, 2013.
  409. Haruo Tsuruta, Eiji Oikawa, Syugo Watanabe, Toshiro Inoue, Makiko Hashimoto,Teruyuki Nakajima, Jinchula Chotpitayasunon, Boossarasiri Thana, Daisuke Goto, Nobuo Sugimoto, Toshihiko Takemura, Koichiro Sera, Shigeto Sudo, Seiichiro Yonemura, Yuichiro Shirasuna, Koichiro Hirano, Pradeep Khatri, Tamio Takamura, Masanori Yabuki, S. Katagiri, Tadahiro Hayasaka and Wataru Takeuchi, 2013. Biomass burning in Southeast Asia from field studies to satellite data analysis And the SPRINTARS model. International workshop on inventory, modeling and climate impacts of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG's) and aerosols in the Asian region: Tsukuba, Japan, June 27, 2013.
  410. Ajith R. Gunawardena, Tamasha Fernando, Wataru Takeuchi, Hiromi Jonai, Chathura H. Wickramasinghe, Lal Samarakoon and Shin-ichi Sobue, 2013. Mapping and Change Detection for Environmental Protection of Wetlands in Southeastern Sri Lanka Using ALOS AVNIR2 and PALSAR Sensor Fusion Techniques. 29th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science (ISTS): Nagoya, Japan, June 4, 2013.
  411. Rizatus Shofiyati, Wataru Takeuchi, Muhrizal Sarwani, 2013. Assesment of Drought Impact on Rice Production in Java Island of Indonesia by Satellite Remote Sensing. 29th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science (ISTS): Nagoya, Japan, June 4, 2013.
  412. Wataru Takeuchi, Dien Vu Tien and An Ngoc Van, 2013. Above Ground Biomass Mapping of Mangrove Forest in Vietnam by ALOS PALSAR Mosaic Dataset. 29th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science (ISTS): Nagoya, Japan, June 4, 2013.
  413. Dien Vu Tien, Wataru Takeuchi and An Ngoc Van, 2013. Carbon Stock Calculating and Forest Change Assessment Toward REDD+ activities. 29th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science (ISTS): Nagoya, Japan, June 4, 2013.
  414. Yenni Vetrita, Agus Hidayat, Maryani Hartuti, Ratih Dewanti, Wikanti A. Ningrum, Ety Parwati, Gathot Winarso and Wataru Takeuchi, 2013. Assessment of Mangrove Forest Carbon Stock Monitoring of Indonesia Using Remote Sensing Approach. 29th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science (ISTS): Nagoya, Japan, June 4, 2013.
  415. Sudesuriguge and Wataru Takeuchi, 2013. Estimation of snow offset-onset and land surface water coverage dynamics in Siberian natural wetland by passive microwave remote sensing. International Symposium on Remote Sensing (ISRS): Chiba, Japan, May 16, 2013.
  416. Haemi Park and Wataru Takeuchi, 2013. Quantifying CO2 budget from tropical peatlands in Indonesia by using remote sensing and bio-geophysical modeling. (Student paper award) International Symposium on Remote Sensing (ISRS): Chiba, Japan, May 16, 2013.
  417. 細矢雄士,竹内渉, 2013. 東南アジアを対象とした水田モニタリングに基づく短期米収量推定手法の開発. 第22回生研フォーラム「広域の環境・災害リスク情報の収集と利用」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2013/03/01.
  418. 朴慧美,竹内渉, 2013. インドネシア泥炭地におけるCO2放出量の推定. 第22回生研フォーラム「広域の環境・災害リスク情報の収集と利用」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2013/03/01.
  419. Chandima Subasinghe and Wataru Takeuchi, 2013. Modeling Forest Volume Using Remotely Sensed Data and Estimates Above Ground Biomass and Carbon Stocks on Sri Lankan Forest. 第22回生研フォーラム「広域の環境・災害リスク情報の収集と利用」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2013/03/01.
  420. 岡村典子,竹内渉, 赤塚慎,大吉慶, 2013. 気象衛星MTSATデータによる体感気候に着目した都市の快適度評価. 第22回生研フォーラム「広域の環境・災害リスク情報の収集と利用」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2013/03/01.
  421. 藤川亜矢,竹内渉, 2013. 衛星データを用いた大気汚染の都市間比較に関する研究. 第22回生研フォーラム「広域の環境・災害リスク情報の収集と利用」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2013/03/01.
  422. 城内宏海,竹内渉, 2013. MODISとAMSR-Eを用いた全球の水田農事歴のマッピング. 第22回生研フォーラム「広域の環境・災害リスク情報の収集と利用」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2013/03/01.
  423. 関山絢子,竹内渉,石川達也, 2013. 携帯型スペクトロメータによる計測方法のマニュアル作成. 第22回生研フォーラム「広域の環境・災害リスク情報の収集と利用」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2013/03/01.
  424. Wataru Takeuchi, Hiromi Jonai, Yuji Hosoya, Preesan Rakwatin, Muhrizal Sarwani, Yusuke Muraki, Lal Samarakoon, Kei Oyoshi and Shin-ichi Sobue, 2013. Global agricultural crop intensity and calendar mapping with sub-pixel land cover characterization. NASA South/Southeast Asia Research Initiative (SARI) workshop: Coimbator, India, 2013/01/10.
  425. Wataru Takeuchi, Dien Vu Tien, Lam Dao Nguyen, An Ngoc Van and Kyaw San Oo, 2012. Above ground biomass mapping of mangrove forest in Vietnam by ALOS PALSAR polarimetric measurements. 33rd Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Patthaya, Thailand, Nov. 28, 2012.
  426. Sudesuriguge and Wataru Takeuchi, 2012. Estimation of CH4 emission of wetland from thawing permafrost in Lena River Delta of Siberia. 33rd Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Patthaya, Thailand, Nov. 28, 2012.
  427. Yuji Hosoya and Wataru Takeuchi, 2012. Performance of drought monitoring methods twards rice yield estimation in greater Mekong sub-region (GMS). 33rd Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Patthaya, Thailand, Nov. 28, 2012.
  428. Haemi Park and Wataru Takeuchi, 2012. Relationships between ground water level and CO2 emission from tropical peatland in Indonesia. 33rd Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Patthaya, Thailand, Nov. 28, 2012.
  429. Chandima N. Subashinghe and Wataru Takeuchi, 2012. Watershed based above ground biomass and carbon stock estimation using remotely sensed data in Sri Lanka. 33rd Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Patthaya, Thailand, Nov. 28, 2012.
  430. Hiromi Jonai and Wataru Takeuchi, 2012. Global rice paddy field mapping by integrating MODIS and AMSR-E measurementse and AMSR-E measurements. 33rd Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Patthaya, Thailand, Nov. 28, 2012.
  431. Aya Fujikawa and Wataru Takeuchi, 2012. Assessment of air pollution from ground transport by integrating remote sensing and socio-economic modeling. 33rd Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Patthaya, Thailand, Nov. 28, 2012.
  432. An Ngoc Van, Kyaw San Oo and Wataru Takeuchi, 2012. Development GPS photo database distributing software package for land use and land cover applications. 33rd Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Patthaya, Thailand, Nov. 28, 2012.
  433. Kyaw Sann Oo, Van Ngoc An, Wataru Takeuchi, Sein Lin and Zaw Win, 2012. Relating the KBDI with sea water intrusion to farm land. 33rd Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Patthaya, Thailand, Nov. 28, 2012.
  434. Ayako Sekiyama, Wataru Takeuchi, Akiko Ono and Sawahiko Shimada, 2012. Investigation of grasslands biomass in Mongolia with MODIS and ICESat/GLAS measurements. 33rd Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Patthaya, Thailand, Nov. 28, 2012.
  435. Noriko Okamura, Wataru Takeuchi, Shin Akatsuka and Kei Oyoshi, 2012. Evaluating thermal comfort in city life by satellite remote sensing and in-situ measurements. 33rd Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Patthaya, Thailand, Nov. 28, 2012.
  436. 関山絢子, 竹内渉, 2012. MODISデータを用いたモンゴル草地におけるバイオマス分布図の作成. 日本リモートセンシング学会 第53回学術講演会:広島大学 (広島県東広島市), 2012/11/20.
  437. Wataru Takeuchi, Ayako Sekiyama, An Ngoc Van and Haemi Park, 2012. Quantifying CO2 emissions from Asia integrated with remote sensing and bio-geophysical modeling. (Invited talk) GIS-IDEAS 2012: Ho Chi Min, Vietnam, Oct. 18-19, 2012.
  438. Wataru Takeuchi and Preesen Rakwatin, 2012. Estimating flooded area of Chaophraya river basin in Thailand from 1978 to 2011. (Invited talk) The 31st Conference on Surveying and Geomatics: Taipei, Taiwan, Sep. 28, 2012.
  439. Wataru Takeuchi and Hiromi Jonai, 2012. Global mapping of rice paddy field and crop calendar by integrated remote sensing measurements. (Invited talk) MARCO Symposium 2012 : Strengthening Collaboration to meet Agro-Environmental Challenges in Monsoon Asia: Tsukuba, Japan, Sep. 24-27, 2012.
  440. Kyaw San Oo and Wataru Takeuchi, 2012. A rapid response assessment - blue carbon of UNEP, FAO IUCN and CSIC.JSPS workshop on blue, green and brown carbon monitoring by integrating geo-spatial technology and in-situ measurements: Hat Yai, Thailand, May 9, 2012.
  441. Wataru Takeuchi, 2012. Recent geo-spatial technologies for green and blown carbon monitoring. (Invited talk) JSPS workshop on blue, green and brown carbon monitoring by integrating geo-spatial technology and in-situ measurements: Hat Yai, Thailand, May 9, 2012.
  442. 竹内渉, Preesan Rakwatin, 2012. 過去30年にわたるチャオプラヤ川の氾濫面積推定手法の開発. 第21回生研フォーラム「広域の環境・災害リスク情報の収集と利用」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2012/03/12.
  443. Kyaw San Oo, Wataru Takeuchi and An Ngoc Van, 2012. Elimination of Yearly Variation from MODIS Global Land Cover Product. 第21回生研フォーラム「広域の環境・災害リスク情報の収集と利用」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2012/03/12.
  444. An Ngoc Van, Wataru Takeuchi and Kyaw San Oo, 2012. Development of advanced field survey system (FSS) for land use and land cover applications. 第21回生研フォーラム「広域の環境・災害リスク情報の収集と利用」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2012/03/12.
  445. Chandima N Subasinghe, Wataru Takeuchi and Lal Samarakoon, 2012. Identify seasonal changes using DEM generated by SAR Interferometry: A case study in Osh province Kyrgyzstan. 第21回生研フォーラム「広域の環境・災害リスク情報の収集と利用」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2012/03/12.
  446. 赤塚慎,大吉慶,竹内渉, 2012. MTSAT地表面温度推定に最適な水蒸気プロダクトの選定. 第21回生研フォーラム「広域の環境・災害リスク情報の収集と利用」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2012/03/12.
  447. 大吉慶,赤塚慎,竹内渉, 2012. MODIS雲マスクを利用したMTSAT毎時雲マスクプロダクトの作成. 第21回生研フォーラム「広域の環境・災害リスク情報の収集と利用」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2012/03/12.
  448. 細矢雄士,竹内渉, 2012. Performance of drought indices towards rice yield estimation and agricultural policy planning in Java island Indonesia. 第21回生研フォーラム「広域の環境・災害リスク情報の収集と利用」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2012/03/12.
  449. 岸浩稔,竹内渉, 2012. アジアメガシティにおける人為起源PM2.5排出量の推定. 第21回生研フォーラム「広域の環境・災害リスク情報の収集と利用」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2012/03/12.
  450. Wataru Takeuchi, An Ngoc Van and Kyaw San Oo, 2011. Space applications for environment and disaster. (Invited talk) 3rd international conference on science and engineering (ICSE): Yangon, Myanmar, Dec. 2, 2011.
  451. Kyaw San Oo, Wataru Takeuchi and An Ngoc Van, 2011. Validation of Southeast Asia Forest Cover Mapped at Global Scale. 3rd international conference on science and engineering (ICSE): Yangon, Myanmar, Dec. 2, 2011.
  452. An Ngoc Van, Kyaw San Oo and Wataru Takeuchi, 2011. Updates of GPS Photo database and development of software for land use and land cover applications. 3rd international conference on science and engineering (ICSE): Yangon, Myanmar, Dec. 2, 2011.
  453. Wataru Takeuchi, Dien Vu Tien, Vu Tan Phuong, An Ngoc Van and Kyaw San Oo, 2011. Above ground biomass mapping of mangrove forest in Quang Ninh province of Vietnam by ALOS PALSAR polarimetric measurements. 32nd Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Taipei, Taiwan, 2011 Oct. 4.
  454. Kyaw San Oo, An Ngoc Van and Wataru Takeuchi, 2011. Global Land Cover Mapping by Upscaling from GPS Photos Database through ALOS AVNIR2. 32nd Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Taipei, Taiwan, 2011 Oct. 4.
  455. Yuji Hosoya and Wataru Takeuchi, 2011. Performance of drought monitoring methods towards yield estimation over rice cropping area in Java Island, Indonesia. 32nd Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Taipei, Taiwan, 2011 Oct. 4.
  456. Ryotaro Takeda and Wataru Takeuchi, 2011. Generating DTM from ASTER GDEM product using wavelets. 32nd Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Taipei, Taiwan, 2011 Oct. 4.
  457. An Ngoc Van, Kyaw San Oo and Wataru Takeuchi, 2011. Updates of GPS photos database and application development on Apple's iPhone and iPad. 32nd Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Taipei, Taiwan, 2011 Oct. 4.
  458. An Ngoc Van, Kyaw San Oo and Wataru Takeuchi, 2011. Development of field survey software on Apple's iPhone and iPad for land use and land cover aplications. 32nd Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Taipei, Taiwan, 2011 Oct. 4.
  459. Kyaw San Oo, An Ngoc Van, Wataru Takeuchi and Maung Maung Than, 2011. Forest type screening based on Vegetation Indexes: Myanmar Mangrove Perspective. 32nd Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Taipei, Taiwan, 2011 Oct. 4.
  460. Kyaw San Oo, An Ngoc Van and Wataru Takeuchi, 2011. Forest Cover Mapping from 2001 to 2010 in Laos, Vietnam, Myanmar and Cambodia. 32nd Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Taipei, Taiwan, 2011 Oct. 4.
  461. Wataru Takeuchi, Dien Vu Tien, Vu Tan Phuong, An Ngoc Van and Kyaw San Oo, 2011. Above ground biomass mapping of mangrove forest in Vietnam by ALOS PALSAR. Asia-Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (APSAR): Seoul, Korea Rep., 2011 Sep. 24.
  462. Ram avatar, Wataru Takeuchi and Haruo Sawada, 2011. Plantation based natural forests biomass estimation for REDD policies implementation in Cambodia. Asia-Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (APSAR): Seoul, Korea Rep., 2011 Sep. 24.
  463. 吉崎早苗,林田佐智子,竹内渉, 2011. SCIAMACHYセンサで観測されたアジア域におけるメタン変動の研究. 日本気象学会2011年度秋季大会:名古屋大学 (愛知県名古屋市), 2011/11/16.
  464. 竹田亮太郎,竹内渉, 2011. ウェーブレットによる DEM からの DTM 抽出手法の提案. 日本リモートセンシング学会 第50回学術講演会:日本大学 (東京都世田谷区), 2011/05/26.
  465. Kyaw San Oo, Wataru Takeuchi and An Ngoc Van, 2011. Verification of Generated MODIS IGBP Land Cover using Inland Waterbody before Field Collection: Myanmar Case Study. 日本リモートセンシング学会 第50回学術講演会:日本大学 (東京都世田谷区), 2011/05/26.
  466. An Ngoc Van, Wataru Takeuchi and Kyaw San Oo, 2011. Development of GPS photos database for land user and lad cover verification. 日本リモートセンシング学会 第50回学術講演会:日本大学 (東京都世田谷区), 2011/05/26.
  467. Wataru Takeuchi, Takashi Hirano and Orbita Roswintiarti, 2011. Relationship between ground water table and fires occurrence at forested peatland in Central Kalimantan. 日本リモートセンシング学会 第50回学術講演会:日本大学 (東京都世田谷区), 2011/05/26.
  468. 赤塚慎,大吉慶,竹内渉, 2011. MTSATデータを用いた可降水量推定手法の開発. 日本写真測量学会平成23年度年次学術講演会:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2011/05/24.
  469. 竹内渉, 平野高司, Orbita Roswintiarti, 2011. インドネシアの泥炭林における地下水位推定手法の開発. 第20回生研フォーラム「広域の環境・災害リスク情報の収集と利用」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2011/03/11.
  470. 岸浩稔,竹内渉,沢田治雄, 2011. 林野火災起源PM2.5推定モデルの改善に向けたMODISによる大気の光学的厚さ計測の精度評価. 第20回生研フォーラム「広域の環境・災害リスク情報の収集と利用」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2011/03/11.
  471. Kyaw San Oo, Wataru Takeuchi and An Ngoc Van, 2011. Verification of Generated MODIS IGBP Land Cover using Inland Waterbody before Field Collection: Myanmar Case Study. 第20回生研フォーラム「広域の環境・災害リスク情報の収集と利用」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2011/03/11.
  472. 長田幹,竹内渉, 2011. グローバルメガシティにおける都市開発と空間的構造の分析に関する研究. 第20回生研フォーラム「広域の環境・災害リスク情報の収集と利用」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2011/03/11.
  473. An Ngoc Van, Wataru Takeuchi and Kyaw San Oo, 2011. Development of GPS photos database for land user and lad cover verification. 第20回生研フォーラム「広域の環境・災害リスク情報の収集と利用」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2011/03/11.
  474. 大吉慶,竹内渉,田村正行, 2011. 運輸多目的衛星MTSATを利用した地表面温度監視システムの開発. 第20回生研フォーラム「広域の環境・災害リスク情報の収集と利用」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2011/03/11.
  475. 竹内渉, 2011. 東南アジアにおける環境災害リモートセンシング市場の動向. (招待講演). 電子情報通信学会 宇宙・航行エレクトロニクス研究会: 情報通信研究機構 (NICT) 神戸研究所 (兵庫県明石市), 2011/02/24.
  476. Sakai T., Hiyama T., Fujiwara J., Gotovtsev S., Gagarin L., Takeuchi W., Yamaguchi Y., Inoue G., 2010. Permafrost degradation caused by global warming in the far north of Siberia. 2nd International symposium on the arctic research (ISAR2): Tokyo, Japan, Dec. 7, 2010.
  477. Wataru Takeuchi, An Ngoc Van and Kyaw San Oo, 2010. Utilization of geo-spatial technologies for forest resources and agriculture monitoring. (Invited talk) 2nd international conference on science and engineering (ICSE): Yangon, Myanmar, Dec. 2, 2010.
  478. Kyaw San Oo, Wataru Takeuchi and An Ngoc Van, 2010. Landcover Classification for Sustainable Forest Management Using Satellite Images. 2nd international conference on science and engineering (ICSE): Yangon, Myanmar, Dec. 2, 2010.
  479. An Ngoc Van, Wataru Takeuchi and Kyaw San Oo, 2010. Development of GPS Photos Database for land cover monitoring.2nd international conference on science and engineering (ICSE): Yangon, Myanmar, Dec. 2, 2010.
  480. Sakai, T., Hatta, S., Okumura, M., Takeuchi, W., Hiyama, T., Inoue, G., 2010. The spatio-temporal variation of flood disasters at Lena river using satellite time-series data. Workshop on C/H2O/energy balance in boreal and arctic regions: Wageningen, Netherlands, Nov. 15, 2010.
  481. Wataru Takeuchi, Takashi Hirano, Nanin Anggraini and Orbita Roswintiarti, 2010. Estimation of ground water table at forested peatland in Kalimantan using drought index towards wildfire control. 31st Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Hanoi, Vietnam, 2010 Nov. 2.
  482. Ryotaro Takeda and Wataru Takeuchi, 2010. Towards DTM generation from SRTM3 and ASTER GDEM in hilly terrain using wavelets. 31st Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Hanoi, Vietnam, 2010 Nov. 2.
  483. Van Ngoc An and Wataru Takeuchi, 2010. Development of GPS photos database for land user and land cover applications. 31st Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Hanoi, Vietnam, 2010 Nov. 2.
  484. Wataru Takeuchi, Hasi Bagan and Yoshiki Yamagata, 2010. Spatio-temporal patterns of continuous forest cover in Kalimantan from 1982-2009. 31st Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Hanoi, Vietnam, 2010 Nov. 2.
  485. G.M.W.L. Gunawardena and Wataru Takeuchi, 2010. Detection of land use / land cover change in war ravaged area in Sri Lanka using image fusion technique. 31st Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Hanoi, Vietnam, 2010 Nov. 2.
  486. Shin Akatsuka, Kei Oyoshi and Wataru Takeuchi, 2010. Mapping of precipitable water using MTSAT data. 31st Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Hanoi, Vietnam, 2010 Nov. 2.
  487. Wataru Takeuchi, Kei Oyoshi and Shin Akatsuka, 2010. Super-resolution of MTSAT land surface temperature by blending MODIS and AVNIR2 Internaional Remote Sensing Symposium (ISRS), Jeju, South Korea, 2010 Oct. 27.
  488. 酒井徹,八田 茂実,奥村 誠,竹内渉,井上元, 2010. 時系列Landsat TM/ETM+を用いたシベリア地域の洪水モニタリング. 日本写真測量学会 平成22年度秋季学術講演会:サン・リフレ函館 (北海道函館市), 2010/10/15.
  489. 宮村真人,今須良一,小池俊雄,竹内渉, 2010. アフリカにおけるバイオマスの燃焼効率の推定方法に関する研究. 日本気象学会2010年度秋季大会:京都テルサ (京都府京都市), 2010/10/29.
  490. 竹田亮太郎,竹内渉, 2010. 全球数値標高モデルの体系的整備手法の提案. 日本リモートセンシング学会 第48回学術講演会:産業技術総合研究所 (茨城県つくば市), 2010/05/27.
  491. 竹内渉,赤塚慎,An Ngoc Van, 祖父江真一,永野嗣人, Lal Samarakoon, 2010. 階層的分類手法を用いたアジアの森林分布図作成ソフトウェアの開発. 第19回生研フォーラム「広域の環境・災害リスク情報の収集と利用」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2010/03/11.
  492. 竹田亮太郎,竹内渉, 2010. 全球数値標高モデルの体系的整備手法の提案. 第19回生研フォーラム「広域の環境・災害リスク情報の収集と利用」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2010/03/11.
  493. 大吉慶,竹内渉,田村正行, 2010. MTSAT データによるアジアメガシティの地表面温度データベースの構築. 第19回生研フォーラム「広域の環境・災害リスク情報の収集と利用」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2010/03/11.
  494. 岸浩稔,竹内渉,沢田治雄, 2010. リモートセンシングとモデルを併用した アジアメガシティの大気環境評価. 第19回生研フォーラム「広域の環境・災害リスク情報の収集と利用」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2010/03/11.
  495. Wataru Takeuchi and Ryotaro Takeda, 2010. Blending ASTER GDEM, SRTM3, GLAS and LiDAR measurements to generate DSM and DTM. International LiDAR mapping forum (ILMF), Denver, USA, 2010 Mar. 5.
  496. Wataru Takeuchi, Van Ngoc An, Shin Akatsuka, Shinichi Sobue, Tsugito Nagano and Lal Samarakoon, 2010. Achievement report of forest cover mapping in Vietnam as a SAFE prototype. 16th Asia Pacific Region Space Agency forum (APRSAF), Bangkok, Thailand, 2010 Jan. 28.
  497. Wataru Takeuchi, Van Ngoc An, Shin Akatsuka, Shinichi Sobue, Tsugito Nagano and Lal Samarakoon, 2009. Space applications for forest resources monitoring and management in Southeast Asia. (Invited talk) 15th CEReS international symposium on remote sensing, Chiba, Japan, 2009 Dec. 15.
  498. 竹内渉, 2009. Google sketchupを用いた構造物の3次元モデリング演習. 日本リモートセンシング学会 第47回学術講演会:名古屋大学 (愛知県名古屋市), 2009/11/27.
  499. 赤塚慎, 竹内渉. モザイクデータセットを用いたカリマンタン島の森林・非森林マップの作成.日本リモートセンシング学会 第47回学術講演会:名古屋大学 (愛知県名古屋市), 2009/11/27.
  500. Satomi Eto, Yuko Ariyama, Katsuyuki Noguchi, Sachiko Hayashida and Wataru Takeuchi, 2009. Analysis of methane concentrations observed by SCIAMACHY correspond to rice paddy emissions in Asia. Fourth Japan-China-Korea Joint Conference on Meteorology: Tsukuba, Japan 2009 Nov. 8.
  501. Yumiko Honda, Sachiko Hayashida, Makoto Kuji and Wataru Takeuchi, 2009. Spatial and temporal variations in trace gases and aerosols from biomass burning in Southeast Asia as measured from space. Fourth Japan-China-Korea Joint Conference on Meteorology: Tsukuba, Japan 2009 Nov. 8.
  502. Wataru Takeuchi and Louis Gonzalez, 2009. Blending MODIS and AMSR-E to predict daily land surface water coverage. Internaional Remote Sensing Symposium (ISRS), Busan, South Korea, 2009 Oct. 29.
  503. Wataru Takeuchi, An Ngoc Van, Shin Akatsuka, Tsugito Nagano and Lal Samarakoon, 2009. Prototype for forest monitoring and management (Invited talk). 30th Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Beijing, China, 2009 Oct. 20.
  504. Shin Akatsuka, Wataru Takeuchi, Preesan Rakwatin and Haruo Sawada, 2009. Evaluation of slope correction effects on ALOS PALSAR mosaic data set in forest mapping in Indonesia and Malaysia (Best paper award). 30th Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Beijing, China, 2009 Oct. 20.
  505. Shin Akatsuka, Wataru Takeuchi, Tsugito Nagano and Lal Samarakoon, 2009. Development of training packages for satellite remote sensing data processing for forest resource management in Southeast Asia. 30th Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Beijing, China, 2009 Oct. 20.
  506. Wataru Takeuchi, Tsugito Nagano and Lal Samarakoon. Web-based data service and capacity building toward space applications for environment (SAFE) . 28th Asia Pacific Area Network meeting (APAN), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2009 Jul. 22.
  507. Shumon Mori, Wataru Takeuchi and Haruo Sawada, 2009. Estimation of land surface water coverage (LSWC) with AMSR-E and MODIS. 2nd joint student seminar at AIT: Bangkok, Thailand, 2009 Jul. 7.
  508. Hasi Bagan,竹内渉,山形与志樹, 2009. Horqin砂地の1975-2007年間の土地被覆変化. 日本写真測量学会 平成21年度年次学術講演会:パシフィコ横浜 (神奈川県横浜市), 2009/06/18.
  509. 大吉慶,田村正行,竹内渉, 2009. 静止気象衛星MTSATによる高時間分解能での地表面温度観測. 日本写真測量学会 平成21年度年次学術講演会:パシフィコ横浜 (神奈川県横浜市), 2009/06/18.
  510. 赤塚慎,竹内渉,Preesan Rakwatin,沢田治雄, 2009. SARモザイクデータセットの地形効果補正の評価. 日本写真測量学会 平成21年度年次学術講演会:パシフィコ横浜 (神奈川県横浜市), 2009/06/18.
  511. 赤塚慎,竹内渉,永野嗣人, Lal Samarakoon, 2009. 森林資源に関する衛星リモートセンシングデータ処理トレーニングパッケージの開発. 日本リモートセンシング学会 第46回学術講演会:東京大学生産技術研究所(東京都目黒区), 2009/05/21.
  512. 竹内渉,赤塚慎,Preesan Rakwatin, 島田政信, 2009. 森林分布図作成精度向上を目指した SAR 画像の地形効果補正の評価. 第18回生研フォーラム「広域の環境・災害リスク情報の収集と利用」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2009/03/09.
  513. 森主門,竹内渉,沢田治雄, 2009. AMSR-E を用いた地表面冠水率分布図の作成と検証. 第18回生研フォーラム「広域の環境・災害リスク情報の収集と利用」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2009/03/09.
  514. 岸浩稔,竹内渉,沢田治雄, 2009. MODIS によるアジアメガシティの大気汚染観測と都市交通排気ガスの空間分布特性解析. 第18回生研フォーラム「広域の環境・災害リスク情報の収集と利用」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2009/03/09.
  515. Wataru Takeuchi, 2009. Remote sensing of rice paddy in Asia. 4th Asian Water Cycle Initiative (AWCI): Kyoto, Japan, 2009 Feb. 6.
  516. Nguyen Hong Minh, Nguyen Thanh Hai, Tran Anh Tuan, Dinh Ngoc Dat, Wataru Takeuchi, Shin Akatsuka and Tsugito Nagano, 2008. Forest cover mapping in Vietnam. 15th Asia Pacific Region Space Agency forum (APRSAF), Hanoi, Vietnam, 2008 Dec. 10.
  517. Wataru Takeuchi, Preesan Rakwatin, Masanobu Shimada and Tsugito Nagano, 2008. Investigating the performance of JERS-1 SAR and ALOS PALSAR mosaics for forest cover mapping in Vietnam. 15th Asia Pacific Region Space Agency forum (APRSAF), Hanoi, Vietnam, 2008 Dec. 10.
  518. 赤塚慎,竹内渉,永野嗣人, Lal Samarakoon, 2008. 国際的な移転・流通性に着目した衛星データ処理トレーニングパッケージの開発. 日本写真測量学会 平成20年度秋季学術講演会:東北大学 (宮城県仙台市), 2008/11/27.
  519. Wataru Takeuchi, Preesan Rakwatin, Masanobu Shimada and Haruo Sawada, 2008. Investigating the performance of JERS-1 SAR and ALOS PALSAR mosaics for forest cover mapping in Vietnam. 29th Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2008 Nov. 12.
  520. Hirotoshi Kishi, Wataru Takeuchi and Haruo Sawada, 2008. Exhaust emissions assessment over Asian megacities with satellite remote sensing and city traffic modeling. 29th Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2008 Nov. 12.
  521. Yusuke Matsumura, Wataru Takeuchi and Haruo Sawada, 2008. Serious land slide assessment using ALOS sensors data fusion techniques. 29th Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2008 Nov. 12.
  522. Kei Oyoshi, Wataru Takeuchi and Masayuki Tamura, 2008. Land surface monitoring with Japanese geostationary satellite. 29th Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2008 Nov. 12.
  523. Shin Akatsuka, Wataru Takeuchi and Haruo Sawada, 2008. Estimation of Precipitable Water distribution over northeast Asia using NOAA AVHRR. 29th Asian conference on remote sensing (ACRS): Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2008 Nov. 12.
  524. Wataru Takeuchi, Kawin Worakanchana, Takeo Tadono and Pennung Warnitchai, 2008. Investigating the performance of ALOS PRISM to estimate building heights for urban risk management. 7th International Symposium on new technologies for urban safety of mega cities in Asia (USMCA), Beijing, China, 2008 Oct. 21.
  525. Hasi Bagan, Wataru Takeuchi, Buhe Aosier, Masami Kaneko, Xiaohui Wang, Yoshifumi Yasuoka, Extended Subspace Method for Remote Sensing Image Classification. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 2008 (IGARSS): Boston, USA, 2008 Jul. 6-11.
  526. 竹内渉,赤塚慎,松浦直人,永野嗣人, Lal Samarakoon, 2008. 環境センチネルアジア構想. 日本写真測量学会 平成20年度年次学術講演会:パシフィコ横浜 (神奈川県横浜市), 2008/06/20.
  527. 松村祐輔,竹内渉,沢田治雄,安岡善文, 2008. MTSAT と MODIS を併用したアジア大規模林野火災の延焼時間推定. 日本写真測量学会 平成20年度年次学術講演会:パシフィコ横浜 (神奈川県横浜市), 2008/06/20.
  528. 赤塚慎,竹内渉,安岡善文, 2008. NOAA/AVHRRを用いた陸域可降水量の時空間変動評価. 日本写真測量学会 平成20年度年次学術講演会:パシフィコ横浜 (神奈川県横浜市), 2008/06/20.
  529. Wataru Takeuchi, Shin Akatsuka, Yusuke Matsumura and Haruo Sawada, 2008. Near-real time wildfire monitoring with MODIS, AVHRR and MTSAT. 1st Joint Project Team Meeting (JPTM) for Sentinel Asia step 2, Kobe, Japan, 2008 Jun 6.
  530. 衛藤聡美,有山悠子,野口克行,林田佐智子,竹内渉, 2008. 衛星観測データによる水田から放出されるメタンについての解析. 日本地球惑星科学連合2008年大会, 幕張メッセ (千葉県浦安市), 2008/5/26.
  531. 赤塚慎,竹内渉,安岡善文, 2008. NOAA/AVHRRデータを用いた陸域可降水量の空間変動評価. 日本リモートセンシング学会 第44回学術講演会:東京工業大学すずかけ台キャンパス(神奈川県横浜市), 2008/05/22.
  532. Wataru Takeuchi, Yusuke Matsumura, Haruoa Sawada and Yoshifumi Yasuoka, 2008. Near-real time wildfire monitoring with MODIS, AVHRR and MTSAT. Seminar on hotspot detection algorithm, Sapporo, Japan, 2008 Apr. 16.
  533. 竹内渉,根本利弘,安岡善文,金子隆之, 2008. WWWを利用したMTSATデータ配信と可視化システムの構築. 第17回生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境モニタリング」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2008/03/18.
  534. Wataru Takeuchi, Kawin Worakanchana, Yoshifumi Yasuoka and Vivarad Phonekeo, 2007. Comparative analysis and monitoring of urban heat island intensity in Asian mega cities by MODIS. 6th International Symposium on new technologies for urban safety of mega cities in Asia (USMCA), Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2007 Dec. 10.
  535. Wataru Takeuchi, Naoto Matsuura, Tsugito Nagano, Manzul Kumar Hazarika, Lal Samarakoon and Yoshifumi Yasuoka, 2007. Application of environmental sentinel Asia in harmonized with sentinel Asia. 14th Asia Pacific Region Space Agency forum (APRSAF), Bangalore, India, 2007 Nov. 21.
  536. Wataru Takeuchi and Yoshifumi Yasuoka, 2007. Precise geometric correction of MTSAT imagery. 28th Asian conference on remote sensing 2007 (ACRS): Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2007 Nov. 14.
  537. Yusuke Matsumura, Wataru Takeuchi and Yoshifumi Yasuoka, 2007. Evaluation of wildfire duration time over Asia using MTSAT imagery. 28th Asian conference on remote sensing 2007 (ACRS): Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2007 Nov. 14.
  538. Kei Oyoshi, Wataru Takeuchi and Yoshifumi Yasuoka, 2007. Evaluation of snow-cover maps over Northeastern Asia derived from AVHRR, MODIS and MTSAT Data. 28th Asian conference on remote sensing 2007 (ACRS): Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2007 Nov. 14.
  539. Wataru Takeuchi, Toshihiro Nemoto, Takayuki Kaneko and Yoshifumi Yasuoka, 2007. Development of MTSAT data processing, distribution and visualization system on WWW. Internaional Remote Sensing Symposium (ISRS), Jeju, South Korea, 2007 Nov. 1.
  540. Wataru Takeuchi, Naoto Matsuura, Tsugito Nagano, Vivarad Phonekeo, Lal Samarakoon and Yoshifumi Yasuoka, 2007. Toward a higher plateau of partnership on environmental sentinel Asia (eSA). 4th Joint Project Team Meeting (JPTM), Manila, Philippines, 2007 Sep. 6.
  541. 竹内渉,根本利弘,安岡善文,金子隆之, 2007. WWWを利用したMTSATデータ配信と可視化システムの構築. 日本写真測量学会 平成19年度年次学術講演会:パシフィコ横浜 (神奈川県横浜市), 2007/06/22.
  542. 竹内渉,小森大輔,沖 大幹,安岡善文, 2007. MODIS と AMSR-E を併用した水田湛水図の時空間的高精度化. 第16回生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境モニタリング」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2007/03/26.
  543. Wataru Takeuchi and Yoshifumi Yasuoka, 2007. An analyais of wild fire occurrence over Asia with near-real time monitoring by MODIS direct broadcasting. 3rd MODIS users workshop: Bangkok, Thailand, 2007 Jan. 16.
  544. Wataru Takeuchi and Yoshifumi Yasuoka, 2007. Wildfire semi real time monitoring and modeloing using MODIS data. GEOSS AP workshop: Tokyo, Japan, 2007, Jan. 12.
  545. Wataru Takeuchi and Yoshifumi Yasuoka, 2007. Southeast and East Asia Satellite Observation Network (SEASON) for environment and disaster monitoring. GEOSS AP workshop: Tokyo, Japan, 2007 Jan. 12.
  546. Wataru Takeuchi, Daisuke Komori, Taikan Oki and Yoshifumi Yasuoka, 2006. An integrated approach on rice paddy irrigation pattern monitoring over Asia with MODIS and AMSR-E. American geophysical union fall meeting 2006 (AGU): San francisco, USA, 2006 Dec. 5.
  547. 竹内渉,安岡善文, 2006. MODISとAMSR-Eを併用した水田湛水図の時空間的高精度化. 日本写真測量学会 平成18年度秋季学術講演会:松江テルサ (島根県松江市), 2006/11/23.
  548. Wataru Takeuchi and Yoshifumi Yasuoka, 2006. Investigating an integrated approach on rice paddy monitoring over Asia with MODIS and AMSR-E (Invited talk). Global Irrigation Area Mapping 2006 (GIAM): Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2006 Sep. 25.
  549. Wataru Takeuchi and Yoshifumi Yasuoka, 2006. Toward a better understanding of terrestrial ecosystems over Asia with MODIS and AVHRR (Invited talk). AGU western pacific geophysical meeting 2006 (WPGM): Beijing, China, 2006 Jul. 26.
  550. Kei Oyoshi, Wataru Takeuchi and Yoshifumi Yasuoka, 2006. Phenology monitoring with NOAA/AVHRR over northeastern Asia from 1984 to 2004. AUG western pacific geophysical meeting 2006 (WPGM): Beijing, China, 2006 Jul. 26.
  551. 竹内渉,安岡善文, 2006. MODISデータを利用したアジアの火災検知結果の検証. 日本写真測量学会 平成18年度年次学術講演会:パシフィコ横浜 (神奈川県横浜市), 2006/07/06.
  552. 竹内渉,安岡善文, 2006. MODISデータを利用したアジアの火災分布特性の解析. 日本写真測量学会 平成18年度年次学術講演会:パシフィコ横浜 (神奈川県横浜市), 2006/07/06.
  553. Wataru Takeuchi, Toshihiro Nemoto, Pranab J. Baruah and Yoshifumi Yasuoka, 2006. A web-based MODIS and AVHRR data distribution service at IIS/UT. International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing comission VI CATCON (ISPRS):Tokyo, Japan, 2006 Jun. 29. (
  554. Preesan Rakwatin, Wataru Takeuchi and Yoshifumi Yasuoka, 2006. Destriping MODIS data by facet model and histogram matching. International Symposium on Space Technology and Science (ISTS):Kanazawa, Japan, 2006 Jun. 6.
  555. 竹内渉,小森大輔,沖 大幹,安岡善文, 2006.アジアの水田観測におけるMODISとAMSR-Eの複合的利用の検討. 日本リモートセンシング学会 第40回学術講演会:千葉大学リモートセンシング研究センター(千葉県千葉市), 2006/05/18.
  556. Wataru Takeuchi and Yoshifumi Yasuoka, 2006. Development of cloud and shadow free compositing technique with MODIS QKM. American society of photogrammetry and remote sensing spring meeting 2006 (ASPRS), Reno, USA, 2006 May 5.
  557. Takeuchi, W. and Yasuoka, Y. 2006. Near-real time active fire mapping over Asia using Aqua/Terra MODIS. 第15回生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境モニタリング」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2006/03/16.
  558. Wataru Takeuchi, Toshihiro Nemoto, Pranab J. Baruah and Yoshifumi Yasuoka. Environment and disaster monitoring over Asia with Aqua/Terra MODIS at the University of Tokyo direct broadcasting system. 21st Asia Pacific Area Network meeting (APAN), Tokyo, Japan, 2006 Jan. 23.
  559. Wataru Takeuchi, Toshihiro Nemoto, Pranab J. Baruah and Yoshifumi Yasuoka, 2005. 20 years archiving at IIS and its maximum utilize of environment and disaster monitoring from space. (Invited talk)11th CEReS international symposium on remote sensing, Chiba, Japan, 2005 Dec. 13.
  560. Wataru Takeuchi, TTaikan Oki, Pranab J. Baruah and Yoshifumi Yasuoka, 2005. Development of a complete rice paddy map dataset over Asia using MODIS data. American geophysical union fall meeting 2005 (AGU): San francisco, USA, 2005 Dec. 5.
  561. 竹内渉,安岡善文, 2005. Aqua/Terra MODISデータを利用したアジア森林火災の準実時間観測. 日本リモートセンシング学会 第39回学術講演会:鳴門教育大学 (徳島県鳴門市), 2005/11/25.
  562. Preesan Rakwatin, Wataru Takeuchi and Yoshifumi Yasuoka, 2005. Destriping MODIS data by facet model and histogram matching. 26th Asian conference on remote sensing 2005 (ACRS): Hanoi, Vietnam, 2005 Nov. 8.
  563. Wataru Takeuchi and Yoshifumi Yasuoka, 2005. Near-real time active fire mapping over Asia using Aqua/Terra MODIS. 26th Asian conference on remote sensing 2005 (ACRS): Hanoi, Vietnam, 2005 Nov. 8.
  564. Wataru Takeuchi and Yoshifumi Yasuoka, 2005. Investigation of cloud coverage over Asia with NOAA AVHRR time series. International symposium on remote sensing 2005 (ISRS): Jeju, Korea, 2005 Nov. 1.
  565. 竹内渉,安岡善文, 2005. 大気放射伝達シミュレーションを用いたMODIS 250mデータの陰影除去手法の開発. 日本写真測量学会 平成17年度秋季学術講演会:熊本国際交流会館(熊本県熊本市), 2005/10/27.
  566. Wataru Takeuchi, Toshihiro Nemoto, Pranab. J. Baruah and Yoshifumi Yasuoka, 2005. Development of Terra/Aqua MODIS pre-processing system at the University of Tokyo direct broadcasting system. International EOS/NPP direct readout meeting 2005: Mediterranean Agency for Remote Sensing and Environmental Control (MARSec), Benevento, Italy, 2005 Oct. 4.
  567. 竹内渉,安岡善文, 2005. MODISデータを用いたアジアの水田面積比率分布図の作成. 農業環境工学関連7学会2005年合同大会:金沢大学角間キャンパス (石川県金沢市), 2005/09/15.
  568. Wataru Takeuchi and Yoshifumi Yasuoka, 2005. Toward a better understanding of earth environmental monitoring activities at IIS, U-Tokyo. Japan-taiwan cooperative workshop on environmental monitoring with remote sensing: Takayama, Gifu, 2005 Jul. 30.
  569. Wataru Takeuchi and Yoshifumi Yasuoka, 2005. Mapping of fractional coverage of paddy fields over Asia using MODIS time series. 5th International Scientific Conference on the Global Energy and Water Cycle (GEWEX): Orange county, USA, 2005 Jun. 27.
  570. Wataru Takeuchi, Tomoko Nakano, Shiro Ochi and Yoshifumi Yasuoka, 2005. Estinamtion of methane emission from West Siberian Lowland using unmixing technique between ASTER and MODIS. 27th ASTER Science Team Meeting (ASTM): Tokyo International Forum, Japan, 2005 Jun. 22.
  571. 竹内渉,根本利弘, P. J. Baruah, 安岡善文, 2005. アジア環境災害観測のための衛星データオンライン配信システムの構築. 第14回生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境モニタリング」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2005/03/18.
  572. Wataru Takeuchi and Yoshifumi Yasuoka, 2005. Estimating spatio-temporal patterns of paddy fields over Asia using MODIS time series. 2nd MODIS users workshop: Bangkok, Thailand, 2005 Jan. 7.
  573. Wataru Takeuchi and Yoshifumi Yasuoka, 2005. Development of Aqua/Terra MODIS pre-processing system for IIS and AIT direct broadcasting system. 2nd MODIS users workshop: Bangkok, Thailand, 2005 Jan. 6.
  574. Gaku Sasaki, Wataru Takeuchi and Yoshifumi Yasuoka, 2004. Investigation on the relationship between the distribution of paddy fields and the social/natural condition in Thailand with remote sensing. 25th Asian Conference of Remote Sensing (ACRS): Changmai, Thailand, 2004 Nov. 24.
  575. Wataru Takeuchi and Yoshifumi Yasuoka, 2004. Estimating spatio-temporal patterns of paddy fields over Southeast Asia using MODIS time series. 25th Asian Conference of Remote Sensing (ACRS): Changmai, Thailand, 2004 Nov. 24.
  576. Wataru Takeuchi and Yoshifumi Yasuoka, 2004. Development of normalized vegetation, soil and water indices derived from satellite remote sensing data. 25th Asian Conference of Remote Sensing (ACRS): Changmai, Thailand, 2004 Nov. 24.
  577. Kei Oyoshi, Wataru Takeuchi and Yoshifumi Yasuoka, 2004. Comparison of vegetation phenology derived from NOAA/AVHRR and Terra/MODIS. 25th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing: Chiangmai, Thailand, 2004 Nov. 24.
  578. 竹内渉,安岡善文, 2004. 衛星データを用いたアジア地域の被雲率分布図の作成. 日本写真測量学会 平成16年度秋季学術講演会:弘前商工会議所(青森県弘前市), 2004/10/29.
  579. 竹内渉,安岡善文, 2004. ADEOS-II GLIデータを用いた雲なし合成画像作成に関する研究. 日本写真測量学会 平成16年度秋季学術講演会:弘前商工会議所(青森県弘前市), 2004/10/29.
  580. 竹内渉,大吉 慶,安川雅紀,根本利弘,P. J. Baruah, 遠藤貴宏,安岡善文, 2004. 東大生研における衛星データ直接受信システムおよびデータ公開について. 日本写真測量学会 平成16年度年次学術講演会:東京ビックサイト(東京都江東区), 2004/06/19.
  581. 竹内渉,安岡善文, 2004. MODISデータを用いた東南アジア水田分布図の作成. 日本写真測量学会 平成16年度年次学術講演会:東京ビックサイト(東京都江東区), 2004/06/19.
  582. 竹内渉,安岡善文, 2004. WWWを用いたASTERデータ管理システムの構築. 日本写真測量学会 平成16年度年次学術講演会:東京ビックサイト(東京都江東区), 2004/06/19.
  583. Kei Oyoshi, Wataru Takeuchi and Yoshifumi Yasuoka, 2003. Monitoring of Land Surface Dynamics in Northeastern Asia with NOAA/AVHRR Data from 1984 to 2002. 24th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS): Pusan, Korea, 2003 Nov. 20.
  584. Wataru Takeuchi and Yoshifumi Yasuoka, 2003. Estimating spatio-temporal patterns of continuous paddy fields cover using MODIS time series. International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing comission VII WG6 (ISPRS): Kyoto, Japan, 2003 Oct. 22.
  585. 竹内渉,安岡善文, 2003. 衛星データを用いた正規化植生・土壌・水指数の開発. 日本写真測量学会 平成15年度年次学術講演会:東京ビックサイト(東京都江東区), 2003/06/12.
  586. 竹内渉,安岡善文, 2003. MODISデータを用いた東南アジアコンポジットデータ作成に関する研究. 日本写真測量学会 平成15年度年次学術講演会:東京ビックサイト(東京都江東区), 2003/06/12.
  587. 竹内渉,安岡善文, 2003. Terra ASTERのシステム幾何補正と精度検証. 日本写真測量学会 平成15年度年次学術講演会:東京ビックサイト(東京都江東区), 2003/06/12.
  588. 竹内渉,安岡善文, 2003. 6Sコードを用いたMODISデータの大気効果補正の検討. 日本写真測量学会 平成15年度年次学術講演会:東京ビックサイト(東京都江東区), 2003/06/12.
  589. Wataru Takeuchi and Yoshifumi Yasuoka, 2003. Development of Aqua/Terra MODIS pre-processing system for IIS and AIT direct broadcasting system. 1st MODIS users workshop at GISTDA: Bangkok, Thailand, 2003 May 30.
  590. 竹内渉,安岡善文, 2003. Terra ASTERのシステム幾何補正と精度検証. 第12回生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境モニタリング」:東京大学生産技術研究所 (東京都目黒区), 2003/03/12.
  591. Wataru Takeuchi, Tomoko Nakano, Shiro Ochi and Yoshifumi Yasuoka, 2002. Monitoring of fire-affected areas in Western Siberia using spectral mixture analysis. International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing comission comission VII WG6 (ISPRS):Hyderabad, India, 2002 Dec. 6.
  592. Kei Oyoshi, Wataru Takeuchi and Yoshifumi Yasuoka, 2002. Short-term change detection with precise geometric correction and sub-pixel land cover characterization of MODIS. 23rd Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS): Kathmandu, Nepal, 2002 Nov. 18.
  593. 竹内渉,根本利弘,P.J.Baruah,越智士郎,安岡善文, 2002. WWWを利用したTerra MODISデータ前処理システムの構築. 日本写真測量学会 平成14年度秋季学術講演会:大阪工大摂南大学(大阪府大阪市), 2002/11/14.
  594. 竹内渉,越智士郎,安岡善文, 2002. 衛星データを用いた東南アジア水田マップ作成のためのアルゴリズム開発(優秀論文賞受賞). 日本写真測量学会 平成14年度秋季学術講演会:大阪工大摂南大学(大阪府大阪市), 2002/11/14.
  595. Wataru Takeuchi, Toshihiro Nemoto, Pranab J. Baruah, Shiro Ochi and Yoshifumi Yasuoka, 2002. Development of Terra MODIS data pre-processing system on WWW. International symposium on remote sensing 2002 (ISRS): Sokcho, Korea, 2002 Nov. 1.
  596. 竹内渉,中野智子,越智士郎,安岡善文, 2002. 多時期衛星データを用いた西シベリア湿地性森林の火災地回復モニタリング. 日本写真測量学会 平成14年度年次学術講演会:東京ビックサイト(東京都江東区), 2002/07/05.
  597. 竹内渉,越智士郎,安岡善文, 2002. Terra MODIS とASTER を用いたスケーリングアップの精度検証に関する研究. 日本写真測量学会 平成14年度年次学術講演会:東京ビックサイト(東京都江東区), 2002/07/05.
  598. Wataru Takeuchi, Tomoko Nakano, Shiro Ochi and Yoshifumi Yasuoka, 2002. Estimation of Methane Emission from West Siberian Lowland with Sub-pixel Land Cover Characterization. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 2002 (IGARSS): Tronto, Canada, 2002 Jun. 25.
  599. 竹内渉,根本利弘,越智士郎,安岡善文, 2002. WWWを利用したAVHRRデータ処理システムの構築. 日本リモートセンシング学会 平成14年度年次学術講演会:通信総合研究所(東京都小金井市), 2002/05/08.
  600. 竹内渉,中野智子,越智士郎,安岡善文, 2002. 多時期衛星データを用いた西シベリア湿地性森林の火災地回復モニタリング. 第11回生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境モニタリング」:東京大学生産技術研究所(東京都目黒区), 2002/03/12.
  601. Wataru Takeuchi, Masayuki Tamura and Yoshifumi Yasuoka, 2001. Estimation of Methane Emission from Paddy Field in the Central Plain of Thailand by Scaling Technique. 22nd Asian Conference of Remote Sensing (ACRS): Singapore, Singapore, 2001 Nov. 8.
  602. 竹内渉,中野智子,越智士郎,安岡善文, 2001. ASTERデータを用いた西シベリア湿原からのメタン発生量の推定. 日本写真測量学会 平成13年度秋季学術講演会:富山国際会議場(富山県富山市), 2001/11/29.
  603. 竹内渉,田村正行,越智士郎,安岡善文, 2001. NOAA/AVHRRとSPOT/HRVのスケーリングによる西シベリア湿原からのメタン発生量の推定(優秀論文賞受賞). 日本写真測量学会 平成13年度年次学術講演会:東京ビックサイト(東京都江東区), 2001/06/22.
  604. 竹内渉,田村正行,安岡善文, 2001. NOAA/AVHRRとSPOT/HRVのスケーリングによる西シベリア湿原からのメタン発生量の推定. 第10回生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境モニタリング」:東京大学生産技術研究所(東京都目黒区), 2001/03/18.
  605. 竹内渉,田村正行,安岡善文, 2001. NOAA/AVHRRとSPOT/HRVのスケーリングによる西シベリア湿原からのメタン発生量の推定(論文奨励賞受賞). 計測自動制御学会 第8回リモートセンシングフォーラム:NASDA EORC(東京都中央区), 2001/02/28.
  606. Wataru Takeuchi, Masayuki Tamura and Yoshifumi Yasuoka, 2000. Estimation of the methane emission from west Siberian wetland by Scaling between NOAA/AVHRR and SPOT/HRV data. 21st Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS): Taipei, Taiwan, 2000 Dec. 5.
  607. 竹内渉,堀井秀之, 1999. 高レベル廃棄物処分空洞の超長期的安定性評価方法の提案. 土木学会関東支部技術研究発表会: 日本大学 (千葉県習志野市), 1999/03/14.

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Last Update: January 11 2025 09:22:16JST