- 5. Feb, 2025
Takeuchi Sensei and Shimada-san visited Nanao High School in Ishikawa Prefecture and delivered a lecture on disaster monitoring using remote sensing,
along with data processing exercises, to the students of the Department of Science and Mathematics.
- 25. Jan, 2025
We took part in an Ekiden contest at IIS. It was a fantastic experience to pass the sash and run around the IIS building.
After the race, we enjoyed some delicious Tonjiru, which is a type of miso soup.
- 24. Jan, 2025
On 23rd January 2025, Prof. Takeuchi and Dr. Khin along with RNUS secretary Ms. Metta visited the oil palm fields in Prachuap Khiri Khan (Thailand)
to install water level sensors for understanding and managing waterlogged condition in the field.
- 15. Jan, 2025
The 32nd IIS Forum "Earth Observation, Disaster Monitoring, and Risk Assessment from Space" will be held on March 6 (13:00-17:00 JST) and March 7, 2025 (10:00-15:00 JST) (JST=GMT+9).
For more information about the event, please visit the following link.
- 06. Jan, 2025
Recent publications from our lab members.
D.A. Samitha Daranagama, and Wataru Takeuchi, 2024. Ganoderma disease detection in oil palm plantations using C and L band SAR backscatter time series. Earth Environ. Sci. 1412 012003, https://doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/1412/1/012003.
Chihiro Naito, and Wataru Takeuchi, 2024. Development of automated UAV LiDAR based blueprint in oil palm replanting on terraces. Earth Environ. Sci. 1412 012018, https://doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/1412/1/012018.
Chihiro Naito, and Wataru Takeuchi, 2024. Projections of oil palm area in Malaysia and Indonesia to assess the relationship between plant growth and water consumption. Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLVIII-3-2024, 365–370, https://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-archives-XLVIII-3-2024-365-2024.
- 24. Dec, 2024
We held our year-end lab cleaning and year-end party at the lab.
We prepared a variety of dishes, including Chinese, Indonesian, Sri Lankan, and Japanese cuisine. It was a wonderful gathering, and we all enjoyed it a lot!
- 16. Dec, 2024
We participated in the 3rd International Symposium on One Health One World (OHOW 2024) held from December 10–12, 2024, at Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM).
The symposium featured engaging technical sessions that provided valuable insights into interdisciplinary research with the theame of "Empowering planetary health through science and engineering innovations".
Samitha-san (D3), Yifan-san (D2), and Kondo-san (M2) received Best Paper Presenter awards during the conference.
On the final day, we joined a technical tour that included visits to the Kuala Lumpur Craft Complex, Putra Mosque, and various locations within UPM.
We thoroughly enjoyed the experience, especially trying traditional batik making in Malaysia, which was a truly memorable activity for all of us.
- 05. Dec, 2024
On 3rd and 4th December 2024, Prof. Takeuchi and Dr. Khin joined a LiDAR drone flying over the Tha Chang subdistrict in Ang Thong province (Thailand) to generate high-resolution DEM.
This operation, conducted in collaboration with the Mayor of Ang Thong province, DPMM staffs and RIMES team, covered an area of around 4.0 km² in the vicinity of the Ang Thong municipal office.
Such high-resolution DEMs will provide detailed and precise information about the terrain, allowing for accurate analysis and applications in various fields such as
topographic mapping, flood risk assessment, and infrastructure planning.
- 22. Nov, 2024
Samitha-san (D3) participated in the ACRS 2024 conference in Sri Lanka and won 1st prize at the ACRS WEBCON.
- 8. Nov, 2024
Takeuchi Sensei delivered two presentations at Thailand Space Week, discussing 'Infrastructure Health Monitoring' and 'One Health One World'.
- 30. Oct, 2024
Truong-san delivered a lecture on remote sensing technology to students of the Faculty of Chemistry, VNU-HUS, highlighting its importance in effective environmental monitoring.
- 24. Oct, 2024
We had a BBQ party to welcome Yifan-san (D2), Hiroto-san (M1), and Taishi-san (B4) to the Takeuchi Lab. We made delicious BBQ dishes together and had a great time. Welcome to the Takeuchi Lab, new members!
- 18. Oct, 2024
At the 40th anniversary of the Korean Society of Remote Sensing (KSRS), Takeuchi Sensei received the Choen Kim Award in recognition of his contribution to KSRS. Congratulations Sensei!
- 15. Oct, 2024
Students from the Department of Science and Mathematics at Nanao High School in Ishikawa Prefecture visited UTokyo today.
Takeuchi Sensei provided an introduction to remote sensing, and from our lab, Shimada-san and Yu-san presented their research to the students.
- 11. Oct, 2024
Takeuchi Sensei, Khin-san, and the RNUS team conducted a field visit to an oil palm plantation in the Bang Saphan district, Thailand.
They performed RGB and LiDAR drone surveys and tested a smartphone app designed to identify Ganoderma disease.
- 20. Sep, 2024
We conducted tests with a LiDAR sensor and carried out outdoor measurements on the Komaba campus.
- 5. Sep, 2024
We held a farewell party for Didier-san and Chaehyun-san. We prepared and enjoyed dishes from Myanmar, Indonesia, and Sri Lanka.
Congratulations, Didier-san and Chaehyun-san, and all the best in your next adventures!
- 22. Aug, 2024
We held a joint student seminar between Sophia University and The University of Tokyo via Zoom.
This seminar provided an excellent opportunity for us in exchanging research ideas.
- 10. Aug, 2024
We attended the UTokyo Alumni Seminar and Party in Bangkok, Thailand, where we connected with numerous UTokyo alumni from various fields.
This experience helped us learn about different career paths and industries, expanding our professional networks and broadening our views on future opportunities.
- 8. Aug, 2024
We participated in the 3rd joint student seminar on One Health One World (OHOW) at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) in Thailand.
Yu-san, Shimada-san, Samitha-san, Chihiro-san, and Didier-san from our lab presented their research in the seminar.
The seminar provided an excellent opportunity to share our research work and build friendships.
In addition to the seminar, we enjoyed a technical tour visiting the Bang Ban Bang Sai construction project and the historic Ayutthaya area.
The event greatly enriched our knowledge and expanded our network of friends.
- 25. July, 2024
We participated in the IIS PhD Student Live 2024 event on July 25th.
This was a great opportunity for us to exchange ideas with other PhD research students and gain inspiration for new research.
In our lab, Samitha-san (D2) and Chihiro-san (D2) participated as presenters in this event.
- 12. July, 2024
Takeuchi Sensei and Khin-san visited Seoul National University for a 5-day lecture series on infrastructure health monitoring using SAR remote sensing.
- 28. June, 2024
We hosted a BBQ party at our lab and enjoyed delicious BBQ dishes.
- 19. June, 2024
Takeuchi Sensei, Khin-san, and Truong-san attended a drone survey at Yokota Farm, Tsukuba, for the JAXA SAFE CH4 rice project.
- 10. June, 2024
We had IIS Open House on June 7th and 8th.
Our lab showcased some demonstrations of remote sensing devices and organized events such as a satellite quiz and a jigsaw puzzle using Gaihouzu maps for the visitors.
On the 8th, we held a party with all lab members, and some alumni members also attended..
- 31. May, 2024
A lab reunion and research meeting on a CH4 rice project was held at GISTDA, Thailand's space agency, with a drone flight operation at AIT.
Takeuchi Sensei, Khin-san, Truong-san, and our lab alumni Rahe-san and Tita-san attended the meeting.
- 9. May, 2024
We hosted a BBQ party at IIS to welcome Airi-san (M1) to our lab. We had a wonderful time together, enjoying delicious BBQ dishes.
- 01. May, 2024
An abnormal level of drought has been observed by our lab's satellite-based drought monitoring system in the regions of GMS, Malaysia, and Sri Lanka. Details can be found from following links:
GMS region: https://wtlab.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp/DMEWS/GMS/, Malaysia: https://wtlab.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp/DMEWS/Malaysia/, Sri Lanka: https://wtlab.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp/DMEWS/SriLanka/
- 30. Apr, 2024
Samitha-san (D2) and Chihiro-san (D2) attended the IGRSM 2024 conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and presented their research progress on oil palm disease management and productivity enhancement.
- 26. Apr, 2024
Takeuchi-sensei, Yoshimoto-san, Khin-san, Truong-san, Shimada-san (D3), and Chihiro-san (D2) attended the ISRS2024 conference in Taichung, Taiwan. Shimada-san received the Outstanding Student Paper Award, and Chihiro-san received the Excellent Student Paper Award.
We had a great experience meeting our lab alumni and engaging with various researchers in the field of remote sensing.
- 4. Apr, 2024
The Sakura trees at IIS are in full bloom. Today, we welcomed our new member, Airi-san (M1), to Takeuchi Lab! Welcome aboard!
- 21. Mar, 2024
We held a farewell party for Fumiyama-san and Ito-san. We extend our warmest wishes for their bright futures and continued success!
- 15. Mar, 2024
We held a joint student seminar in remote sensing between our lab and students of Prof. RAM Avtar from Hokkaido University, who is an alumnus of our lab. The presentations were truly engaging, revealing overlapping research areas where we can mutually exchange knowledge. Additionally, we had the pleasure of enjoying Hokkaido milk, ice cream, and seafood.
On the third day of the student seminar, we visited Muroran Institute of Technology to meet with Assistant Professor Yuta Izumi, a former member of our lab. He provided insightful explanations on the principles and applications of various types of radar remote sensors, including Ground-based SAR (GB-SAR).
- 01. Mar, 2024
Takeuchi-sensei and Mochizuki-san (M2) visited Hanoi, Vietnam to participate in a symposium at Hanoi University of Science - Vietnam National University (VNU HUS) and conducted field data collection on walkability along the streets.
- 14. Feb, 2024
Pabna University of Science and Technology (PUST) team with Dr. Rahe (our lab alumini) installed 2 water level sensors in rice fields in Bangladesh.
- 06. Feb, 2024
As the Tokyo plain experienced snow, our campus was also covered with white-snow everywhere!
- 29. Jan, 2024
Two of our master students, Ito-san and Fumiyama-san, successfully ended their final presentations!
- 25. Jan, 2024
We enjoyed a hot-pot party in our lab together!
- 15. Jan, 2024
Today we participated a Ekiden contest at IIS. It was a great experience to relay the sash and run around the IIS building.
We also had delicious Tonjiru which is a famility of miso-soup after the race.
- Jan. 02, 2024
Rapid response for M7.6 earthquake hit Noto area in Japan 16:10pm, January 1st, 2024 and a fast-moving wildfire has devastated the historic town of Wajima, Ishikawa prefecture, Japan. Link is here
- Dec. 25, 2023
We held a Christman & Year-end party at our lab.
We very much enjoyed cooking together and having delicious meals.
- Dec. 12, 2023
We have recieved many delicious apples from Aomori!
- 08. Dec, 2023
We participated the campus-cleanup organized by IIS.
It is always important to keep the campus and research environment clean and well-organised!
- 06. Dec, 2023
We participated the 2nd International conference of One Health One World (OHOW) held at Dhaka, Bangladesh.
It was a great chance to exchange the knowledge and research ideas of achieving sustainable developlemnt.
We met Dr. Rahe, who is a Takeuchi-lab alumni, who kindly toured us to various places around Dhaka.
There were technical tour where we went to the national parliament of Bangladesh which was built by a famous architect, Louis Khan.
We also had chances of visiting a Japanese special economic zone, brick factories, and capical highway construction sites.
- Nov. 20, 2023
Prof. Takeuchi, and Shimada-san (D2) participated the 75th conference of Remote Sensing Society of Japan (RSSJ) held at Sendai, Miyagi-prefecture.
- Nov. 16, 2023
The 2023 autumn Japan Society of Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry was held at Morioka, Iwate prefecture on 11/16 and 11/17.
Prof. Takeuchi gave a presentation about the benefits of international communication and collaboration for research works.
The presentation materials from six university professors and companies are available from the JSPRS website (in Japanese).
- 19. Oct, 2023
We held a BBQ party at IIS! It was a really good opportunity to work together to make delicous dishes.
- 13. Oct, 2023
We participated an emergency drill at IIS.
It is very important to check the evacuation routes in case a large disaster such as an earthquake.
- 28. Sep, 2023
We had a great change of listening to a talk from Dr. Krishna Pahari, who had worked for decades at World Food Program (WFP).
His talk was quite encouraging for us to utilize the remote sensing data to tackle global problems.
- 23. Sep, 2023
Shao-san, Truong-san, and Dominic-san attended the graduation ceremony and got official dissertation.
Conguratulations on their graduations!
- 21. Sep, 2023
Shao-san, who just got his Ph.D degree from the civil engineering department, and his mother kindly made a lot of chinese dishes for us before leaving our lab. We enjoyed having super-delicious foods together.
- 11. Sep, 2023
We welcomed guests from Malaysian oil-palm company to exchange knowledge about the remote sensing use of improving the palm-tree management and efficient management of the farmfield. We had a good time of talking, discussing, and having lunch together!
- 19. Aug, 2023
The devastating wild-fire event at Hawaii is captured by the satellite imagery.
Detailed information can be found from the "Satellite-based forest fire monitoring system (S-FFMS)".
- "2023 August Hawaii wildfires"Link is here
- 06. Aug, 2023
Takeuchi-sensei, Yoshimoto-san, Khin-san visited Thailand and Bangladesh.
They did field survey activities at Bangladesh and met many people there for further research collaboration with Takeuchi-lab.
- 27. July, 2023
We held a farewell party for Dominic-san and Shiyu-san.
Our greatest wishes for their bright future and successes!
- 19. July, 2023
Dr. Syed Emdadul Haque and Mr. Kazuhiro Mori visited our lab to meet Takeuchi-sensei.
- 16. July, 2023
We cleaned up our room and moved many furnitures to make a new space.
- 14.July, 2023
Two research-papers contributed by Takeuchi-sensei have been published!
- "Advances in Earth observation and machine learning for quantifying blue carbon"Link to the paper
- "Assessing mangrove conservation in China by integrating mangrove ecosystem into ecological footprint accounting"Link to the book
- 12. July, 2023
Takeuchi-sensei visited Singapore and met a graduate of our lab, Mr.Arbad.
- 08. July, 2023
Dominic-san (B4) and Shiyu-san (B4) successfully ended their final presentation. Conguratulations!
- 04.July, 2023
Truong-san's paper has been published!
- Link to the paper
- 04.July, 2023
Takeuchi-sensei's research contribution was published as a book chapter!
- "Strategic Short Note: Comparing Soil Moisture Retrieval from Water Cloud Model and Neural Network Using PALSAR-2 for Oil Palm Estates"Link to the book
- 27. June, 2023
Takeuchi-sensei, Yoshimoto-san, Khin-san, and Truong-san visited Thailand to join the student seminar at AIT.
They had a great time with interacting students from many Asian countries.
- 10. June, 2023
We had an IIS-open house on June 9th and June 10th. Takeuchi-sensei gave a special lecture about the infrastructure monitoring through space.
Our lab showed some devices to the visitors. One of our lab-members costumed as a satellite to let the visitors know that we are welcoming you!
We hope to meet you again next year!
- 31. May, 2023
We participated campus-cleanup acticity!
- 30. May, 2023
Prof.Liou from the National Central University (Taiwan) visitied our lab to give a presentation of his state-of-the-art research on hydrology and machine-learning.
- 22. May, 2023
We had a One-Health-One-World (OHOW) meeting and a Yakiniku-party of "Buono pork" developed by Takahashi-sensei.
The Porks were really delicious!
- 28. Apr, 2023
Takeuchi-sensei went to a field survey for a bridge-inspection with a high-tech drone in Okayama-prefecture.
- 18. Apr, 2023
Takeuchi-sensei, Y-san (D3), Shao-san (D3), Shimada-san (D2), Haidar-san (D2), Samitha-san (D1), and Fumiyama-san (M2) participated to the ISRS2023 conference at Jeju island, South Korea!
It was a really gread exprience for all of us, and Shao-san got a student-paper award!
- 13. Apr, 2023
We took a new group photo!
- 07. Apr, 2023
We had a welcome-party for new lab-members.
Welcome to Takeuchi-lab, Kondo-san and Naito-san!
- 04. Apr, 2023
An official appointment letter was handed to Khin-san, who had been a pos-doc at Takeuchi-lab, to be an assistant professor at IIS!
- 03. Apr, 2023
We had the first on-site reading circle, where we read recommended papers each other, in the last three years!
- 30. Mar, 2023
We visited a nearby park to enjoy beautiful Sakura flowers!
- 23. Mar, 2023
There was a graduation celemony at UTokyo!
Three of our lab-members, Yan-san, Nguonly-san, and Feifan-san celebrated their great research achievements.
- 22. Mar, 2023
The Sakura trees at the IIS campus is in full blooming!
We feel that the spring season has come.
- 21. Mar, 2023
Takeuchi-sensei, Yoshimoto-san, and Khin-san went to Myanmar to have a meeting with JICA office at Yangon.
They also visited many construction sites in the city.
- 16. Mar, 2023
We had a farewell and graduation celebration party for Feifan-san, Yan-san, and Nguonly-san!
Feifan-san will proceed as a master student at Takeuchi-lab.
- 15 Mar, 2023
We had guests from the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science.
There was active discussion about the application of remote sensing technology on agriculture.
- 05 Mar, 2023
We held the IIS forun in face-to-face!
It was very nice to meet together and discuss various things in Remote-sensing science.
This is the link to the proceedings of the event: Link to the IIS forum 2023 proceedings.
Plase ask Ms. Yoshimoto (yosimoto@iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp) about the password to the file.
- 03. Mar, 2023
We prepared for the IIS forum together!
- 27 Feb, 2023
Takeuchi-sensei and Yoshimot-san visited levees for a future infrastructure monitoring project.
- 20 Feb, 2023
Takeuchi-sensei, Yoshimoto-san, and Khin-san visited Bangladesh and Dr. Rahe.
They also investigated the AWD (Alternative Wet-and-Dry) paddy field site there.
- 16. Feb, 2023
The sixth One-Health One-World open lecture will be held on March 3rd.
The details are also available from here: https://ohow.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp/news
- 16. Feb, 2023
Ira-san, who is a graduate of Takeuchi-lab, visited our lab during her visit to Japan.
- 10 Feb, 2023
Prof.Takeuchi and Shimada-san visited Royal University of Agriculture in Cambodia for conducting hands-on trainig of ZGoogle Earth Engine.
The participants learned how to produce land-cover masp from satellite imagery.
- 01. Feb, 2023
東京大学 社会基盤工学専攻 大学院入試の説明会が2023年3月12日13時より、オンラインで開催予定となっております。
- 30 Jan, 2022
Mr.Kagami, who helped conducting a field survey with Shao-san for the last one year, visited our lab.
Shao-san introdced his findings based on the data collected at Mr.Kagami's farmlands, and he cooked a lot of delicious Chinese foods.
- 25. Jan, 2023
The 31st IIS forum will be held in person!
We are waiting for your active participation to the event.
The official announcement is accessible here (https://wtlab.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp/iis_forum/2023/).
- 25. Jan, 2023
A staff member from MDPI, which is one of the most popular open access journals, visited our lab.
- 13. Jan, 2023
Ms. Feifan, who is the B4 student of our lab, successfully ended her final presentation of the graduate thesis.
- 12 Jan, 2023
We had a joint lab-seminar with Zhejiang University.
It was a great opportunity to have discussions with one of the most highly-regarded university in China!
We changed many questions each other.
- 12 Jan, 2023
IIS offered a change to have Japanese traditional foods for the members.
Mr. Truong, Ms. Yoshimoto, Ms. Nakazono, and Mr.Samitha enjoyed having delicious foods there.
- 14 Dec, 2022
We had a field survey in Thailand.
- 12. Dec, 2022
We cleaned up the office in Asian Institute of Technology (AIT).
- 11. Dec, 2022
We participated the IIS Utokyo alumni party at Bangkok, Thailand.
- 08 Dec, 2022
Prof.Takeuchi, Dr.Lillian, Mr.Shao (D3), Mr.Haidar (D2), Mr.Shimada (D1), Mr.Nguonly (M3), Dr.Khin and Dr.Lillian gave a presentation
at the One-Health-One-World (OHOW) symposium at Pataya, Thailand.
Mr.Haidar got a young researcer award!
- 02. Dec, 2022
Dr.Principe, who is our almuni, visited us.
- 01. Dec, 2022
We cleaned up the IIS campus.
- 01. Dec, 2022
We've got a lot of delicious apples from Aomori!
- 29 Nov, 2022
We visited Yamanashi-prefecture for a field trip.
- 24 Nov, 2022
A Ph.D course student from Sweden, Mr.Bast, participated our labseminar to share his current research themes to us.
We exchanged a lot of things each other.
- 21. Nov, 2022
Nakazono-san got a prize from IIS!
- 15. Nov, 2022
Dr.Lillian gave a special lecture about remote sensing, environmental monitoring, and ecosystems.
- 14 Nov, 2022
Takeuchi-sensei joined a meeting at Vietnam National Space Center.
He also met two of our graduates, Dr.Pegha and Dr.Rahe.
- 09 Nov, 2022
Some of out lab members participated a table tennis competition in IIS.
Yoshimoto-san team won the first prize!
- 08 Nov, 2022
We saw lunar eclipse at the roof of the IIS building by using a telescope.
- 08 Nov, 2022
Six Ph.D students joined the ASTER science group meeting held at Tokyo.
It was great experience to know the practical applications of ASTER sensors.
- 07 Nov, 2022
Mr. Taniguchi who is an almuni of Takeuchi-lab visited the lab room and gave us some presents.
- 28 Oct, 2022
Our lab got the best prize for the costume competition in the Halloween event at IIS!
- 28 Oct, 2022
Prof. Takeuchi participated to an emergency evacuation training at IIS.
- 25 Oct, 2022
Yoshimoto-san went to Hokkaido for field survey with Kuwano-lab.
The autumn leaves there are quite beautiful!
- 13. Oct, 2022
An ubnormal level of drought in China is observed by satellites. Details can be found here: http://wtlab.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp/DMEWS/China/
- 01 Sep, 2022
We went to a new dining at IIS!
- 04. Oct, 2022
The 43rd Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS) was held from 2022/10/03~2022/10/05.
Truong-san (D4), Yan-san (D4), Yu-san (D2), and Shimada-san (D1) presented their research at the conference.
- 03. Oct, 2022
Shao-san (D3) and Yu-san (D2) went to field survery to gather data for modeling the growth of the Chinese cabbage.
- 22 Sep, 2022
Ira-san from Philippines graduated and recieved a master degree.
Congratulations for her graduation!
- 16. Sep, 2022
The fourth OHOW (One Health One world) public lecture was successfully ended on September 16th.
Prof. Iijima, Associate Prof. Ikeuchi, and Prof. Hori gave lectures about the human health and engineering technologies.
- 10. Sep, 2022
Since June 14, 2022, floods in Pakistan have been observed as high anomaly in land surface water cover from AMSR-2. The floods were caused by heavier than usual monsoon rains and melting glaciers. Two screen shot comparison between August 28, 2021 and August 28, 2022.
More information can be found from here: http://wtlab.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp/FMEWS/
- 01 Sep, 2022
We had guests from the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) to hold a joint lab seminar and a lab tour.
Prof. Takeuchi received many gifts from the AIT participants!
It was a great time to know each other among UTokyo and AIT students.
- 18 Aug, 2022
Prof. Takeuchi and Mr. Shimada visited GIC (Geoinformatics center at Asian Institute of Technology).
They met with Dr. Manzul and Dr. Kavinda to deepen the connections.
- 15 Aug, 2022
Prof. Takeuchi and Mr. Shimada visited GISTDA (space agency in Thailad).
This meeting aimed at establishing research collaboration works between the GISTDA in Thailand and Prof. Wataru Takeuchi. Dr. Nuntikorn Kitratporn is the graduate of Wataru Takeuchi lab in the Institute of Industrial Science, and the potential collaboration is related to her Ph. D thesis about the human-elephant conflict assessment. Other research topics especially GHG emission assessment was also discussed during the meeting.
- 11 Aug, 2022
Prof. Takeuchi and Mr. Shimada visited Royal University of Agriculture in Cambodia.
The objective of this visit is to give an introductory course to the Cambodian students about the remote sensing techniques. The tile of the presentation and training was “Agricultural Rice and Drought Monitoring using Remote Sensing data “. Prof. Wataru Takeuchi gave a presentation about the basic knowledge of remote sensing indices and the drought monitoring. Mr. Shimada prepared a Google Earth Engine script for the hands-on training.
- 10 Aug, 2022
Prof. Takeuchi and Mr.Shimada attended the International Workshop On Land Cover/Land Use Changes held in Cambodia.
The objective of this visit was to participate the workshop held by NASA SARI (South/South East Asia Research Initiative) in Cambodia. In this conference, Prof. Wataru Takeuchi was one of the major sponsors, and his support in both financial and organizational works was essential for the event. Shoki Shimada presented about the topics related to his doctor course research. The workshop was held for three days, but we only joined the third day due to a schedule conflict.
- 26.July, 2022
Rearch contributed by Takeuchi-sensei was published from the journal paper!
- 16.July, 2022
Yu-san (D2) and Shimada-san (D1) went to the IGARSS2022 international conference in Malaysia to give presentations about their current research.
- 08.July, 2022
Takeuchi-sensei contributed to the project in "Miraikan" which is a science museum in Japan (https://www.miraikan.jst.go.jp/news/press/202206302558.html)
Thanks to Takeuchi-sensei's work, there is a lot of environmental data observed from the satellite on the spherical screen called "Geo-Cosmos"
- 08.July, 2022
We had a joint semiar with Nakagawa-lab from the Shibaura-Institute of technology which specializes LiDAR techniques!
There were lots of discussions among us and it was a great opportunity to share the knowledge.
- 21.June, 2022
Nakazono-san held an introductory course for remote sensing image analysis to some of the lab-members.
We learned how to use a software for supervised classification works.
- 16.June, 2022
We held a research collavolation meeting with Beijing PIESAT Information Technology Co., Ltd. (PIESAT).
Research interests and activities are shared and discussed!
- 10.June, 2022
We held a small party after the open campus. One of the student performed a beautiful cutting method of a water melon!
- 10.June, 2022
We had an open campus on June 10th and June 11th! There are many participants to our lab and IIS.
We introduced research topics of our lab-members, and explained some tools used for remote sensing!
Graduates also came to the lab and met with Takeuchi-sensei.
It was a great time for us!
- 02.June, 2022
- 研究室紹介動画はこちらからご覧ください。
- 31.May, 2022
We put some posters in front of our lab!
- 23.May, 2022
- pdf版はこちらからアクセスをお願い致します。
- 23.May, 2022
- 詳細はこちらからアクセスをお願い致します。
- 19.May, 2022
Mr.Haidar finally comes to Japan! Welcome!
- 16.May, 2022
From 2022/05/16 to 2022/05/18, the International Symposium on Remote Sensing was held! Due to the current COVID situation, all the participants joined the conference online.
We used oVice to actively interact each other, and a "Young Scholar's Event" was also held to make good relationships among the students from various countries.
Two of our lab members, Mr.Shao and Mr.Shimada were awarded in student paper award!
- 09.May, 2022
Ms.Feifan finally comes to Japan! Welcome!
- 26.Apr, 2022
A paper about the disaster risk assessment on solar PV panels using remote sensing imagery is published from the journal of the remote sensing society of Japan.
- Link to the article
- 25.Apr, 2022
Professor Takeuchi visited Hirosaki university for the field survey.
- 22.Apr, 2022
We held a OHOW (One health, One world) workshop.
Dr.Masahiro Hashizume from the department of the school of international health, and Dr.Minami Tsuyoshi gave a introduction about the cutting-edge research.
- 15.Apr, 2022
We held a 3S introduction event on April 15th. At the end of the day, two graduates from our lab, Dr.Fujiwara and Mr.Misumi visited us and we held a dinner with them.
- 31.Mar, 2022
Our research outcome is published as a book chapter.
The link: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-92365-5
- 31.Mar, 2022
Today we go out for Hanami in Komaba Park, the Sakura is fully bloom and the sight is very beautiful, have a great new spring, everyone!
- 24.Mar, 2022
During the season of Sakura, we have graduation party for PhD student Fujiwara-san, master students, Huang-san and Shimada-san. Congratulations for your graduation! Best wishes for your bright future!
- 14.Mar, 2022
Our lab with Kuwano lab and Mizutani lab held a joint seminar in Minami Izu. we have visited places like Touji Sand Ski, RyuguKutsu, Izu Tsukikase etc. We developed researches that contributes to truly practical applications and provide the latest information by combining (1) advanced measurement technologies such as remote sensing, aerial drone photography, ground and ground-penetrating radar, mobile mapping lasers, and high-resolution cameras; (2) ultra-fast analysis and detection technologies using AI, machine learning, and digital signal processing; and (3) diagnostic technologies for long-term behavior of underground structures and soil structures based on soil mechanics and mechanical properties of geomaterials.
- 03.Mar, 2022
The 30th IIS forum successfully ended! Many students and professors from different countries presented about their studies and research themes.
We're looking forward to seeing you in the next year's IIS forum!
- 18.Feb, 2022
We are moving the lab-rooms!
- 10.Feb, 2022
An article about the inflastructure-health monitoring research using remote sensing has been published from the "seisan-kenkyu".
- Link to the article
- 10.Feb, 2022
The results of the doctor's thesis of Dr.Zheng, who is a graduate of Takeuchi-lab, has been published from the "scientific reports"!
- Link to the article
- 06.Feb, 2022
登録フォームへのリンクはこちらです: https://forms.gle/YyVTMFS75HwVLMUq5
- 03.Feb, 2022
Dr.Izumi will work leave Takeuchi-lab, so we held a farewell meeting in the lab.
We celebrated the start of new academic job for Dr.Izumi with cakes and some coffee!
- 02.Feb, 2022
今回は、通常のテーマに「One Health One World(OHOW)」に関するテーマを追加いたしました。
We are going to hold the 30th IIS forum online as last year. This time, the "One Health One World" related themes are added to the usual research topics.
- 28.Jan, 2022
Huang-san talked about the details of his research which focuses on the application of nighttime light data in monitoring fishing activities within the Japan Exclusive Economic Zone. The said research was conducted by identifying aggregated fishing vessel areas using VIIRS boat detection data and evaluating the detected areas through spatiotemporal analysis. With the intention to promote the use of nighttime light data in monitoring fishing activities, this study would be useful in the creation of integrated management and prediction system for fisheries resources.
Shimada-san, on the other hand, explained his proposed solar photovoltaic (PV) detection approach which can be a simple and cost-effective alternative in identifying solar PV by using medium-resolution satellite datasets. The study took advantage of the availability of Sentinel-1 SAR imagery and Sentinel-2 optical data and used them as input for the machine learning-based classification to produce comprehensive land-use-land-cover (LULC) maps of the study site. The development of the solar PV detection method using freely accessible satellite datasets would contribute to the updating of existing solar PV distribution maps in any parts of the world.
The laboratory members congratulate the two for a job well done!
- 26.Jan, 2022
Dr. Izumi delivered an invited presentation at International Electronic Conference on Remote Sensing (ECRS2022) about tropical peatland subsidence monitoring by Synthetic Aperture Radar.
- 26.Jan, 2022
Takumi Fujiwara, a PhD student, has successfully presented his doctoral thesis on March 26, 2022. During his final presentation, entitled 樹木䛾影を考慮したボクセルベース䛾 反射率シミュレータ䛾開発 (Development of voxel-based reflectance simulator by modeling tree shadows), Fujiwara-san discussed about the reflectance simulator that he developed which considers the influence of tree shadow in estimating surface irradiance. To estimate the shadow ratio, a virtual forest was generated in which the optimal crown shape and standard tree height were identified. The proposed methodology allows the approximation of irradiance attenuated by tree shadow at the voxel level, without requiring field investigation data.
The discussion ended with the question-and-answer session participated by several professor from the department.
- 20.Jan, 2022
Dr. Haemi Park, an alumna of the W. Takeuchi Laboratory, presented her current research on the analysis of drainage canal distribution in tropical peatlands by using microwave imagery. The expansion of drainage canal construction, especially in tropical areas, induces peatland disruption which is crucial as peatland ecosystems are important carbon storages in the environment. Therefore, accurate identification of drainage canals is beneficial in peatland monitoring related studies. Dr. Park introduced her proposed methodology in detecting drainage canals using deep learning module with PALSAR-2 HH polarization dataset. The proposed methodology, having an overall accuracy of 75.28%, successfully recognized smaller drainage canal as compared to previous studies.
After the informative presentation, the laboratory members, under the supervision of Takeuchi-sensei, participated in the active and meaningful discussion.
- 17.Jan, 2022
第一回OHOW (One-Health, One-World)公開講演会のご案内をお知らせ致します。令和4年2月14日13:00~16:00にかけての公開となり、参加費は無料となっております。
- 13.Jan, 2022
Professor Karimzedeh Sadra, Assistant professor, University of Tabriz,
Iran gave a talk about his research activities using SAR imagery for disaster monitoring and road quality assessments.
Lively discussions followed, promising potential collaborations in the future.
- 12.Jan, 2022
In an one hour tutorial on Zoom, Ms. Nakazono and Professor Takeuchi went through the tutorial to visualize a 3D model of a bridge previously surveyed by Takeuchi lab. 7 members of the lab joined and did a practice.
- 06.Jan, 2022
We got heavy snow! Tokyo is usually not affected so much snow, but this year is very cold...
- 01.Jan, 2022
Happy New Year!
We will continue to work on various tasks around environment, agriculture, disaster mitigation, and human societies by using remote-sensing and other research methods.
- 23.Dec, 2021
Our lab-graduates introduced about their current research interests and results. We had a very good time of discussing the content of their presentations.
- 23.Dec, 2021
We held our year-end/Christmas party at our lab. We celebrated the journey we traveled together in 2021 with Dumplings and Japanese Hot-Pots.
- 15.Dec, 2021
Our lab made a tour to the Tokyo Space Business Exhibition 2021. At this conference, we explored a few start-ups and organizations conducting business related to Remote Sensing and Space Technology.
- 15.Dec, 2021
Professor Takeuchi attended the online JAIMA seminar as an invited speaker.
- Link to the event web-page
- 09.Dec, 2021
Students from several countries with various backgrounds including disaster and infectious
disease, transportation and human mobility, structural and geotechnical engineering for human safety, ecology and environment impact of human public health, climate change and green recovery, remote sensing and GIS shared and discussed their research.
- 06.Dec, 2021
Dr. Izumi delivered an invited lecture about "Ground-based SAR for disaster application" at SAR seminar organized by National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN).
- 02.Dec, 2021
We've got many delicious apples from Aomori!
- 30.Nov, 2021
Professor Takeuchi attended the APRSAF (Asia Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum) as a panelist.
- Link to the event web-page
- 30.Nov, 2021
A new journal paper on oil palm project with Malaysia has been published!
- "Comparison of Field and SAR-Derived Descriptors in the Retrieval of Soil Moisture from Oil Palm Crops Using PALSAR-2"https://www.mdpi.com/2072-4292/13/23/4729
- 24.Nov, 2021
From Nov.24 to Nov.26, Fujiwara-san (D3) and Professor Takeuchi went to the Kochi University of Technology for the field observation with LiDAR-equipped drones.
- 05.Nov, 2021
Yoshimoto-san went to Hokkaido prefecture for the ground survey with Kuwano lab. They set some survey devices underground using an excavator. The autumn leaves on the trees are very beautiful!
- 21.Oct, 2021
Fujiwara-san (D3) presented his research at Japan Society of photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (JSPRS).
- 13.Oct, 2021
Professor Takeuchi delivered an invited lecture at Japan Society for Civil Engineers (in Japanese). Remote sensing is useful to monitor the land deformation after an earthquake.
- Link to the lecture outline
- 10.Oct, 2021
Yoshimoto-san went to Miyagi prefecture for the ground survey with Kuwano lab. They climbed several mountains including Dozo sawa.
- 09.Oct, 2021
A new study about the soil moisture retrieval from oil palm trees with SAR data was published! Oil from oil palm trees supports our daily life without being noticed. It is estimated that Japanese people consume palm oil 4 kg ~ 5 kg annualy.
- "Vegetation Effects on Soil Moisture Retrieval from Water Cloud Model Using PALSAR-2 for Oil Palm Trees" https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13204023
- 04.Oct, 2021
A joint research with other labratory was awarded as the excellent technology research and development award of the new road technology conference.
It aims to monitor the small deformation of road structures using SAR satellite data.
- https://www.mlit.go.jp/road/tech/jigo/jigo.html
- Engilish version of the general study summary.
- 24.Sep, 2021
Han-san (Ph.D), DJ-san (Master), and Zhanglei-san (Bachelor) graduated from Takeuchi-lab. Congratulations on their graduation!
- 18.Aug, 2021
A report about the flood event in Kyushu area is prepared. The sentinel-1 observation data were used to distinguish the flooded areas under the very cloudy conditions.
link to the report (Japanese)
- 17.Aug, 2021
There was a large earthquake in Haiti on Aug.14. To see the extent of the deformation caused by the earthquake, an interferogram is very helpful.
This interferogram was created by using two Sentinel-1 SLC products acquired on Aug.3 2021 and Aug.15 2021. We can see the large surface deformation zone as a
group of fringes in the right part of the image.
- 15.Jul, 2021
On JUly 15th, our research was published as a part of the book dedicated to the biomass burning studies in south and south-east asia from CRC press.
amazon link
- 08.Jul, 2021
The study about the impact of lock-down measures in India on the air-pollution was published by the scientific reports.
- Nitrogen oxides concentration and emission change detection during COVID-19 restrictions in North India 10.1038/s41598-021-87673-2
- 8.Jun, 2021
- From June 28 to July 2, Fujiwara(D3) and Yoshimoto(Project Academic Specialist) went to Ahira Town in Hokkaido for a field survey. The purpose was to take photos using an UAV to create a 3D model of the forest. We also accompanied the Kuwano Lab in their research. The humidity in Hokkaido was very low and very comfortable. The purpose of the Kuwano Lab was to survey the area where the cave-ins had previously occurred. We helped create an artificial hole about one meter deep. Since I don't usually exercise, it was very hard work for me, and I got muscle aches.
- 13.Jun, 2021
The joint research result with Yokohama National University, Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo, and 10 foreign universities has been published in Nature Climate Change.
- Mori, A.S., Dee, L.E., Gonzalez, A. et al. Biodiversity–productivity relationships are key to nature-based climate solutions. Nat. Clim. Chang. 11, 543–550 (2021). doi.org/10.1038/s41558-021-01062-1/
- 12.Jun, 2021
UTokyo Komaba Research Campus Open House was held in 11-12th, June. Fujiwara(D3) and Shimada(M2) introduced the basic techniques used in remote sensing and their research. Although the number of participants seemed smaller than in previous years, we hope that they found out a little more about remote sensing. Here is the link to the website we created.
- 8.Jun, 2021
- On June 8, Fujiwara(D3), Shao(D1) and Professor Takeuchi visited a field of chinese cabbage in the Ikura district of Nagano Prefecture to conduct a UAV survey. In one month, the Chinese cabbage had grown very large, as shown in the picture. In one month, the Chinese cabbage had grown very big as shown in the picture. According to the farmer, however, last year they were harvested around the 15th June, but this year they might be harvested a little later. I was also surprised to see that one of the neighboring farmers owned six drones. The next observation will probably be at the end of the rainy season.
- 28.May, 2021
- We participated in ISRS2021, which was held online. To participate, we submitted a pre-recorded 10-minute presentation. The students had a good discussion during the Q&A session and received useful comments. On the second day, Young Scholor Night was held, where students competing in several games. Most of us took prizes. At the closing ceremony on the third day, the student awards were announced, and Han won the award. Congratulations!
It still be difficult to hold face-to-face conferences for a while due to the Corona virus. We have no choice but to do what we can do.
- 18.May, 2021
The joint research results with NASA and JAXA have been published as a book.
- Haemi Park and Wataru Takeuchi, 2021. Satellite-Based Estimation of Global CO2 Emissions from Biomass Burning. Biomass Burning in South and Southeast Asia, Impacts on the Biosphere, Krishna Prasad Vadrevu, Toshimasa Ohara, Christopher Justice (Eds), ISBN 9780429022036, CRC Press, Boca Raton.
- 16.May, 2021
The joint research result with RIHN has been published in Scientific Reports.
- Prakhar Misra, Masayuki Takigawa, Pradeep Khatri, Surendra K. Dhaka, A. P. Dimri, Kazuyo Yamaji, Mizuo Kajino, Wataru Takeuchi, Ryoichi Imasu, Kaho Nitta, Prabir K. Patra & Sachiko Hayashida, 2021. Nitrogen oxides concentration and emission change detection during COVID‐19 restrictions in North India. Scientific Reports, 11, 9800; doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-87673-2/
- 10.Mar, 2021
- On May 10, Fujiwara(D3), Shao(D1) and Professor Takeuchi visited a field of chinese cabbage in the Ikura district of Nagano Prefecture to conduct a UAV survey. This was our second visit. The seeds had already been sown and the leaves were starting to come out from the mulch sheet. The highest temperature was 18 °C, but the lowest was 0 °C. According to the farmer who provided us with the farmland, it will take about 70 days to harvest. Therefore, we are planning to conduct UAV observations once every two to three weeks.
- 19.Mar, 2021
- The graduation ceremony was held. From our laboratory, Aoyama and Shimizu, master's students, and Tita, PhD student, graduated. Congratulations! As the cherry blossoms started to bloom, we took a group photo with lab members. Best wishes for your future.
- 12.Mar, 2021
Thank you for your participation in the 29th IIS Forum. The forum was cancelled last year, but this year it was held online for the first time. Although we were not able to meet you face-to-face, we were able to have participants from many countries. The number of attendants was 60 on the 11th and 45 on the 12th. There were 18 poster- and 16 oral presentations, all of which were actively discussed. Thank you very much to the chairpersons of each session for making it run so smoothly. Unfortunately, it is not clear what the situation in COVID-19 will be like in the future, but we wish you all good health and hope to see you in person at next year's forum.
- 10.Mar, 2021
The 29th IIS forum on Mar 11 and 12, presentations from Indonesia🇮🇩, Philippines🇵🇭, India🇮🇳、Malaysia🇲🇾、Sri Lanka🇱🇰, Thailand🇹🇭, Myanmar🇲🇲, Vietnam🇻🇳, China🇨🇳, Iran🇮🇷, Japan🇯🇵, a lot of overseas lab alumni will participate. If you are interested, welcome to join us. We look forward to seeing you there.
- 01.Mar, 2021
- It's March and the temperature is getting warmer little by little. The buds of the cherry blossoms are swelling day by day. This photo was taken near the east gate of IIS. According to the forecast, it will start blooming around March 20th.
- 20.Feb, 2021
- Trang Thi Quynh Nguyen, Wataru Takeuchi, and Prakhar Misra, 2021. Emission mapping of key sectors in Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam using satellite derived urban land-use data. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, in print.
- Md. Mustafizur Rahman, Ram Avtar, Sohail Ahmed, Luis Inostroza, Prakhar Misra, Pankaj Kumar, Wataru Takeuchi, Akhilesh Surjan and Osamu Saito, 2021. Does Building Development in Dhaka Comply Land Use Zoning? Analysis Using Nighttime Light and Digital Building Heights. Sustainability, in print.
- Hiroo Konno, Hironori Kato and Wataru Takeuchi, 2021. Global Evidence on Productivity Effects of Road Infrastructure Incorporating Spatial Spillover Effects. Transportation policy, 103, 167-182,doi.org/10.1016/j.tranpol.2021.02.007/a>
- 15.Feb, 2021
- The final presentations by master students Shimizu and Aoyama and PhD student Kitratporn were held on January 27 and February 15, respectively. All the presentations were done online. Their presentation was easy to understand and they answered questions clearly.
- 23.Dec, 2020
Joint research result with Florida State University, RIKEN, and Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, published on 23 December 2020
- Tien Dat Pham, Naoto Yokoya, Thi Thu Trang Nguyen, Nga Nhu Le, Nam Thang Ha, Junshi Xia, Wataru Takeuchi and Tien Duc Pham, 2020. Improvement of Mangrove Soil Carbon Stocks Estimation in North Vietnam Using Sentinel-2 Data and Machine Learning Approach. GIScience & Remote Sensing. DOI: 10.1080/15481603.2020.1857623 Joint research results of the AAKASH project (led by Professor Sachiko Hayashida) at the Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, published on 11 September 2020.
- Prakhar Misra, Ryoichi Imasu, Sachiko Hayashida, Ardhi Adhary Arbain, Ram Avtar and Wataru Takeuchi, 2020. Brick Kilns to Support Environmental Impact Studies around Delhi Using Sentinel-2. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2020, 9(9), 544. doi.org/10.3390/ijgi9090544 A paper written by Mr. Fujiwara, D2 student, has been published on 3 October 2020.
- Takumi Fujiwara, Wataru Takeuchi, 2020. Simulation of Sentinel-2 Bottom of Atmosphere Reflectance Using Shadow Parameters on a Deciduous Forest in Thailand. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf, 9(10), 582. doi.org/10.3390/ijgi9100582
- 10.Dec, 2020
- On December 9 and 10, Fujiwara(D2), Shimada(M2) and Professor Takeuchi visited a field of lettuce in the Ikura district of Nagano Prefecture to conduct a UAV survey. This field is owned by a friend of professor Takeuchi's, and she kindly agreed to let us use it. This area has a large temperature difference between morning and afternoon, which is suitable for the growth of highland vegetables. This time, we used a UAV to observe the soil conditions since the harvest was already finished. The weather was good, but it was about 10 °C during the day and 0 °C at night. From April onward, we plan to install observation equipment such as soil moisture sensors and conduct monthly UAV observations.
- 05.Nov, 2020
- Dr. Pramaditya Wicaksono, lecturer with Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta (UGM), Indonesia, participated as a guest at our lab seminar on November 5th and introduced his research to us. The title is “Remote Sensing of Seagrass Carbon Sequestration on Different Seagrass Meadows”. He lives in Indonesia and presented it to us from his car. I felt the appeal of online is that you can present your presentation from any location.
- 23.Oct, 2020
- Professor Takeuchi participated in the The Institution of Geospatial and Remote Sensing Malaysia (IGRSM) International Conference online on October 20 and 21 and gave a keynote speech. The title is “Geospatial Technologies Towards One World, One Health and One Earth”.
- 14.Oct, 2020
- On October 14, Fujiwata (D2), Shimada (M1) and Professor Takeuchi visited the UAV test site in Matsuda-chou, Kanagawa Prefecture, to take forest measurements.
The Japan Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing owne the test site. Coniferous forests dominated its forests. The weather was cloudy and there was almost no wind, so the flight conditions were good. A total of seven flies were made, including two test flights.
- 29.Sep, 2020
- The Britannica International Yearbook has been published. The book provides a look back at events around the world in 2019 from a wide range of political and economic, scientific and sporting perspectives. Professor Takeuchi contributed to the book on the massive forest fires that have occurred around the world.
- 25.Aug, 2020
A paper written by Ms. Yuhan, D2 student, has been published on August 25.
- Yuhan Zheng, Wataru Takeuchi, 2020.Quantitative Assessment and Driving Force Analysis of Mangrove Forest Changes in China from 1985 to 2018 by Integrating Optical and Radar Imagery. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf, 9(9), 513. doi.org/10.3390/ijgi9090513 A paper by Dr. Nakazono, a technical expert, published on May 27.
- 中園 悦子, 竹内 渉, 2020. Sentinel1を用いた北朝鮮の水田の面積推定手法の検討. 生産研究, 72(4), 315-318. A joint research paper with Research Fellow Prof. Hasi Bagan of Shanghai Normal University, published on June 8.
- Hasi Bagan, Andrew Millington, Wataru Takeuchi and Yoshiki Yamagata, 2020. Spatio‐temporal analysis of deforestation in the Chapare region of Bolivia using Landsat images. Land Degradation and Development. doi.org/10.1002/ldr.3692 Joint Research Paper with Dr. Tien Dat Pham, RIKEN, published on April 23.
- Tien Dat Pham, Naoto Yokoya ,Junshi Xia, Nam Thang Ha, Nga Nhu Le, Thi Thu Trang Nguyen, Thi Huong Dao, Thuy Thi Phuong Vu, Tien Duc Pham and Wataru Takeuchi, 2020. Comparison of Machine Learning Methods for Estimating Mangrove Above-Ground Biomass Using Multiple Source Remote Sensing Data in the Red River Delta Biosphere Reserve, Vietnam. Remote Sens. 2020, 12(8), 1334; doi.org/10.3390/rs12081334
- 29.Jul,2020
- On July 29th, 5 departments of IIS, to which our lab belong, held an online welcome party for new students.
Usually the party is held in April, but this year it could not be held due to the COVID-19. The main part of the party was an introduction of each laboratory and a presentation of the research they are working on.
There were 120 participants. That's the advantage of online, as a regular party can't have this many people in attendance. Aoyama (M2) presented our lab. It was a good presentation that captured the characteristics of our laboratory.
And also we had a lot of fun with presentations in various fields and presentation styles.
- 30.Jun, 2020
- New banners and posters have been added to the top page and the research page of our website, respectively.
Since it is difficult to visit our laboratory in person and ask about our research, please refer to each page.
You can find personal e-mail addresses on the member's page, so please feel free to send us an e-mail if you are interested in our research.
- 29.Jun, 2020
- Since April, each member of the lab has been working from home. We met less often, but we have a lunch meeting every Monday.
Although, staying at home all the time feel stressful, at this meeting, we can chat and refresh. I hope the day comes soon that we can all have a face-to-face lunch together.
- 23.May, 2020
- The virtual Three Minute Thesis competition was held at UTokyo via Zoom video conference on May 2. The challenge of this competition was to communicate their research with just one slide, within three minutes, to a nonexpert audience. Totally 19 contestants presented their research topic. Truong (D2) participated this competition and got a 2nd prize! Congratulation!
His presentation, titled “Monitoring human impacts on seagrass ecosystems of Vietnam in recent 30 years from space.”
- 16.Apr,2020
- Due to the coronavirus epidemic in Tokyo, we started telecommuting from the end of March.
Fortunately, any experimentation is not needed for our lab, so we don't have any problems with telework for now. We hold weekly online meetings to share information and present the progress of our research. Today, Dheeraj (M2) gave a presentation on the situation of the coronavirus in India and how to deal with it. The title was “Steps taken by India Railways to beat the COVID-19 pandemic”. He introduced hospital equipment being manufactured at various railway production units. The presentation was interesting because we could know various initiative in India. We hope the virus will be converging as soon as possible.
- 4. Mar, 2020
- On 4th March, we held small seminar about air pollution with Trang (PhD student) and Cameron who is a software engineer. Firstly, Trang introduced WRF-Chem (Weather Research and Forecasting model and coupled with Chemistry). The model is simulating the emission, transport, mixing, and chemical transformation of trace gases and aerosols simultaneously with meteorology. She explained that model with showing example to easy understand. Secondly, Cameron introduced to us "Earth nullschol" developed by him. This web site is able to visualize flow of wind speed, temperature, particulates and so on.
After the seminar, we held welcome party for Nin san who came from Suranaree University of Technology at Thailand as exchange student. We enjoyed Thai curry, Bangladesh curry, Indian noodle and Sri Lanka jelly for a dessert.
- 20.Feb, 2020
- On 20th February, takeuchi lab members participated the 22th CEReS Symposium on Environmental Remote Sensing held in Chiba university.
It was a first time for us to attende the symposium. There were some presentations and poster session was done. Dr. Prakhar and Dr. Park presented about their research topic.
Other lab members did poster session. After symposium, Associate professor Irie introduced us to a lot of instrument to measure air quality. His laboratory has been leading SKYNET which is an observation network dedicated for aerosol-cloud-radiation interaction researches.
- 29.Jan, 2020
- Trang (D3) and Misumi (M2) was done their final defence at 27th and 29th January respectively.
Their research was on modeling emission for PM 2.5. Both of them presentation was clear and they answered the questions. Due to they paid a lot of time for their research, we hope they will get plenty a rest.
- 23.Jan, 2020
- On 23th January, undergraduate five students from indonesia visited our laboratory. They major in electronics, geophysics, sociology, education and so on. Besides our laboratry, they also visit another one.
The porpose of their visiting was to learn Japan technique, technical education.Fujiwara (D1) introduced remote sensing and research topics. Although their sojourn time was 30 minutes, they listened our presentations seriously.
Especially, they were interested in situation of air pollution on their country. After our presentations, we received some questions. We were surprised to their good questions. We hope their trip will be safety and beneficially.
- 16.Jan, 2020
- 7 pm on Thursday, January 16th, 2020, Professor Takeuchi attended the Inspire Talks at The Core on Shintora Dori. This event was presented by DESIGN ACADEMY, an initiative that brings design education out of the campus and into the city. As usual Inspire Talks was an informal affair with three speakers from science and design, talking about their work followed by a casual networking party.
- 26. Dec, 2019
On 26th Decenber, Dr, Miyazaki organized an open seminar with a lecture on "New Frontier of Optical Remote Sensing" by Prof. Qihao Weng, Indiana State University, Editor-in-Chief of ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, and leading GEO working group on Global Urban Observation and Information. After his presentation, we introduced own research topic.
After open seminar, we held the end of party with seminar participant. The main dish was "Buri-shabu". "Buri" is the Japanese name for yellow tail. Beer bottle was empty quickly beyond of our expectation.
- 17-19.Dec, 2019
- Professor Wataru Takeuchi, Assistant Professor Prakhar Misra and Doctor Candidate Xuan Truong Trinh delivered a training workshop in South/Southeast Asia Research Initiative’s training workshop on Land Use and Land Cover Coastal monitoring at Phuket on December 17th-19th, 2019 under the theme of "Remote Sensing of Land-Use/Cover Change and Climate Impacts In Coastal Zone".
The workshop was to introduce the use of Remote Sensing platform Google Earth Engine for Blue Carbon monitoring to remote sensing experts, with applications in land cover classifications.
- 16.Dec, 2019
- On December 16th, Hironori Arai-san came back to Takeuchi lab and presented his current research.
He is now a staff of Centre national d’études spatiale on France. The seminar became vigorous discussion because we were interested in his research.
After the seminar, we had Oyster Miso Pot for the lab party. Dessert was Aomori Apple.
- 10-14. Dec., 2019
- During December 10 to 14 Fujiwara (D2) visited Yangon Technological University in Myanmar.
The temperature on day was about 30 ℃ but humidity was less. The purpose of this visiting is collect a point cloud data of the single trees by 3D measurement using a terrestrial LiDAR.
He arrived Yangon at 10 and he did that between 11 and 14. On 11, he learned how to use the LiDAR and was looking for target trees. Although the measurement time depends on sampling resolution, it takes about 20 minutes and from 3 direction is needed to get whole tree data at least.
Therefore, it took 1 hour to get the data. The temperature on day is about 30 ℃ but humility is less. Finally, he got a 6 tree data. These data will be useful to his research. He also enjoyed Myanmar food with lunch and dinner. Every food was delicious for him and came to like Mohinga and Kyay-Oh.
Figure 1 Measurement using a terrestrial LiDAR
Figure 2 Mohinga
- 2-13. Dec., 2019
- During December 2 to 6, Professor Takeuchi and PhD student Han visited Zhejiang University, China. Professor Takeuchi gave a keynote speech to the students in Ocean college named “NEXUS between infrastructure and environment in coastal zone”.
Then Professor Ye from Zhejiang University held a workshop on discussing of potential collaborations.
During the workshop, Professor Ye introduced their lab’s research interests about “Coastal ecosystems, indicators and spatialization” and all students in her lab presented their research topics. Professor Takeuchi and Professor Ye discussed possible collaboration about evaluating the coastal ecosystems in Myanmar.
PhD student Han also presented her research about monitoring mangrove ecosystems in China and got many comments and suggestions for future work from Prof. Wu and Prof. Ye. After that, from December 9 to 13, Han joined the mangrove filed trips in Ximendao, Haishanxiang, and Cangnan where most mangrove distributed in Zhejiang Province. She got the ground-truth data by UAV images and measured the parameters of mangrove forests which could help her current work.
Figure 1 Keynote speech given by Professor Takeuchi
Figure 2 Mangrove field trip in Zhejiang Province
- 5. Dec, 2019
Same as every year, on December 5th 2019, Takeuchi Laboratory members joined campus clean-up activity. This clean up activity has been held annually during the end of autumn and located in all Komaba research campus area.
The clean-up started from 14.00 until 15.30. The equipment that already prepared and can be used freely are garden broom, gloves, leaf Scoops, leaf rake and waste bags.
To avoid overlay area, the staffs already decided the area of which each laboratory should clean so all members are well distributed. I think the target of this activity is not to make the campus perfectly clean, but enjoy cleaning.
- 4.Dec, 2019
- High school student from Nagasaki visited our laboratory. They departed from Nagasaki to Tokyo on monday and now are visiting some place related to science.
In our laboratry, Dr Park and Fujiwara(D1) introduced remote sensing and research topics.
Although their sojourn time was 30 minutes, they listened our presentations seriously. It seems that they became interested in remote sensing or 3D modeling.
After our presentations, we received some questions. We were surprised to their good questions.
We hope their trip will be safety and beneficially.
- 25.Nov, 2019
- Prof Takeuchi and Dr Prakhar Misra attended APRSAF SAFE Initiative Meeting 2019, Nagoya Japan. The goal was to discuss the progress in JAXA&s Agromet calibration and validation project. The future steps will also include forecasting soil moisture based on satellite derived KBDI. The meeting was attended by participants from space agencies in India, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia and Japan This was also a good trip to taste Nagoya’s ‘cochin’ food.
Figure 1 Participants at SAFE Workshop at Nagoya, Japan
- 5-12. Nov., 2019
- During 5th to 12th November, Professor Hayashida from Research Institute of Humanity and Nature and Deepanshu Agarwal, a master student went to Delhi and Ludhiana for the project AAKASH, an Interdisciplinary Study toward Clean Air, Public Health and Sustainable Agriculture: The Case of Crop Residue Burning in North India.
On 6th and 7th November, we attended the conference on “Soil and Water Resources Management for Climate-Smart Agriculture, Global Food and Livelihood Security” and Hayashida Sensei presented about the Aakash project at this conference. On 8th and 9th November, we had a discussion with Dr Dhaka, Dr A P Dimri, Dr Narendra and Dr Hemwati about the trend of PM in different parts of Delhi and Uttarakhand and its comparison with the previous year.
On 10th November, we explored and collected the data in the main market and Industrial area in Ludhiana. Then on 11th November, we went to three villages, namely Latala, Jalaldiwal and Bains, and visited a burning farm on the way, to talk to the farmers and collect data. We spoke to them regarding the issue of agricultural practices and measures.
Figure 1 PM 2.5 Diary, 11th November 2019 in Villages
Figure 2 A burning field in the villages, 11th November, 14:00 hours
- 7-8.Nov, 2019
- During Novemver 8 to 9, Fujiwara (D1) and Nakazono (technical staff ) attended JPSRS (Japan Society of Photogrametrty and Remote Sensing) at Hiroshima sity in Hiroshima prefecture. Fujiwara presented his research progress and Nakazono presented technical report. After presentation, they could get useful advices from professors. In this JSPRS, "Utilization of geoinformatics technique for disaster on Hiroshima" was held as a spesial session. In that session, for example, "Detection of flood area using Sentinel-1 image" or "TLS measurement for understanding the feature of trees exposed to radiation" was presented.
- 29.Oct.-7.Nov, 2019
- During October 29 to November 7, Takashi Misumi, who is in his 2nd year for his master’s, conducted field survey in Yangon, Myanmar. As well as increasing the number of vehicles, atmospheric environment in Yangon is getting worse. He studies high resolution air pollution assessment for road transport in Yangon and relationship between air pollution and traffic volume. He brought PM2.5 sensor, GPS sensor and meteorological measurement sensor and measured those value while walking or on bus. When he was conducting field survey, many trouble occurred, for example it started heavy rain all suddenly, strange person spoke to him to try to take him somewhere and he got lost and walked outside for one hour when it was 35.4℃. But he survived in Yangon, enjoyed his survey and managed to get data. He really appreciate this special opportunity and thank to those who gave it. We hope this field survey help his research a lot.
- 14-18. Oct., 2019
- During October 14 to 18, Takeuchi lab attended the 40th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS 2019) held in Daejeon, Korea, with the theme of "Progress of remote sensing technology for smart future". Everyone delivered their presentations successfully and obtained lots of inspirations. Our performance “Koi Dance” won the silver prize at the Culture Night Event with the leadership of Aoyama-san. Besides, Truong-san received not only the best paper award, but also the award for WEBCON. We really appreciate Park-san’s arrangement for us in Korea, which made this trip interesting and memorable.
- 11. Oct., 2019
- Students of Nanao high school, which our professor graduated 25 years ago, visited IIS. This event holds every year in the purpose of promoting to learn science. First of all, we had brief lecture from our professor about remote sensing and Japanese lab member presented our laboratory life. After that we visited Ishi lab and Kudo lab, which is related to material science. Students are so industrious that they listening seriously and enjoyed a lot. We hope they enroll in the University of Tokyo and become great scientists in future.
- 6-9. Oct., 2019
- Dr. Prakhar Misra attended Pecora 21 / ISRSE 38 conference organized by American Society of Remote Sensing (ASPRS) at Baltimore, US after receiving travel support grant from Tateishi Foundation. The topic of presentation was “Assessing Population Sensitivity to Urban Air Pollution Using Google Trends and Remote Sensing Datasets”. This was a good opportunity to learn about the research themes in US focused on wildfire and agriculture as well as meeting up with a new research network. Unfortunately, the trip had to be cut short due to an upcoming typhoon Hagibis in Japan.
Figure 1 Relaxed after receiving many questions at presentation at Pecora21
Figure 2 Landsat 8 as Art, by USGS
- 26. Sep., 2019
- Takeuchi lab member participated in The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transportation and Tourism’s lunchtime session.Talked about MLIT’s function in facilitating PPP Public Private Partnership Projects. MLIT staff are in charge of very interesting projects, and Japan certainly have a strong influence in Southeast Asian countries.
- 17-20. Sep., 2019
- Takeuchi sensei, Yoshimura san and Prakhar san attended the Fifth International Conferences of Indonesian Society for Remote Sensing (ICOIRS), Bandung, Indonesia organized by lab alumnus Dr Soni Darmawan (faculty, ITENAS). There was Keynote by Takeuchi sensei related to the use of remote sensing for Quality of Life issues and lab alumnus Dr Tanakorn (faculty, SUT, Thailand). Google Earth Engine workshop was organized by Dr Prakhar Misra and about 50 participants attended GEE workshop including students, researchers and faculty members. We had a booth setup, and around 80 participants visited our booth during the course of 3 days where we distributed Lab brochures, Civil Engineering Department Magazine and University Entrance guides. Many visitors to the booth also discussed research and possible collaboration in future on topics, like how remote sensing data and techniques can help in monitoring drought at large scale and its use in building “early warning drought information system”. The most popular topics were PM2.5 monitoring using low-cost sensors, forest fire and peat land fires, and UAV measurement for mangrove. This was a good opportunity to also meet lab alumnus Dr Anjar (faculty, ITB) and Mr Arif (officer, BIG). Dr Anjar also introduced ITB campus and the research activities in his department.
Figure 1 Conference Organizer Dr Soni Darmawan, Ms Rika as well lab alumnus Dr Tanakorn
Figure 2 Professor Takeuchi's keynote speech on assessing quality of life from remote sensing
Figure 3 Many visitors at the IIS University of Tokyo booth
Figure 4 Catching up with Mr Arif, lab alumnus
Figure 5Visit to Institut Teknologi Bandung and interaction with students, organized by Dr Anjar, lab alumnus and faculty at ITB.
Figure 6 Traditional Indonesian style buildings at ITB campus
- 10-21. Sep., 2019
- Fujiwara and Tita went to Thailand to attend workshop in AIT (Asian Institute of Technology) and to research collaboration in SUT (Suranaree University of Technology) from 10-21 September. In AIT, firstly, they took lectures on big data application for infrastructure monitoring and decision optimization. Secondly, they presented their research in student poster session. In SUT, Fujiwara learned how to flight UAV and observed a forest using it. Tita went to KHAO YAI national park and interviewed officer about elephant.
- 6-7. Sep., 2019
- 研究室旅行で清里に行ってきました。
Fig.1 吐竜の滝までの道
Fig.2 吐竜の滝にて
Fig.3 ペガさんへの博士取得サプライズパーティでした
Fig.4 総勢17人
Fig.5 花火による『WTLAB』文字
Fig.6 富士山を背景に
- 28.July-2.Aug., 2019
- Dr. Park participated to IGARSS 2019 from 7.28 – 8.2.
She served as a lecturer in the tutorial session in Natural disasters and hazards monitoring using Earth Observation data.
All participants in tutorial session of Natural disasters and hazards monitoring using Earth Observation data (FD-6 in IGARSS 2019)
In front of the conference venue of IGARSS 2019 with colleagues from UNIST, South Korea
- 1. Aug., 2019
- 四年卒業のアレックスさんと博士取得のアークさんの送別会が持たれました。丁度来日されていたアリフさんも出席されました。
- 30-31. July, 2019
- 博士課程3年のペガさんとアークさんの最終発表が行われました。
- 25. July, 2019
- 二青会の暑気払いの会がもたれました。
- 22-24. July, 2019
- Post-doc researchers, Dr Park and Dr Misra attended NASA SARI 2019 meeting at Johor Bahru, Malaysia form July 22-24. Dr Park presented poster titled “Effect of surface dryness to fire occurrence and the CO2 emission concerning land cover types” and Dr Misra presented on “Brick Kiln detection around New Delhi using Sentinel 2 Imagery with deep learning”. Overall attending this meeting provided us with suggestions regarding improvement in research methodology and future steps. We had a chance to discuss with many famous scientists and catch up with our peers. Many researchers were interested in our results and we explored opportunities for collaboration with researchers from universities in India, Japan, Malaysia and USA.
Figure 1 SARI meeting is supported by NASA, JAXA and other research institutes
Figure 2 Dr Park discussing ideas with Christina Justice, Geoglam
Figure 3 Dr. Prakhar showing location of brick kilns detected with open imagery
- 11. July, 2019
- Dr. Park delivered a lecture in ASNET seminar with a title of “Destroyed tropical peatland environment in Indonesia and the impact to the CO2 emissions”. Dr. Yessy Arvelyna (RESTEC) cooperated as a commentator for this seminar.
- 6. July, 2019
- PEAK(Programs in English at Komaba)の卒業論文発表にて、谷口アレックスさんが発表されました。
- 18. June, 2019
石垣 陽博士(電気通信大学)とPrecious Akampumuza博士(東京大学)による特別セミナーが催されました。Precious博士はウガンダの方で、今回は、ルワンダの、台所のかまどを原因とする大気汚染の問題について発表されました。石垣先生は、ソーシャルメディアを利用したポケットガイガー(フリスクの容器を利用したモバイル線量計)による複数ユーザーの環境監視について話されました。
- 7. June, 2019
On June 7th, Takeuchi lab joined an open discuss seminar within the framework of joining project named Aakash with Dr. Hayashida Sachiko from Nara Women’s University. The full title of this 5 year research project is “An interdisciplinary study toward clean air, public health and sustainable agriculture: the case of crop residue burning in North India.” Dr Sachiko gave quite interesting and informative talk about the effect of crop residue burning in Punjab, India and the applications of remote sensing on biomass burning studies as well. Later, Dr. Prakhar Misra presented about “Air pollutant monitoring in India by remote sensing” , followed by the presentation named “Assessment of biomass burning impact on air quality in The southern part of Vietnam” by Ms. Nguyen Thi Quynh Trang, our Doctoral student. We were provided the first insights about this research project and got a lot of valuable information, useful comments for our research. Lastly, because some of lab members study about different fields related to air pollution so we hope to have chance to contribute to this meaningful project in near future.
- 4-5. June, 2019
- Prof. Takeuchi and Dr. Park participated to the 66th Conference of the RSSJ in Tokyo Denki University (Hatoyama Campus). Dr. Park was ranked as 3rd prize of “ALOS-3 ideathon”in RSSJ.
Figure 1. Presentation by Dr. Park
Figure 2. Presentation by Prof. Takeuchi
Poster-based discussions with ideas for ALOS-3 application in RSSJ (2019 spring)
- 31. May-01. June, 2019
- 5月31日、6月1日と、東大駒場リサーチキャンパス公開が開催されました。 二日間、多くの方に御来訪頂きました。
- 24. May, 2019
- Dr. Haemi Park participated to the Russian-Japanese Forum in the Primorskaya State Academy of Agriculture in Ussuriysk, Russia. She delivered a presentation about the result of analysis of fire occurrences regarding vegetation cover type using MOD14 fire emissions data and MCD12Q1 landcover map.
- 14-17. May, 2019
- Professor Wataru Takeuchi and Dr Prakhar Misra visited our lab alumnus Dr. Tanakorn’s university, Surinaree University of Technology, where Dr. Tanakorn is working as a Lecturer. SUT is the first public autonomous university in Thailand and is ranked third in Thailand. Professor Wataru Takeuchi presented 4 topics from current research: Agricultural drought, GHG monitoring from rice, Air quality monitoring with remote sensing and portable sensors and Old map digitization using deep learning. This was followed by campus visit to Butterfly and ASEAN culture park, National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand regional center and Smart Farming facility for sugarcane and cassava. Dr. Prakhar Misra also presented a talk on PM2.5 sensor demonstration. We also identified next action items for collaborative research. A meeting was also held with GISTDA officials in Bangkok to discuss the KBDI product.
Figure 1 Eating local food in Nakhon Ratchasima
Figure 2 Meeting Dr Tanakorn at new office
Figure 3 Discussion for smart sugarcane farming.
Figure 4 Participant in PM2.5 monitoring workshop.
- 10. May, 2019
- Google Earth Engine (GEE) Mini Summit 2019 was held in Google Japan Office in Roppongi, on May 10, 2019. Professor Takeuchi spoke as a partner with GEE, he introduced how GEE was used as a tool for education of Remote Sensing techniques and applications.
Professor Takeuchi spoke as a partner with GEE, he introduced how GEE was used as a tool for education of Remote Sensing techniques and applications.
Xuan Truong Trinh, a PhD candidate in Takeuchi lab, gave a lightning talk to introduce his project using GEE to select low-tide images for Seagrass mapping.
There were three training sessions provided by representatives from GEE to familiarize users of GEE with the usage and new development in GEE. The sessions were arranged with various themes and levels of users in mind, so to cater to the specific needs of each user.
- 8. May, 2019
- On May 8, 2019. Representatives from Google Earth Engine Team, Nicolas Clinton, Michael Dewitt and Tomomi Matsuoka came to Takeuchi laboratory to hold a special seminar on Google Earth Engine application developments with members from the Takeuchi laboratory. Lab members introduced their research that utilize Google Earth Engine platforms and their current challenges. Many questions were discussed and technical tips from developers were introduced to stimulate new ideas for the lab members.
- 16-20. Apr, 2019
- During 16-20 April, our students attended International Symposium of Remote Sensing (ISRS) in Taipei, Taiwan. Besides delivering individual presentation, we setup booth to promote our research center, laboratory, and ICUS activities. Prakhar-san and sensei also held a Google Earth Engine workshop. With their hard work, two of our students, Ark-san and Trang-san, received best student paper award. To celebrate our success, our kind sensei treated us hotpot dinner. It was good, but super spicy. We will work hard for the next conference as well.
- 11. Apr, 2019
- On April-11, we had welcome party for our new lab members. This Spring semester, we are joined by 3 members from Japan, Fujiwara-san (PhD student), Shinmizu (Master Student), and Ms.Aoyama-san (Master Student). We had delicious Indian egg curry, Japanese curry, and Nasigoren. Welcome and we hope we will enjoy together!
- 1. Apr, 2019
- On 1st of April, we celebrated the coming of spring with a hanami lunch outing at Kaomaba park, with former Maeda faimily residential areas. We had obento, various snacks and tea while talking and watching flowers. We also got to interact with other local residents who were having their outting as well. It was a good atmosphere.
- 27. Mar, 2019
- On 2019, Mar 27th, Takeuchi lab organized a farewell party for two former lab members ; Arai san, a fellow researcher and Tashiro-san, a master student. During 2 year working in our lab, Arai san’s relentless contribution has been appreciated by both Prof. Wataru Takeuchi and other lab members. We had spent good time with Tashiro-san also, especially in Malaysia trip in 2018, October and summer lab trip in 2018, August. Apart from our lab members, Arai-san’s family, an exchanged PhD student from Myanmar joined the party as well. We enjoyed Sushi, Korean food, Vietnamese springrolls, and Sri lanka dessert together, followed by talks from Prof. Wataru Takeuchi, Arai-san and Tashiro-san. Surprisingly, Arai-san prepared gifts and postcards for each of lab members. All of us wished luck to them as they move onto the next stage in life. Without a doubt, Arai-san and Tashiro-san will continue to have success in all areas!
- 7-8. Mar, 2019
- After the scientific conference on March 6 of the 27th IIS Forum on disaster monitoring and risk assessment from space. Members from the Takeuchi laboratory of ‘Remote sensing of environment and disaster’ held a two-day workshop to introduce Google Earth Engine on March 7 and 8. Twenty five international remote sensing scientists of diverse research interests participated in the workshop. We welcomed a diverse group of participants, who have different specialty in remote sensing, from satellite data provider, ecologist, forestry to computer vision scientist. Two thirds of the participants were female, which was an exciting news for gender equality in scientific participation in Japan. Most participants were new to GEE, and everyone was looking forward to applying GEE in their research.
The workshop was structured in three sessions: Introduction to GEE, Overview of advanced features and in GEE, and a mini-hackathon, conducted by Dr. Prakhar Misra , Ms. Pegah Hashemvand Khiabani, and Mr. Xuan Truong Trinh, respectively.
In the ‘Introduction to GEE’ session, participants were exposed to motivation behind use of cloud based processing and examples were shared. This was followed by exploration of various datasets through EE tags and displaying them in the workspace. Finally the goal collection of training pixels of 4 land-cover classes in Landsat 8 imagery and the scene classification, followed by saving the result to the Google Drive.
The final session of the training workshop was a group project to bring ideas obtained during the training into application. Participants grouped themselves into small groups of 5-6 members to prototype an application for solving a remote sensing problem in an innovative way, utilizing the unique strengths of Google Earth Engine. Ideas were focused around stack-based classification rather than pixel-based classification in order to take into account the temporal patterns of phenomena on the earth surface. The topics pitched by the 4 groups were:
・ Unsupervised land cover classification, especially of crop species, by their phenology, reflected by their NDVI index, for the whole Japan.
・ Species specific classification of forests in North Korea by observing their unique pattern in seasonal variation.
・Detection of beetle-caused disease which induce massive forest loss in Mt. Zaou and disease risk mapping.
・Landslide detection and risk mapping in Hokkaido in response to the Hokkaido earthquake in 2018
The mini-hackathon emphasized on the prototyping of new ideas rather than the coding process. This helped remote sensing scientists appreciate the unique strengths of Google Earth Engine in executing rapid time series analysis and incorporating powerful machine learning-based classification methods.
At the end of the session, many participants expressed their astonishment on the power of Google Earth Engine, its easy of use, and its applicability in their current research.
“Being able to do such a complicated phenology-based classification at such a large scale, in such a short time, was amazing.” - exclaimed a veteran scientist.
“GEE gave me new ideas to work on my current research” - said a graduate student.
“GEE is very useful to promote scientific research in developing countries, because of people can access an enormous computing power for no cost.” - observed an experience user of GEE.
We also received and realized some suggestions for our future sessions -
- More discussions needed towards explanation of the image related functions and also to syntax of the Javascript in general
- Need to discuss indices produced by various band combinations and their limitations. This is especially true for distinguishing between snow & cloud.
- Some participants expressed intention of using both Landsat and Sentinel imagery in the same analysis by some kind of fusion.
Introduction of the training workshop
Participants during the mini-hackathon
Participants during the mini-hackathon
Participants during the mini-hackathon
Participants during the mini-hackathon
Presentation of the results of the group project
Presentation of the results of the group project
- 1. Mar, 2019
- Students and Researchers Exchange Program in Sciences (STEPS) seminar 2019 was help in 1st of March. This seminar jointly organized by Saint Petersburg University, Moscow State University and the University of Tokyo. This was the 5th Collaboration Seminar for Sustainable Development which started in January 2013 in Moscow, followed by the 1st STEPS Seminar in March 2015 in Tokyo, the 2nd in August 2016 in Moscow and the 3rd in March 2018 in St. Petersburg. In this seminar some of our lab members present their studies. In the end Sensei gave an overview about our activities. We also got some interesting presentations about going research in Saint Petersburg University. After closing speech everybody got invited for icebreaking dinner that we had time to interact with the other people.
Dr. Misra’s presentation as he introduces our lab
Mrs. Hashemvand’s presentation shows the yield of oil palm plantations
- 5. Feb, 2019
- On 2019.02.05, Dr. Genki Terauchi and Dr. Eligio de Raus Maure visited the Takeuchi lab to discuss about seagrass mapping situation. Dr. Terauchi and Dr. Maure are from the Special Monitoring & Coastal Environmental Assessment Regional Activity Centre (CEARAC), which is hosted by the Northwest Pacific Region Environmental Cooperation Centre (NPEC) in Toyama, Japan. Two doctor candidates, Han and Truong, represented the lab to present about their research. Seagrass mapping status in Japan, China and Vietnam was discussed. It was understood that though various attempts have been done, current seagrass mapping in these three countries could still be largely improved by further apply remote sensing technology. Specifically, there have been various reports of seagrass distribution in this area, yet the exact extent and density is largely unknown. By gathering high-quality ground truth information, standardizing classification method, and publishing the seagrass distribution mapping results organizedly, understanding of seagrass distribution can be greatly enhanced. It would be a crucial enabler for coastal conservation. We are looking forward to further collaboration for seagrass and blue carbon mapping.
- 26. Dec, 2018
- Following with our continued interest in Google Earth Engine through the last year, many lab members were invited to Google Earth Engine Japan Year-End Meetup on 26th December 2018. The attendees included members of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries; NGO representatives from Japan and abroad; University professors; and students of various Japanese Universities (including UTokyo). The meetup is, in part, an opportunity for Google to showcase its new (2018) developments of its Google Earth Engine product. They made a point of showing off new databases and a page dedicated to finding the database you need for your research, and new integrations with their Deep Learning program TensorFlow through a python interface in their Collaboratory Notebook product with an example of object recognition in a small mapped area. It is also an opportunity for the many other partner members in-attendance to show their innovations, including Governmental land-misuse risk monitoring, shallow-water body eutrophication, and the awareness activities of worldwide Google Earth educational communities through online mediums. Of note, two of our lab members ? Dr. Prakhar Misra and Mrs. Pegah Hashemvand ? were asked to give presentations. Dr. Misra’s presentation showed a short overview of our course taught using Google Earth Engine to classify land-usage in hand-drawn maps from the previous century, while Mrs. Hashemvand gave a presentation on her recent paper in monitoring the oil palm harvesting industry activities in Malaysia. Both were received with applause, in-depth questions towards the content, and an air of general interest and attention from the other attendees.
Dr. Misra’s presentation as he introduces our lab
Mrs. Hashemvand’s presentation shows the yield of oil palm plantations
- 25. Dec, 2018
- On 25rd Dec. most of our lab member joined forces mad make an all-out effort to clean up our laboratory. Thanks to hard working laboratory members, peace come again to our lab which was chaotic. On the next day 26rd Dec. we held the end of year party after short lab seminar. At this time, we welcomed 2 reaserchers from Bangladesh and 2 lab members' families. The main dish was "Buri-shabu". "Buri" is the Japanese name for yellow tail. "shabu" is abbreviation of "shabu shabu", which is Japanese type hot pot. Moreover, we ate Indian style steamed rice which our lab member from India coocked, Sri Lankan cuisine which our lab member from Sri Lanka coocked and Christmas cake our Professor bought. The party finished up with Arai-san's kind words. we enjoyed eating a lot and we were patting each other on the back for great work in 2018.
- 14. Dec, 2018
- In December 2018, Project Researcher Prakhar Misra got an opportunity to attend 17th International Symposium on New Technologies for Urban Safety of Mega Cities in Asia (USMCA) at IIIT Hyderabad, India. This symposium is organized every year in collaboration with International Center for Urban Safety Engineering (ICUS) at IIS. Title of the talk by Dr Misra was ? “A Novel Technique For Estimating Expansion Of Residential, Commercial And Industrial Regions In Indian Megacities”. Some participants were interested in knowing how this can be useful for estimating air pollution. During this trip, there was an opportunity to interact with senior lab senpai, Dr. Krishnan Sundara Rajan who is now Head of Geospatial Lab at IIITH. This trip also presented an opportunity to collect PM2.5 data from the streets of Hyderabad. Overall participation at USMCA acquainted us with new applications of GPR, promotion of management technologies and new directions for geospatial research in disaster management.
Figure 1 Presentation at USMCA 2018
Figure 2 High PM2.5 value (197ug/m3) as measured using Pocketpm2.5 sensor in a crowded street
Figure 3 Tour regarding structural elements and architecture of Golkonda Fort, Hyderabad
- 4. Dec, 2018
- On December 4th, our lab has held a meeting with Dr. Stephen Wang, joint Head of Programme for the Global Innovation Design and Innovation Design Engineering programmes of the Royal College of Art (RCA). We briefly introduced the research direction and ongoing projects with Dr. Wang and engaged an active discussion about the human-centered design with a focus on data visualization solutions. We ended our meeting with the consensus that future collaboration is necessary to push forward better results and design, making the world a better place with a socially responsible design.
- 20. Nov, 2018
- The birthday of our sensei was on 20th November. Our lab members organized a small surprised birthday event for Takeuchi sensei on 19th. There were a delicious cake, a card with all our messages, and flowers. Some of our lab members also write the messages in their native languges which made up very interesting card. We then ate the cake with tea and coffee while talking and enjoying ourselves. It was a great moment. We again would like to wish him a happy birthday!!
- 23. Oct, 2018
- October was a busy month for our wtlab. As all the students were busy with 39th ACRS presentation and cultural performance. As some of our lab. members use Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform in their research, on October our lab. had a meeting with a group from GEE outreach, in which the possible applications of GEE in our researches have been discussed. We also discussed how open access platform can help nations and societies to move faster toward sustainable development and the possible contributions of science body and its collaboration with GEE in this regard. As the result, to promote RS researchers to expose the potentials of RS in helping sustainable development of societies to publics, our lab agreed to join in promoting video by GEE team and talking about our missions in this regard. Therefore, a group of people again came to our lab. to shoot the video which was a unique experience for the students.
Figure 1 our lab. meeting with GEE group
Figure 2 preparation and equipment for shooting promoting video
- 15. Oct, 2018
- From October 15 to 19, 2018, Takeuchi lab came to Kuala Lumpur to attend the 39th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS 2018) with the theme is “Remote Sensing Enabling Prosperity”. This year, ACRS gathered over 600 participants from developed and developing countries from and around Asia. The conference aims to promote and facilitate Remote Sensing and related geospatial technological advancement. In addition, this conference will provide good opportunities for innovative knowledge exchange and collaboration among the member countries. Our lab member, Pegah-san, received the Bronze award for WEBCON. Next year, the 40th ACRS will be held in Daejeon, South Korea. Our lab members will surely work hard to join.
- 11. Sep, 2018
- Takeuchi lab went on a trip to Kawaguchiko in Yamanashi Prefecture on September 11-12, 2018. It was a time to be refreshed by the cool weather of the area while gaining valuable and interesting insights about this place in Japan. We are particularly impressed by how a museum (Sabo Museum) was put up to commemorate the mud flow that happened on September 25, 1966 in what was used to be called Ashiwada Village in Nenba Area (Fig. 1). Of course, the team has enjoyed fun time together during our trips around Lake Kawaguchi, experienced the chilling temperature inside the Ice Cave (Fig. 2), captivated by the melodies at Kawaguchi-ko Music Forest (Fig. 3), and enjoyed to the full our BBQ party (Fig. 4) at our accommodation overlooking the majestic Mount Fuji. Indeed, there are a lot of interesting places in Japan that are yet to be explored by both the locals and foreigners. Lab trips such as this has given students the opportunity to go to some of these places and be amazed in the natural beauty and rich culture of this country. I hope to explore more of Japan!
Figure 1. Takeuchi Lab at Sabo Museum
Figure 2. Takeuchi Lab at the Ice Cave
Figure 3. Takeuchi Lab with an opera singer at the Music Forest
Figure 4. Takeuchi Lab having BBQ party in Kawaguchiko
- 20. Aug, 2018
- One of the key projects of our lab is biomass estimation in ASEAN countries. Prakhar Misra, post doctoral fellow attended International Conference on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Environment-2018 (20, 21 August) organized at Hokkaido University on behalf of Dr Wataru Takeuchi. Title of talk was ? “Supporting efficient management of oil palm plantation using RS, UAV, GIS and GNSS in Malaysia” which also consisted of Pegah’s results and a poster “Seagrass mapping at Ninh Thuan Province by Landsat and UAV” on behalf of Truong . This conference was organized by our lab alumnus Dr Ram Avtar, asst professor at Hokkaido University. It was an exciting opportunity to explore new opportunities for UAV by interacting with other researchers. E.g Counting migratory birds at night, UAV for glacial studies in Greenland and monitoring change in snow and erosion using UAV. During round table discussion challenges pertaining to image segmentation and challenges in image acquisition using UAV were discussed. Prakhar Misra also discussed scope of cooperative localization UAV with his previous professor from India, Bharat Lohani (IIT Kanpur, India) for identifying emission sources.
- 10. Aug, 2018
- Our Laboratory held small seminar. The topic is classification of objects in old Japanese map. A couple of decades ago, the satellite images were not common, so maps were only way to know what there were in those days. In order to make it clear, we had to read map signs and add color to make it easy to read. We used machine learning and tried to make it automatically. About 4 under graduate students and a few lab members attended it. Before making computer learn data, we had to make train data, which computer learn what each signature means. We made poligons which surrounding the same signs a lot and enjoyed it a lot. The training data showed the personality very well. One categorized small area precisely. Other one made rough poligons in a short time... The outcome was so so. We considered the reasons and discussed with Prof. Takeuchi. I believe it was not my fault. We should also duscuss how to improve the quality from now on. Any way we completed our mission. We also had BBQ party in August 10. All of the lab members, some former members and some undergraduate students who took the course in this lab joined. We enjoyed eating meat, drinking sake and talking a lot.
- 10. Jul, 2018
- On July 10, 2018. Representatives from Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) visited and discussed about potential collaboration opportunities. GGGI oversees projects in many countries, including Japan, China, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, India, Myanmar. Collaborations between GGGI and Takeuchi lab may encourage research activities of lab members, bringing their contribution closer to the society. We were glad to have Dr. Pranab Jyoti Baruah, who was an alumni of Yasuoka laboratory, as a representative from GGGI to help bringing the discussion together.
- 4. Jul, 2018
- Our Ph.D. Student PEGAH Hashemvand Khiabani attended the IIS Ph.D. Student Live 2018 event representing our lab. Her excellent speech has won her an Encouragement Award by the Director General of IIS. Active participation of IIS activities enhances our tie with other members of the IIS family and brings up more insightful discussion of our research topics.
- 11. Jun, 2018
- After the completion of 2-day IIS Open Campus event, our laboratory organized delicious Thai hotpot party to thank all the members both from our lab and ICUS team.
- 9. Jun, 2018
- 2018 IIS Open Campus was held on 8-9 June. We had opportunity to show and discuss our research to various audiences. Many high school students visited our laboratory and we shared exciting discussion. We also had rare chance to visit other lab and learn about our friends' research activities.
- 18. May, 2018
- In our lab, we have the opportunity to travel so many countries during our studies. May was full of travel for all of lab members, some people went to ISRS conference in Korea and some did internship program. Pegah is D2 Ph.D. student working on palm oil sustainable plantation, who is in Malaysia for 2 months doing her research. As Malaysia is one of the main countries in terms of oil palm production, it is very good opportunity for the people working on oil palm to go on field and see real industry challenges and get some insights. She is doing her research in the University of Putra Malaysia and in meanwhile she got some chance to go on field and discuss with palm oil expert people. Here is some photos of her field visit and her experiences.
- 11. May, 2018
- From May 9, 2018 - May 11, 2018, Takeuchi lab members took part in the International Symposium of Remote Sensing 2018 (ISRS 2018) held in Pyeongchang, South Korea. The event was organized in conjunction by the Korean Society of Remote Sensing (KSRS), Chinese (Taipei) Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (CSPRS) and the Remote Sensing Society of Japan (RSSJ). Takeuchi lab had a booth throughout the duration of the event, displaying research posters of present students and recent graduates, while offering further explanations when necessary. The booth also served to provide information on the Institute of Industrial Science at the University of Tokyo, and its current activities and initiatives. Booklets and pamphlets were made available to those interested. Furthermore, during the symposium, four students made oral presentations, while a further 2 made poster presentations. These are outlined as below: Oral Presentation Anjar - Estimation of Global Crop Calendar and Intensity using the MODIS NDVI time series from 2001 to 2015 Rahe - Crop calendar mapping for AWD assessment over Bangladesh with MODIS time series from 2001 - 2016 Jeark - Assessment of Solar PV Power Potential over Asia Pacific region with AHI8 Truong - Seagrass mapping in Khanh Hoa province, Vietnam using Satellite Imagery and UAV Poster Presentation Trang - Dynamic Air Pollution Mapping For Ho Chi Minh City using Portable Sensors Arthur - Combining Nighttime Lights analysis with urban analysis in 2D and 3D on a multi-city scale Through such presentation sessions, students were able to exchange knowledge and opinions on their research topics, and were able to gain new hints for improving their current works. Aside from such presentation sessions, the Young Scholar’s Night also provided a fantastic opportunity for laboratory members to build rapport and connections with students from various overseas institutions. We look forward to next year’s event to be held in Taiwan.
- 8. May, 2018
- On May 8, 2018, at Takeuchi lab members presented at a workshop organized by the Global Green Growth Institute at their office in Seoul, Korea. Six students from the lab, as well as an alumnus, Dr. Haemi Park, participated from Takeuchi Lab side. From GGGI side, we were host by Dr. Pranab Baruah, Senior Knowledge Manager, who also used to work at Takeuchi lab in a post-doctoral position. Members of GGGI at the office took part in the workshop, as well as country representatives from overseas who participated through Skype. Professor Takeuchi introduced Peatland carbon modeling research in Kalimantan, Indonesia, using remote sensing data. He emphasized on the carbon emission estimation from forest fire because its amount is comparable to that of industrially produced emissions. Jeark, PhD candidate from Takeuchi lab, presented about patterns in solar photovoltaic power generation under the effects of meteorological factors. He discussed the effects of dust on power generation efficiency, which suggested that being able to control the dust level would increase the PV generation in urban area. Trang, PhD candidate from Takeuchi lab, presented about measurement of personal exposure to PM2.5 in Tokyo, HoChiMinhCity and New Delhi using portable sensors. She is exploring new insights that the unique method could provide about quality of life in urban settings. After the presentations, we had a lively discussion with participants online, as well as members of GGGI presented at the workshop. We established some research connection and data exchange with collaborators from Indonesia.
- 5. Apr, 2018
- On April 5, 2018, Takeuchi lab went to Komaba Park for a picnic. Although no more cherry blossoms could be seen, the trees and grasses welcomed the group with cool air that made it a perfect day for lunch together in the park. Right after the picnic, the group also went to the old Maeda Family’s house located within the park itself. This was not part of the plan that day, but it’s as if the house is attracting the group to come inside. We were privileged to explore not only the rooms allowed for visitors but also to some rooms which were restricted from ordinary visitors. The house was unique because tatami floors can be seen everywhere in the house, not only inside the rooms. The garden was also fascinating. You can imagine sitting in the veranda and sipping a cup of coffee or tea while enjoying the relaxing feel of the garden in Maeda family’s house. It’s interesting to know that in the busyness of research work, we can go outside and in around 10 mins by foot, we can be refreshed in a nearby park and a well-maintained family house and garden.
- 4. Apr, 2018
- In Takeuchi lab hanami party this year we had enjoyable moment when practicing traditional green tea ceremony in the university square. This Sakura season let us take a pause to reflect on our achievements and think about the future. The blooming flowers also symbolize the transience nature of life and preciousness of time in hand.
- 26. Mar, 2018
- On a peaceful yet melancholy Monday evening, we held the farewell party for our parting lab members: Etsuko Nakazono, Arif Aditya, Prakhar Misra, Kazuki Inoue and Seina Uchida. Sushi, yakisoba and Kirin beers, we enjoyed those commonly seen yet very representative Japanese cuisine and beverages, hoping those taste can be the most befitting Sayonara for those who’ll leave Japan soon. This heart warming, taste satisfying party ended in exchanging parting gifts and farewell speech. We Takeuchi lab wishes all of parting members bright future and happy life.
- 8. Mar, 2018
- Takeuchi lab hosted the 26th IIS Forum about Earth Observation and Remote Sensing. For the first time, we also held a Google Earth Engine (GEE) workshop where we introduced GEE as a powerful platform for remote sensing analysis, and did a small project where we collaboratively created training data for land cover classifying of whole Japan. Forty scientists and students joined the workshop, and on the third session, we did a project: "Collaboratively create training data set and merge them to classify for whole Japan using three years composite of Landsat images”. Through hours of building the infrastructure on Google's platform, discussing ideas and sharing codes around, we successfully completed the project. Each group gave a small talk of their results and shared their experience about the workshop. A high school student shared that she was very excited to be introduced to Remote sensing tool, and she would be looking forward to applying the skill in the future. Many professors who participated in the workshop exclaimed that the tool would be potential for education.
- 6. Mar, 2018
- The 26th Institute of Industrial Science (IIS) Forum conference held on 6th to 8th March 2018, hosted by Remote Sensing of Environment and Disaster (Wataru Takeuchi) Laboratory. The earth observation, disaster monitoring and risk management from space is the main theme of the conference. The participants from national and international area attend the conference. In the conference, Nineteen (19) oral presentation and thirty-two (32) poster presented by the national and international researcher from distinguishing Universities and Organization on the various aspects of remote sensing application of environment and disaster. The conference started with the welcome speech of the Convenor of the organizing committee, Wataru Takeuchi, Associate Professor, IIS, University of Tokyo. The ice-breaking party, Tea circle, Dinner party are the special attraction the participants and creates a visitants environment for the young and experienced researchers. Along with the presentation, the main attraction of this forum was hands-on training on Google Earth Engine. The participants enjoy, share and learn a lot from this forum and appreciates the organizers. On behalf of the organizer, Associate Professor Wataru Takeuchi express his thankfulness to the participant and the organizer, and he hopes to organized better program in next time.
- 5. Mar, 2018
- As our laboratory is hosting 26th IIS forum "Earth observation, disaster monitoring and risk assessment from space" on March 6th-8th, this month all the lab members were quite busy by preparation in order to have warm welcome and well organized forum meanwhile students also prepared themselves to present their researches in IIS forum, ISRS 2018 on May and 9th IGRSM on April. However, this month was quite busy for all of us but we enjoyed from Japanese attitude of team-working and inspired by our beloved Japan, we prepared our huge checklist to be well-prepared. We are looking forward to welcoming so many applicants in going IIS forum at UTokyo.
- 24. Feb, 2018
- On Feb 23-24, 2018, Takeuchi lab joined with Kuwano Lab in ski tour in Aizu Daikura Skiing .We enjoyed snowboarding and had very good time together! It is the best way to spend 2 days away from city and this tour allows us to create memorable winter wonderland experiences that will surely last a lifetime, especially for lab members who come from tropical countries. All of us are waiting for the trip next year!
- 15. Jan, 2018
- On January 15, 2018, we invited Prof. Kazuyuki Inubushi from Graduate School of Horticulture, Chiba University, Prof. Towa Tachibana from Faculty of Law, Politics and Economics, Chiba University, and Dr. Kei Oyoshi, EORC, JAXA. They talked us about their research topics which are not only remote sensing but also environmental economics. After a lively discussion, we had the new year Sushi-party.
- 7. Dec, 2017
- Same as previous year, On December 7th 2017, Takeuchi Laboratory members joined campus clean-up activity. This clean up activity has been held annually during the end of autumn and located in all Komaba research campus area, The University of Tokyo. This activity aims to increase awareness of all Komaba Research Campus staff and students with the natural environment of Komaba Campus and to keep the campus clean. The clean-up started from 14.00 until 15.30, each person took an equipment that already provided by equipment staff of the finance division and departments division. The equipment that already prepared and can be used freely are garden broom, gloves, leaf Scoops, leaf rake and waste bags. To avoid overlay area, the staffs already decided the area of which each laboratory should clean so all members are well distributed. The target of this activity is not to make the campus perfectly clean, but in one and half an hour, all member should try to clean as much as they can. All Takeuchi laboratory members are gladly giving thanks to everyone who made this campus clean up conducted well. We hope this activity could improve our awareness and also inspire all Takeuchi lab member about the sense of cleanliness started from our campus. Written by Anjar Dimara Sakti
Rahe, Yan, Truong and Arai san from Takeuchi laboratory tried to clean dry leaves in one of IIS corner side.
Takeuchi laboratory member after finished the clean-up activity make a jumping photo with garden broom
- Dec. 1, 2017
- On December 1st, 2017, Takeuchi lab members attended a lecture delivered by Dr Michael Freilich, Head of NASA’s Earth Sciences Division at Kashiwa Research Complex, Kashiwa Campus of The University of Tokyo. Dr. Freilich gave a comprehensive over of the NASA’s Earth Science Division and its missions. The attendants were amazed by the extensive coverage of the satellite fleets, in aspects of quantity and quality of data, as well the vast variety of application. The lecturer stressed on the importance of understanding Earth as an integrated system, rather than isolated components. We took a close look at the hydrological cycles, and how the analysis of arctic sea-ice loss, changes in amount of groundwater, precipitation and soil moisture, contributes to explaining the changes in sea level. Dr. Freilich highlighted the contribution of the GPM constellation, in which JAXA plays an important role, in collecting crucial data on global precipitation. The talk was followed by a question and answer session, where Takeuchi lab members passionately raised discussion about the usage of satellite data and prospects for future research.
- Nov. 22, 2017
- On November 22nd, Takeuchi Laboratory members together with Komaba Research Campus members joined evacuation drill activities. This evacuation drill has been held annually and located in University Square, Komaba research campus, The University of Tokyo. This work collaborates with Meguro fire station as the organizer of this event. This activity aims to increase awareness of all Komaba Research Campus members against disasters that can occur at any time and opportunity to interact with each other directly. The drill activity starts with an announcement of the fire outbreak from university center and an information that all komaba research campus members must evacuate to university square by using ladder and safety helmet. After arrived in university square, the representative of each laboratory must report the condition of each lab member, who are present, absent or no information to safety confirmation service. The evacuation drill activity was divided into two hands-on experience activities; first activity is the demonstration by firefighting team. The fire fighters supervised by Meguro fire station demonstrate the evacuation drill with a ladder fire truck. The second activity is divided into three simulations, which are earthquake simulation vehicle, smoke simulation vehicle and first-aid firefighting practice with extinguishers. These activities are not mandatory but suggested for anyone who have not seen those simulations before. Takeuchi laboratory was joining this both activities gladly giving thanks to everyone who made this evacuation drill 2017 conducted well. We hope this activity can improve awareness also inspire all Takeuchi lab member to promote resilience in disaster start from our campus. Written by Anjar Dimara Sakti
All Komaba Research Campus members evacuated to University square
- Nov. 17, 2017
- We completed a training course of Remote sensing. In this course, we hold hands-on training of land use classification & land use detection with google earth engine, future prediction of land-use with cellular automaton, machine-larning application for presize mapping with pix2pix module of python. at the final course, we could see very nice data interpretation from each student's presentations. Thank you very much for your great lecture, Takeuchi-sensei and Prakhar-san, and Thank you so much for all of your active participation!
- Oct. 27, 2017
- From October 24 to Oct 27, members of Takeuchi lab participated in the 38 th Asian conference in remote sensing held at hotel the Ashok, new Delhi, India. The conference gave invaluable opportunities for members to present our research and hold discussion with other researchers in the field. All members in the lab presented their research either orally or via a poster. The themes of presentation are about utilizing Remote sensing techniques for earth observation purpose. The details can be found at the ACRS 2017 ‘s homepage, URL here. http://www.acrs2017.org/ We were also able to attend several plenary sessions, with many impressive speakers presenting the latest development in the field remote sensing. For example the session about ISRO, China, JAXA,... Besides academic discussion, the conference was also an invaluable opportunity to create networks with other researchers. There were usually plenty of time after each sessions to have further discussion, to follow up on a question if there is still room for development. After the conference, all members made many new contacts with scientists in the same field, and expanded their academic networks. Takeuchi lab members also got to meet with an alumnus who is having business in New Delhi.
- Oct. 20, 2017
- Today the Komaba Research Campus International Day 2017 was held at ENEOS Hall. Our lab member Truong participated in this event representing Vietnam. Through his impressive performance of beatbox, audiences were introduced to the buzzing life of modern life in Vietnam. The latter half of his performance-- The Jungle Adventure is what separates his show from others, drop by at our lab to know more!
- Oct. 20, 2017
- The Autumn has come. Our campus becomes the most beautiful in this season, this colorful season. I feel autumn every year, when I see this yellow covered campus and get a sniff of ginkgo. When I was freshman, I hated the smell and was depressed to come to the campus in this odor season. But I adapted to this stink before I knew it, and now without it I cannot even recognize the change of season in Tokyo, the city whose land is almost covered with asphalt and with few trees. Maybe our lab members also feel the same. It is getting colder day by day. Some of our lab members seem to feel sick now, so please take good care of yourself. Dress heavily, drink hot, and prepare for severe coldness. Winter is just around the corner
- Oct. 10, 2017
- Around 40 school children from Nanao High School, Ishikawa prefecture paid a visit to IIS. This was a part of their visit to several universities. Takeuchi sensei explained about the use of remote sensing and GIS to the society. He also discussed what other labs in IIS are doing, through a video. Ms Seina inspired the students by talking about Todai life and her own personal journey. Mr. Arthur also encouraged the students along similar lines. The day ended with a group picture. P.S. Takeuchi sensei also studied at the same school during his childhood days.
Takeuchi Sensei explain about satellite and remote sensing
Students at the talk/session
- Sep. 25, 2017
- Takeuchi Lab had the farewell party for Doctoral student ? Tanakorn Sritarapipat and two Master students ? Nuntikorn Kitratporn and Arliandy P. Arbad. In Tanakorn’s speech, he sent an impressive message to other students “Do not give up and keep fighting, you will be paid. Sensei and other lab-mates always support you!” Such an evening for memories and friendship!!!
- Sep. 3, 2017
- Sep 3th to Sep 9th, Seina's visit to Vladivostok, joining student forum. I have visited Vladivostok from 3rd Sep to 9th Sep to join a student symposium. Prime Minister Abe and President Putin had a Japan-Russia Summit Meeting last year (2016 May), and they agreed on improving 8 areas to benefit both countries. One of the 8 agreement, it says, "Fundamentally expansion of people- to people interaction". This student symposium was held for the first time to realize the 8th topic by encouraging university students to interact with each other. 26 students from Japan and Russia have joined the forum and discussed about Japan-Russia relationship and how we can improve our relation in the future. In addition to the discussion, we had cultural activity including visiting summer camp site and historical museum of war etc. We also had a chance to audience Prime Minister Abe and President Putin during the forum, and also had a small chat with well- known Judo player Yasuhiro Yamashita. This experience was such an insightful event for me that it definitely changed my life to some extent for sure. Witnessing the scene of politics move and being fitted in for a project which was directly decided by leaders made me to feel more engaged in about the movements of the society, of the world, and I realized I have to be more aware of me being a responsible person who might be able to change the world. I've been always wanted to change the world a better place to live in and make Japan a better country, but it was always a big dream without any realistic feeling of achieving it. But now I am aware that I need to think of it as my realistic dream, otherwise, it will end up just being a dream. I know I cannot do anything big enough to change the world today or tomorrow, but having this perspective of making Japan a better country always in mind will surely help me to head towards the dream in the long run. I really appreciate all the support of Takeuchi sensei even though it was just before the submission of ACRS, and all the support of core universities' professors and government side support and lab members and family member's support for letting me have this incredible experience.
Shaking hands with Prime Minister Abe
With Yasuhiro Yamashita, judo player, at Vladivostok Airport
Group photo of all members who joined this forum
- Sep. 2, 2017
- Kazuki Inoue’s visit to Yangon, Myanmar. I studied in Myanmar for 15 days from August 19th to September 2nd with an overseas study abroad scholarship which UTokyo provides and aims to encourage students to deepen their international understanding and to contribute to nurturing human resources who act on the world stage. I am currently studying the railway condition monitoring using the portable device for Myanma Railways (MR). When conducting the first field survey in February 2017, we measured the acceleration of the car body using a smart phone based accelerometer for the Yangon Circular Railway Line (YCR). This time is second visit to Yangon for me. During the first half of the week, I stayed in Yangon city, joined a discussion with students at Yangon Technological University (YTU) and conducted a field survey of the YCR Train. In the latter half of the week, we took an express train to Mandalay station approximately 550 km from Yangon station to measure the train acceleration for the intercity railway. Also, fortunately, I got the opportunity to talk with the professor at Mandalay Technological University. I got an explanation from an expert about the difference of traffic situation among cities in Myanmar and the current situation of MR. YCR timetable in Burmese. I don’t understand but MR staff kindly explained me. The YCR is currently being implemented with technical assistance by the JICA expert team and an improvement plan with ODA loan. Currently operated at a speed of about 20 km / h, the MR improves it to about 40 km / h, and increases the operation interval at commuting rush hour from about 2 per hour to about 5. At that time, more advanced and precise maintenance is required, but at present there are 600 derailment accidents per year on all railway lines operated by MR. Based on these backgrounds, we conduct field surveys as research subjects to conduct efficient railway condition monitoring using simple measuring equipment and satellite images, and conduct analysis. While staying in Yangon, I stayed at YTU 's guest house. In Yangon, blackouts occurred frequently. There was a power outage of several hours once every two days. In the night darkness, I stayed in the room while relying on the lights of the smart phone. As I was born and raised in Japan, I have never experienced a blackout, so these new experiences broke my conventional sense and trained me. I learned that "I should do while I can." I am sincerely thankful to YTU members who helped me during my stay and my university and laboratory who gave me valuable opportunities.
Yangon Circular Railway Train
Yangon Technological University
YCR timetable in Burmese. I don’t understand but MR staff kindly explained me.
The car-body vertical acceleration response mapping I estimated (Left: February 2017; Right: August 2017). The eastern section tends to have greater acceleration than the west section.
- Jul. 28, 2017
- Global Leader program for Social Design and Management (GSDM) and the Graduate Program for Mechanical Systems Innovation (GMSI) at The University of Tokyo (UT) held a collaborative program on July 28 to Monday, July 31, 2017 by gathering together 67 PhD students from 23 universities such as Berkeley, MIT, Colombia, Cambridge, Oxford and …. the program aimed to widen the research perspective of the participants and facilitate international communication by developing international networks among young researchers. In the first day of the program all student had a chance to visit different laboratories in UTokyo based on their interest in the evening of the same they all the members were moved to the program site in Saitama, to help everyone to get to know each other, there was a ‘Self-introduction Session’ and a ‘Technical Session’. Everyone was requested to introduce himself/herself in a 1-minute presentation and research in a 5-minute presentation. In the second day of the program, all the members were divided into different teams where all teams were asked to prepare a project plan for a new device based on what japan society needs within 24 hours. The mentioned device should be based on the different criteria and capable to build and develop with specific limited budget. In the project plan, all national and international collaborations needed to be clearly mentioned, also each team member asked to have contribution based on their specialties.
In the third day of program, all the teams were asked to present their devices with in 10 mins in fort of committees to evaluate their project in terms of reliability, budget managements and other different criteria. In the evening parts the best proposal got the award and each team received comments from the committees.
- Jul. 17, 2017
- On 17-19 Dr Hironori Arai and Mr Prakhar Misra attended the ‘LCLUC SARI International Regional Science Meeting in South/Southeast Asia’ at ChiangMai, Thailand (http://lcluc.umd.edu/meetings/lcluc-sari-international-regional-science-meeting-southsoutheast-asia). Mr Prakhar Misra presented some of the work from his PhD research titled “Impact Assessment of socio-economic development on urban air quality in Indian megacities” while Dr. Arai presented about his latest research work on “A multidisciplinary approach of the global warming potential evaluation on the Mekong delta”. Both received several comments and directions for future steps. There were several opportunities to interact with eminent researchers working in the field of LCLUC and emissions. There were several discussions regarding involving socioeconomic data at different scales to interpret and better leverage results from remote sensing. Another stress was on growing need of more complex emission models to accurately represent emissions. Armed with this experience, overall the meeting provided several points to work upon and further enhance research for the society. After attending the meeting, Dr Arai and Mr Misra also visited Geoinformatics Center IC Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok (http://www.geoinfo.ait.asia/). They presented their research and discussed it with researchers from GIC.
Participating in the meeting, Thai style
Meeting with Prof. Pham Van Cu
Meeting with Dr Krishna Vadrevu
Engaged in technical discussion about methodology
Presenting research at GIC in AIT, Bangkok
- Jul. 10, 2017
- The PhD Student Live 2017 which has been held on 10th July 2017. This annual event was held at Convention Hall, Komaba campus, Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo. This is the precious opportunity to know the research achievements of the 2nd year doctoral student. Our lab member, Prakhar (D3), Anjar (D2), and Ark (D2) were contributed to give either oral and poster presentation.
Prakhar has given presentation
Anjar explained his research poster
- Jul. 06, 2017
- The IIS Tennis tournament 2017 was held on Thursday, 6th July 2017 in Komaba Campus, The University of Tokyo. There are many students and staffs join this annual event. Tita (M2), Tashiro (M1), and Prakhar (D3), have participated as representative our lab.
Tennis Partipants
Tita has been playing Tennis with Prakhar
- Jun. 29, 2017
- Heartiest welcome to Prof. Xiangming Xiao from the University of Oklahoma. Each participant received his encouraging and/or constructive comment(s) through his/her presentation.
Welcome to our lab!
Prof. Xiangming's exciting lecture
- Jun. 22, 2017
- Takeuchi-sensei gave a lecture for building feature extraction from high resolution Geoeye images on Yangon Technological University. Simultaneously, related training were held with 20 master and doctor course students.
Related working report for ICUS news letter [PDF]
- Jun. 4, 2017
- Open campus 2017! We spent a wondeful moment with our grand father(Prof. Sawada-sensei), great-grand father (Prof. Yasuoka-sensei) and OB/OGs.
Uchida-san's kind guidance to future-scientists.
What a wonderful moment!
- May 19, 2017
- We attended International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2017@Nagoya. All our lab members paper were highly evaluated here. Congraturation on Arbad-san's winning of the best paper award! Thank you Prakhar-san for your excellent coorination of the joyful young scientists' party!
Joyful young scientists party!
- Apr. 20, 2017
- 新学期が始まり、Welcome-Partyを行いました。新たに4名のメンバーが加わりました。
- Mar. 30, 2017
- Our lab’s farewell party for Li-san and Mizutani-san was held in the new lab room (Bw-603) on 30 March 2017. During the party, we had very delicious Nepalese foods with various kinds of curry and naan bread.
Mizutani-san and Li-san
Enjoy with Nepalese foods
Visiting Guest (Prakar’s mother)
Group photo of our lab member
Photo taken by Trinh Xuan Truong
Reported by Tanakorn Sritarapipat- Mar. 02-03, 2017
- The IIS Forum which has been held annually marked its twenty-fifth year on March 2 ? 3, 2017. The forum was held at Convention Hall, Komaba research campus, The University of Tokyo. The theme of this 25th IIS forum was "Earth Observation, Disaster Monitoring and Risk Assessment From Space". Various researchers attended this event with about 18 participants involved in oral presentation session, and 36 participants took part in student poster session. This event gave remote sensing researchers a valuable opportunity to interact with each other directly. In the poster session, each participant was given the opportunity to introduce their research to all participant. Then the presentation was followed by a small discussion in front of each poster. Through the voting system, Fujiwara Takumi and Mario Rodriguez selected as the best student poster award. Takeuchi laboratory as the executor of this forum gladly giving thanks to all participate who made this IIS forum 2017 conducted well. We are waiting for your active participation in next IIS forum.
Dr. Takeuchi was giving opening speech on 25th IIS Forum
25th IIS Forum participant group photo
Question and Answer session
In Poster session, participants was given the chance to explain their research result briefly, and continued with the question and answer session in each poster chamber
- Mar. 01, 2017
- Takeuchi Lab members attended the 5th Civil Engineering Symposium titled “Innovation for Future City: Vulnerability and Sustainability” which was held annually by International Student Association in Civil Engineering and Foreign Student Office at the University of Tokyo. The symposium addressed inter-disciplinary topics and offered a look into cutting-edge researches from our own faculty, as well as government and private company.
Mr. Prakhar, our D2 student, also participated in the student presentation. He delivered an overview of his on-going research on the application of remote sensing for air quality in India.
Group photo.
Mr. Prakhar delivered an overview of his on-going research.
- Feb. 27, 2017
- Arif Aditiya (master student in Remote Sensing of Environment and Disaster Lab., Univ. of Tokyo) in compliance with the invitation from Chiba University to give short tutorial on use geodetic GPS practical in Chiba University.[Report in detail]
Mr.Arif and JMRSL member were preparing GPS equipment.
Member of JMRSL was trying how to use tripod for GPS antenna stands.
- Feb. 19-20, 2017
- On February 19th and 20th ,during the winter break, our laboratory with accompanied of Kuwano laboratory and Saitama University had a ski trip at Aizu Daikura ski resort in Fukushima Prefecture.
In the first day of trip some of the members toke ski training and in the afternoon instructors arranged some battle such as snowman making , snowball fighting and relaying with sleigh which our Laboratory group got the first prize of snowman battle. After arriving at the designated hotel, all members rested for a while in Japanese style hotel. At the night all grouped received their battle prizes while enjoying from various Japanese food in the dinner.
In the next morning, members had the training on making Japanese sweets in hotel and after having breakfast all members returned back to the ski resort place. In the second day of ski training, instructors toke test from students and finally all the students received the international training certificate with respect of their performance and returned back to Tokyo with lots of pleasure memories.
Prakhar san while trying to make Japanese sweet.
Japanese cuisine which was given in the night gathering.
Ski school in the Aizu Daikura ski resort.
Pegah san who got a prize in final ski test from the beginner group.
- Feb. 07-08, 2017
- The 2 videos below is a recap of a recent field survey at Twantay Bridge and Pathein Bridge in Myanmar with an aim to capture current stage of the bridge and reconstruct 3D information. The ultimate goal is to evaluate optimal solution of these technologies for bridge deformation inspection and monitoring of infrastructure. The survey was completed using Terrestrial Laser Scanner and different optical camera (DSLR camera, Wearable camera, and 360-degree camera).
- 2017年1月19日
- 内田さんのWelcome-back partyを行いました。パーティーではベトナム料理を楽しみました。
全天球カメラTheta Sを使って記念撮影
- 2017年1月6日
- あけましておめでとうございます。
- 2016年12月22日
- 研究室で忘年会をしました。 今回はブリしゃぶ、カニしゃぶ、クリスマスケーキを頂きました。
全天球カメラTheta Sを使って記念撮影
- Dec. 7-9, 2016
- Visiting the exhibition of machine vision in Yokohama during 7-9 December 2016.
The exhibition of machine vision was held at Pacifico in Yokohama (Japan's second largest city) during 7-9 December 2016. This event aims to display the current technology of machine vision including cameras, mechanical devices and digital image processing with the various applications for industrial fields. Many industrial staffs, researchers, professors, students and those who are interesting in camera technology were gathered in this exhibition for showing their works and seeing the other works. For the highlights of this exhibition, a very tiny camera can record in video mode with a high resolution of 4K pixels. A sensor can capture an image of very fast moving items. The real-time image processing technology demonstrates the several potentials in many applications such as the simulations of controlling cars in roads and trains in railways without manual handles.Group photo at the exhibition
LED Fiber Optic Illuminator
The simulation of automatic vehicles
The simulation of controlling a train
- Nov. 13-16, 2016
- Mr.Arif attended the 8th Multi-GNSS Asia Conference.[Report in detail]
Right to Left (8th Multi GNSS Asia Conference) - Mr. Satoshi Kogure (National Space Policy Secretariat, Government of Japan) - Prof. Chris Rizos (Chairman of 8th MGA) - Mr. James J. Miller (Deputy Director of the Policy & Strategic Communications Division NASA)
Particpants of The Young Student and Professional forum durin MGA Conference.
- Oct. 17-21, 2016
- 本研究室の博士課程2名(Tanakorn,Prakhar)、修士課程4名(Mizutani,Tita,Arbad,Inoue)がスリランカで開催された第37回アジアリモートセンシング国際会議(ACRS2016)に参加しました。
Cultural show ではPPAP(ピコ太郎)を披露しました。
Student sessionの様子
Student nightの様子①
Student nightの様子②
- Oct. 14, 2016
- 韓国の蔚山科学技術大学校との共同セミナーが開催されました。本研究室の学生5名がプレゼンテーションを行いました。
- Oct. 1, 2016
- 冬学期が始まりました。今学期よりイランからPegahさんが博士課程に進学し、新メンバーとして竹内研に加わりました。
- Sep. 21, 2016
- 李曦さんの博士課程修了に伴い、研究室でパーティを行いました。今後も研究でお世話になります。
- Sep. 5-7, 2016
- 夏休みを利用して、研究室で山中湖旅行に行きました。忍野八海や花の都公園を訪れ、学生のみ富士急ハイランドへ行きました。
- Aug. 29, 2016
- ソニ・ダルマワン特任助教の母国への帰国に伴い、Farewell Partyを行いました。今後も共同研究でお世話になります。
- Aug. 9-10, 2016
- 本研究室修士課程の水谷真隆君が、モスクワ国立大学共同セミナーに参加しました。
- Aug. 1, 2016
- 先週のBBQの残り物で焼きそばパーティを行いました。
- Aug. 1, 2016
- ニューブランズウィック大学よりYun Zhang先生がご来室され、特別講義が行われました。
- Jul. 28, 2016
- 駒場Ⅱリサーチキャンパス内のバーベキュー場で、バーベキューを行いました。
- Jul. 4, 2016
- 陶蕊さんの教養学部英語コース(PEAK)卒業に伴い、研究室で送別会を行いました。今後のご活躍をお祈りしております。
- Jun. 6, 2016
- ミャンマーのヤンゴン工科大学よりSao Hone Pha 先生がご来室され、特別講義が行われました。
- Jun.3-4, 2016
- 東大駒場リサーチキャンパス公開が開催され、たくさんの方にご来場いただきました。本研究室ではサーモグラフィ、ドローンのデモンストレーションを行いました。
- May. 16, 2016
- 研究室でWelcome partyを行いました。井上和樹君、内田聖菜さん、Arifさんが修士課程に進学し、Jearkさんが博士課程に進学しました。
- April 20-22, 2016
- 本研究室の李曦さんと内田聖菜さんが、韓国のチェジュ島にあるチェジュ国際会議場(International Convention Center JEJU)にて開催された 国際学会International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2016 (ISRS2016)に参加しました。本研究室はブースを出展し 研究者と学生たちの関心を集め、多くの来客者といろいろな交流ができました。
Welcome Partyの様子
- April 13-15, 2016
- Visit to Kuala Lumpur held two agendas for Takeuchi Lab members
(a) presenting at IGRSM (13-14 April, 2016)
(b) oil-palm hands-on survey (15 April, 2016)
(a) International Conference and Exhibition on Geospatial & Remote Sensing (IGRSM 2016), Kuala Lumpur
The theme of the conference was Geospatial on the Go. Prof Takeuchi and the lab members, Mr Soni, Ms Nakazono, Ms Li, Mr Tanakorn and Mr Prakhar presented papers and posters on geometric corrections for Himawari-8, mangrove mapping in Malaysia and Indonesia, spread of evergreen forests in Japan, global flood associated with precipitation, urban growth modelling in Yangon city and Indian urban air quality analysis using nightlight respectively. Mr Soni and Mr Prakhar were also invited to submit manuscript to ‘Malaysian Journal of Remote Sensing & GIS’. A booth representing Takeuchi Lab as well disseminating information on how to secure admission to Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo was also set up.
(b) Oil-palm hands-on survey The next day was scheduled for a field visit to an oil palm plantation owned by one of the biggest companies in Malaysia. A weather monitoring station owned by the lab already operates there to monitor plant growth along with meteorological conditions. The task to was to measure width of tree stems, height of tree crown and spatial coordinates of tree in a sparse arbitrary manner. This was going to be used as ground truth data for further studies.Illustration 1: Information booth by Takeuchi Lab
Illustration 2: Presentation by Ms Li
Illustration 3: Presentation by Mr Tanakorn
Illustration 4: Mr Stephen Page and Mr Prakhar discussing new remote sensing applications
Illustration 5: Team lunch with researcher from other universities
Illustration 6: Surveyors of the day
Illustration 7: examining weather monitoring station
Illustration 8: Measuring base width
Illustration 9: Measuring tree height
- 6 April, 2016
- Lab Hanami Party This time we had our annual lab Hanami party in the Komaba park. We shared the space with so many other happy small kids content with running about the full-bloom Sakura (cherry-blossom) trees. This Sakura cycle encourages us to take a pause and reflect on our achievements and think of the future. The blooming of trees also symbolizes the transience nature of life and preciousness of time in hand. Our Hanami experience was further exalted with accompaniment of the traditional green tea and a special bento.
Hanami Bento boxes. Delicious ね!
A lab that researches together, eats together.
- Mar. 29, 2016
- 堅山直樹さん、角田翔さんの修士課程修了に伴い、研究室で送別会を行いました。今後のご活躍をお祈りしております。
- Mar. 17-18, 2016
- 第24回生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」が東京大学駒場Ⅱリサーチキャンパスにて行われました。当日は日本全国から参加者が集まり、活発な議論が行われました。
- Feb. 24-25, 2016
- During the university winter break in February, our laboratory members together with Kuwano and Kiyota laboratory had a ski trip at Aizu Daikura ski resort in Fukushima Prefecture. We also had a nice stayover, delicious dinner party and hot spring time at Tokinosato Yurari (report by Ms. Tita).
Group photo with trainers before ski/board test
Takeuchi lab members in ski (top) and board (bottom) group
Uhida san who got highest score from experienced ski group
Arbad san posting with our delicious dinner
- Jan. 6, 2016
- IIS running together (Ekiden). We joined sport with member of IIS, the most important think we need healthy and sweaty even the weather is cool (report by Mr. Arbad).
Warming up before running
We are ready for running
- Dec. 25, 2015
- Organized by Li-san, Hot pot is an amazing meal to make, especially during the winter session. The hot soup for make more skinship to each other in our lab (report by Mr. Arbad).
The delicious of hot and spicy soup (Chinese Hot Pot)
- Dec. 17, 2015
- We organized Bonenkai party to celebrate new year, the most important parties. Japanese people believe Bonenkai to forget the problems of the past year and look forward to success in the future (report by Mr. Arbad).
Delicious soup of Bonenkai with Prof. Sawada
- Oct. 23, 2015
- On our way back from ACRS, we transited at Hong Kong and attended seminar at Department of Geography and Resource Management at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Professor Lin Hui briefed about the facilities and the state-of-art of various research being undertaken most notably in urban subsidence monitoring using SAR, 3D Visualization and urban air quality (report by Mr. Prakhar).
Reception of Department of Geography and Resource Management
Inside of the ground receiving station for ENISAT satellite at CUHK
Winning Third Prize in Cultural Night
Group photo at CUHK with Prof. Linh and Takeuchi lab members
Visualizing EO information by projecting on a glass sphere from Inside
At the booth for handing information about our research work
Li san with Dr. Koehi Cho, Dr. Josefino Comiso and Dr. Wataru Takeuchi
- Oct. 19-22, 2015
- Our lab members presented in the 36th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing in Metro Manila. Philippines. With the Typhoon ‘Lando’ raging during that period, the conference theme: ‘Promoting Resilient Growth in Asia’ became all the more relevant. Topics presented diversely ranged from Indonesian peatland subsidence monitoring, forest-fire detection in North Korean to global flood detection. Along with participants from Shibaura Institute of Technology we won the Third Prize for cultural performance. Also information about the lab and research was disseminated to prospective applicants as part of an open discussion presentation (report by Mr. Prakhar).
Typhoon ‘Lando’ with very strong winds
Soran Bushi dance as part of Cultural Night
Winning Third Prize in Cultural Night
Sho san and the ACRS logo
Shunji Murai sensei at our booth
At the booth for handing information about our research work
Li san with Dr. Koehi Cho, Dr. Josefino Comiso and Dr. Wataru Takeuchi
- Oct. 8, 2015
- On 8 October 2015, our laboratory held welcome party with BBQ as our dinner menu at IIS campus garden. Welcome party is a routine activity in our lab to celebrate new academic year. In this event, beside our lab members, we also invite alumni and our partner who work in Japan. This time, our lab was welcoming three new students that are Mr. Arbad and Mr. Anjar from Indonesia, and Ms. Tita from Thailand. Every year, we encourage each other to get more successful year ahead through this event (report by Mr. Anjar).
Our lab members enjoyed welcoming party
Delicious beef and vegetable for our dinner main menu
Ms. Tita, Mr. truong and Ms. Li took a photo together
Photo session with all participants in welcoming party
- Sep. 24, 2015
- 山梨県甲府市にてドローンの操縦演習を行いました。実際にドローンを操縦することで有用性を再認識し、今後の研究へとつなげていきます。
- Sep. 16, 2015
- From Sep 16 to Oct 13, Uchida san went to Moscow State University for the purpose of collecting data, which is difficult to gain in Japan. Professors and students there welcomed her. She not only collected data, but also had many meetings even with professors who cannot speak English. (report by Ms. Uchida).
Ms. Uchida, Prof. Yuri Mazurof and his students at MGU
Find more photos
Find news at MGU official website- 2015年8月29日
- 北朝鮮の干ばつについての研究成果が8/28夕方に日テレのニュースEveryで放送されました。今年は東南アジアでも深刻な干ばつが報告されています。
- 2015年6月20日
- 竹内先生が富士見中学高等学校で出張授業を行いました。高校1・2年生11人が参加し,リモートセンシングの原理から実利用までの幅広い内容の講義に積極的に参加していました。
- 2015年6月5-6日
- 駒場リサーチキャンパス公開が行われ,研究室の紹介を行いました。中高生を中心に多くの方々が来場し,先生や学生の説明に熱心に耳を傾けていました。
- 2015年4月21-26日
- 国際リモートセンシングシンポジウム(ISRS)に参加するため,研究室メンバー全員で台湾の台南へ出張しました。角田翔君がBest student paper awardを受賞しました。
初日の夜にはWelcome partyがありました
Welcome partyの様子
Young scholar's nightでカードゲームをしました
Best student paper awardを受賞した角田君
- 2015年4月2日
- 駒場リサーチキャンパス内で花見をしました。新入生の3人も参加し,桜の木の下でお弁当を食べました。
- 2015年4月1日
- 新学期が始まりました。インドからPrakhar Misra君が博士課程に進学,東京理科大学から水谷真\UTF{F9DC}君が修士過程に進学,内田聖菜さんが卒論生として配属と,3人のメンバーが新たに加わりました。
- 2015年3月25日
- 研究室の送別会がありました。朴慧美さんが博士課程を修了,城内宏海君が修士課程を修了しました。
- 2015年3月17-19日
- 山梨県甲府市で研究室合宿を行いました。研究室のメンバーは基本的な衛星画像の処理技術を竹内先生から学びました。テクニカルツアーとして、甲府城跡やワイナリー、甲斐善光寺、武田神社にも訪れました。
- 2015年3月5日
- 静岡北中学校の中学1年生が研究室の見学に来ました。博士2年の李さんと修士2年の城内くんが研究内容を説明し,中学生たちは熱心に聞き入っていました。
- 2015年3月3-4日
- 第23回生研フォーラム「宇宙からの地球環境・災害のモニタリングとリスク評価」が行われました。例年を大幅に上回る69件の発表(口頭39件・ポスター30件)と109名の参加者があり,大盛況に終わりました。[お礼状]
- 2014年10月23日-
11月1日- 〈特集:ACRS 2014〉アジアリモートセンシング会議(ACRS)に参加するため,研究室メンバー全員でミャンマーのネピドーへ出張しました。学会の前にはハノイも訪問し,ベトナム気象水文環境研究所(IMHEN)で合同ゼミを行いました。
Student nightの様子
Student awardを受賞した李さん
- 2014年9月25日
- 研究室の送別会がありました。ソドさんが博士課程を修了しました。
- 2014年8月20-23日
- ソウル国立大学との合同ゼミを行うため,研究室メンバー全員で韓国に出張しました。合同ゼミではソウル国立大学のリモートセンシング研究室・GIS研究室が参加し,各学生による研究内容の紹介や意見交換が行われました。幅広い研究テーマが扱われ,普段のゼミとは異なる雰囲気で学生たちにとって大きな刺激となりました。終了後には大学内のレストランで懇親会も開催されました。
- 2014年7月28日
- 朝日航洋株式会社の空間情報事業本社に見学に行きました。
- 2014年6月6-7日
- 駒場リサーチキャンパス公開が行われ,研究室の紹介を行いました。荒天にもかかわらず,中高生を中心に多くの方々が来場し,先生や学生の説明に熱心に耳を傾けていました。
- 2014年5月23日
- 航空宇宙工学科の岩崎研と合同でバーベキューを行いました。
- 2014年4月16-18日
- ISRSで研究発表のために釜山に出張しました。Sodさんが90編の中から上位6名に与えられるYoung scholar awardを受賞しました。
Young scholar awardの受賞式にて
- 2014年4月1日
- 新学期が始まりました。堅山直樹君が学部から修士課程に進学し,筑波大学から角田翔君が修士課程に進学しました。
- 2014年3月28日
- 研究室の送別会がありました。藤川亜矢さんと岡村典子さんが修士課程を修了,堅山直樹君が学部を卒業しました。
- 2014年3月24日
- 沢田治雄先生の最終講義が生研で行われました。[お礼状]