| Staff | Students | Graduates |


Professor: Wataru TAKEUCHI

Room: Bw-605

E-mail: wataru[at]iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp

HP: http://wtlab.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp/wataru/

Research topic:

Office Administrator: Aki Kawamoto

Room: Bw-604

E-mail: akawamo[at]iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp

Assistant professor: Khin Myat Kyaw

Room: Bw-604

E-mail: khin22[at]iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp

Research topic: Infrastructure Health Monitoring by Remote Sensing Techniques

Project researcher: Xuan Trinh Truong

Room: Bw-604

Research topic: Seagrass distribution and blue carbon monitoring

Project researcher: Yasmin Bhattacharya

Room: Bw-604

E-mail: yasmin[at]iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp

Research topic: Urban planning

Project Academic Specialist: Eiko Yoshimoto

Room: Bw-604

E-mail: yosimoto[at]iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp

Technical staff: Etsuko Nakazono

Room: Bw-604

E-mail: nakazo[at]iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp


Doctor's course (3rd) Yu yang

Room: Bw-604

E-mail: yu-yang[at]g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp

Research topic: Building damage identification using SAR images based on deep learning with small scale dataset

Doctor's course (3rd) Muhammad Haidar

Room: Bw-604

E-mail: haidar[at]g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp

Research topic:Space-based estimation of carbon emission on drained tropical peatlands

Doctors's course (3rd): Shoki Shimada

Room: Bw-604

E-mail: shokishimada[at]g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp

Research topic:Solar PV detection and power preditcion analysis using remote sensing data.

Doctors's course (3rd): Samitha Daranagama

Room: Bw-604

E-mail: samitha[at]g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp

Research topic: Detection of Ganoderma disease in oil palm plants and understanding the mechanism of Ganoderma spreading using remote sensing techniques.

Doctors's course (2nd): Chihiro Naito

Room: Bw-604

E-mail: chihiro-naito807[at]g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp

Research topic: Enhancing productivity in a palm oil plantation with soil moisture and planting blueprint using UAV and satellite

Doctors's course (2nd): Arliandy P. Arbad

Room: Bw-604

E-mail: arliandyarbad[at]g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp

Research topic: Monitoring Infrastructure Health Using InSAR and GNSS

Exchange student: Doctors's course (2nd): Yang Yifan

Room: Bw-604

E-mail: s2320010@jaist.ac.jp

Research topic:Research on Evaluation of City Resilience to Disasters Based on Multi-Source Data

Exchange student: Doctors's course (2nd): Wang Enze

Room: Bw-604

E-mail: ezwang1024@sjtu.edu.cn

Research topic:Optically Shallow Water Remote Sensing

Master's course (2nd): Yu Mochizuki

Room: Bw-604

E-mail: mochizukiyu96[at]g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp

Research topic:Analysis of "Walkability" in developing countries.

Master's course (2nd): Tatsuya Kondo

Room: Bw-604

E-mail: kontatsuya2000[at]g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp

Research topic:Investigating the Relationship Between City Compactness and Livability・Sustainability in Japan.

Master's course (2nd): Huang Feifan

Room: Bw-604

E-mail: huang-feifan587[at]g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp

Research topic:Spatio-temporal changes of ambient NO2 during COVID-19 lockdowns in China

Master's course (1st): Airi Watanabe

Room: Bw-604

E-mail: airiwatanabe1458[at]g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp

Research topic:TBD.

Master's course (1st): Didier Delgorge

Room: Bw-604

E-mail: didierdelgorge[at]g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp

Research topic:TBD

Master's course (1st): Hiroto Goto

Room: Bw-604

E-mail: 1165300966[at]g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp

Research topic:Wildlife monitoring with remote sensing

Bachelor's course (4th): Taishi Kimura-Davies

Room: Bw-604

E-mail: taishikimuradavies[at]g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp

Research topicTBD


Delgorge Didier Kai Graduation thesis: "Spatiotemporal Risk Assessment of Human-Black Bear Conflicts in Japan Using Remote Sensing"
Chaehyun Kim Graduation thesis: "Assessing Impacts of Anthropogenic Activities on Malayan Tapirs in Peninsular Malaysia Through Remote Sensing"
Tomoaki Ito Master thesis: "Classification of air pollution problems in Southeast and South Asia using time-series data on environment, society, and policy"
Sou Fumiyama Master thesis: "Development of Imputation and Correction Methods for Satellite Nighttime Light Imagery Focusing on Angular Effects"
Shao Shuai Doctor thesis: "Growth monitoring of Chinese cabbage over East Asia with multi-scale remote sensing and 3D modeling"
Li Shiyu Graduation thesis"Remote Sensing Analysis on Oasification of the Taklamakan Desert by Examining Change in Water Resources in Relation to Land Cover and Climate Conditions"
Dominic Doel Soh Jun Wei Graduation thesis"Global investigation of relationship between algal blooms and maritime traffic"
Trinh Xuan Truong Doctor thesis: "Investigation of seagrass blue carbon changes in Vietnam over the last 30 years"
Yan Guanyu Doctor thesis: "Assessment of environmental and Socio-economic changes in Mongolia over the last 20 years"
Nguonly Ung Master thesis: "Risk Assessment on Logistics and Business Continuity Planning (BCP) along the Southern Economic Corridor (SEC)"
Ira San Jose Master thesis: "An Object-based Image Analysis Approach for Detection of Landslides Induced by Rainfall using Sentinel-2 Satellite Imagery"
藤原匠 Doctor thesis: "Development of voxel-based reflectance simulator by modeling tree shadows"
2022年4月より防衛大学校 助教
嶌田将貴 Master thesis"Machine-learning based detection of solar photovoltaic panels in Japan with medium-resolution optical and SAR satellite images"
Yiwei Huang Master thesis"Mapping and Tracking Nighttime Fishing Activities within Japan Exclusive Economic Zone using VIIRS Boat Detection"
Yuhan Zheng Doctor thesis: "Quantitative assessment of mangrove conservation and restoration in China by remote sensing-based exological footprint accounting"
Dheeraj Joshi Master thesis"Multi-hazard risk assessment of rail infrastructure in India unedr local vulnerabilies towards business continuity planning"
2021年9月よりIndian Railwaysに復職
Zhanglei Zhao Graduation thesis"Detection of Floating Mactoplastic Debris over Tokyo Bay using Sentinel-2 Imagery"
Nuntikorn Kitratporn Doctor thesis: "Assessment of Asian elephant status and human-elephant conflict risk under climate change scenarios"
青山 美和 Master thesis"Analysis of Air Pollutant Emission Reduction Measures of Indian Brick Sector and Their Evaluation"
清水 大暉 Master thesis"インドネシア熱帯泥炭湿地林での環境修復による炭素放出量削減効果の評価"
Rahedul Islam Rahe Doctor thesis: "Investigating environmental benefits and opportunities of rice cultivation under alternate wetting and drying irrigation in Bangladesh "
Deepanshu Agarwal Master thesis"Assessment of Air Quality in Indoor Environment using Portable Sensors "
Lilangi Wijesinghe Master thesis"Analyzing the Impact of Urbanization on Air Quality in Colombo, Sri Lanka "
雅茹 Master thesis"Water Storage Changes on the Mongolian Plateau Estimated from Remote Sensing"
山﨑美智子 Graduation thesis"Spatialtemporal analysis of nexus among snow cover, water availability, and vegetation in Indo-Ganga river basin"
NGUYEN Thi Quynh Trang Doctor thesis: "Modeling emission inventories for key sectors in Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam."
三隅 崇史 Master thesis"ミャンマー•ヤンゴンのPM2.5の計測と評価"
Jeark Armingol Principe Doctor thesis: "Assessment of solar PV power potential over Asia Pacific region with remote sensing and GIS"
2019年よりUniversity of the Philippines DilimanにてAssintant professor
PEGAH Hashemvand Khiabani Doctor thesis: "Biogeophysical modeling of oil palm yield in Malaysia and Indonesia"
谷口 アレクサンダー Graduation thesis "Predictive Wildfire Damage to Populated Regions at Wildland-Urban Interfaces; A Case-Based Survey of Risk Factors in Victoria, Australia and California, United States"
田代 宗太郎 Master thesis"深層学習を用いた旧版地形図からの土地利用データ構築に関する研究"
閻 観宇 Master thesis"Thermal Infrared Assisted Optical Pattern Recognition for Human Detection"
Anjar Dimara Sakti Doctor thesis: "Estimation of Global Irrigation Water Demand by Integrating +long-term Remote Sensing Dataset"
2019年に Center for Remote Sensing - Institut Teknologi Bandung (CRS-ITB)
Prakhar MISRA Doctor thesis: "Analyzing impact of socio-economic development and land-use change on urban air quality in India"
Arif ADITIYA Master thesis"Land Subsidence Detection derived by InSAR Time Series Analysis and GPS in Surabaya, Indonesia"
2018年4月よりBadan informasi geospasial
井上 和樹 Master thesis"干渉SAR分析を用いたヤンゴン環状鉄道の保線整備に関する研究"
内田 聖菜 Master thesis"鉄道開発が都市の発展に及ぼした要因分析 -ロシア,オーストラリア,日本の比較-"
2018年4月より マッキンゼー・アンド・カンパニー
Tanakorn SRITARAPIPAT Doctor thesis: "Modeling urban growth prediction in Yangon, Myanmar considering flood and earthquake vulnerabilities"
Nuntikorn KITRATPORN Master thesis"3D Reconstruction for Suspension Bridge Inclination Assessment in Myanmar"
Pratama Arliandy ARBAD Master thesis"Monitoring of Surface Deformation by Using Time-Series InSAR at Bromo Volcano Indonesia"
水谷 真隆 Master thesis"ひまわり8号を用いたブリヤート共和国における林野火災検知に関する研究"
2017年4月より 中部電力
李 曦 Doctor thesis: "Spatio-temporal analysis of flooding on global scale using microwave remote sensing"
堅山 直樹 Master thesis"社会経済指標の推計に向けた夜間光の衛星観測データの時空間解析"
角田 翔 Master thesis"Estimation of long-term subsience on tropical peatlands with time series InSAR"
2016年4月より 住友商事
朴 慧美 Doctor thesis: "Empirical bio-geophysical modeling of CO2 budget from tropical peat lands in Indonesia"
城内 宏海 Master thesis"セルラーオートマトンを用いたホームガーデンの推移と予測に関する研究"
2015年4月より JR西日本
Sudesuriguge Doctor thesis: "Estimation of methane emission from natural wetlands in the northern permafrost region by remote sensing and bio-geophysical modeling"
岡村 典子 Master thesis: "社会経済的要因を考慮したアジア太平洋地域の熱中症危険度の分析と評価"
2014年4月より 特許庁
藤川 亜矢 Master thesis: "衛星観測を用いたグローバルな大都市における大気環境の分析と評価"
2014年4月より 大成建設
Chandima Nadeeshani Subasinghe Master thesis: "Mapping landslide induced by drought preceding rainfall using remote sensing data"
細矢雄士 Master thesis: "東南アジア水田の衛星監視情報を利用した干ばつ被害の軽減に関する研究"
2013年4月より 東京ガス
竹田亮太郎 Master thesis: "ウェーブレットによる数値標高モデルフィルタリング手法の開発"
2012年4月より パスコ
Ms. GARU MUNI Wathsala Master thesis: "Land use planning in war ravaged areas of Sri Lanka"
2011年 月よりMoratuwa大学
長田幹 Master thesis: "グローバルメガシティにおける都市開発と空間的構造の分析に関する研究"
2011年 4月よりニコン
竹田亮太郎 Graduation thesis "全球数値標高モデルの体系的整備に向けた精度評価手法の提案"
2010年 4月より修士課程に進学
岸浩稔 Master thesis: "アジアメガシティにおける大気環境評価手法の提案"
20104年4月より 博士課程に進学
松村祐輔 Master thesis: "大規模土砂災害時における衛星画像の有効利用法の提案"
2009/ 4月よりJR東海